View Full Version : Alexis Goggins-A tribute to humanity

2008-12-05, 01:58 AM
Humans are resiliant beings. Our bodies and minds which at first seem so fragile is amazingly strong. All our power to destroy and our frailties are matched by equal and opposite forces. Lest you forget this, i would like to remind you of Alexis Goggins, a 7 year old girl who offered proof of this about this time last year.

Alexis (1st grade) saved her mothers life last year by jumping into a hail of bullets at point blank range. The shooter was her mother's (insane) boyfriend and Alexis was shot six times (1 in the arm, 1 in the torso, 4 in the head) by his 9mm.

She nearly died but someone aparently pointed a dramatic finger at death and shouted "OBJECTION!" Perhaps it was God or Buddha or Vishnu or Cernunnos or Rick Astley or Mr. Rogers or Christopher Walkin.
I like to think that in the end that doesnt matter. That when it comes down to it, it was the strength of humanity that saved Alexis and her mother on that December day last year.

2008-12-05, 02:04 AM
I forgot all about that. I wonder how she's doing these days... 4 in the head... wow. Wow.

2008-12-05, 02:09 AM
Tough girl.
She would be one of the few people that I'd kneel down to if I passed her on the street(if she can walk after that :smallfrown:).

The one that was looking after her was likely him (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Jude).

2008-12-14, 12:31 AM
Did you read that off of "7 People Who Cheated Death?"