View Full Version : In serious need for an OOTS style avatar

2008-12-07, 12:46 AM
Ive searched everywhere in the adoption thingy but there are none like it. I really need a drow avatar. If you will help here are the specifications:
Black-ish skin (Duh, its a drow)
Long White Hair (Any style is fine)
Spider symbol on his shirt
dagger in hand

someone please help me

2008-12-07, 12:53 AM
I think this post belongs more in this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33589) thread.

I'll help you if I have spare time tomorrow. They're fairly simple to whip up, especially if the spider is the biggest detail you need. It'll probably only take a few minutes. I have to go to bed now, though.

Good luck finding an artist. I'll be happy to do it if you can't find one by noon tomorrow.

2008-12-07, 12:55 AM
thx I'll keep you in mind