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View Full Version : Good uses for Silent Image?

2008-12-10, 04:52 PM
I realize that the spell is very useful, but I'm having a little trouble coming up with some good illusions. Thought I'd ask the Playground!

2008-12-10, 05:09 PM
A mime?


I know this sounds simplistic, but any situation where you want someone to see something that doesn't make sound, use it.

Walls & bushes are a personal favorite

2008-12-10, 05:16 PM
Conceal yourself by covering your image in shadowy camouflage that looks like the shadowy wall you're standing next to.

Create the glint of spearpoints and horsehair helmets of reinforcements sneaking up on your enemy - where they can see them but the reinforcements apparently aren't observant enough to know they've been spotted.

Cover a pit trap with an illusion of a floor section.

Cover a doorway with an illusion of a wall from the outside, but the image of a window from the other side.

Create the illusion of an incredibly bright light.

Create false tracks leading in a different direction than your party took, and smooth over the image of the real tracks.

Send up a signal flare of any variety to give any prearranged message to someone watching.

Make your copper coins look just like silver coins.

Make your gold coins look just like platinum coins.

Make your cheap glass and copper junk jewelry look like diamonds and silver.

Make your worn travelling clothes look like fine noble's clothes.

Give a +2 circumstance bonus to someone trying to hide by changing the color of all his clothes to perfectly match his surroundings.

Make your friend's acid-based spells look like fire-based spells, subverting enemy attempts to put up resistances.

Change the color of a dragon from black to green, making the locals give adventurers bad advice on what preparations they should make.

Make wisps of snowflakes and mist, or low flames and red glow and a little smoke, or dancing electric pulses, on your weapon or armor. Make people put up the wrong resistances - or waste time putting them up at all.

Make your half-orc look just like a human.

Make some kobolds look just like boulders.

Cover the inner workings of a trap so anyone who attempts to follow standard disarming procedures for the illusory type will be guaranteed to set off the real trap type.

Create some flashy and fun holograms and make some money as a performer in a traveling show.

Create pornographic holograms and make more money as a performer.

Make your sorry ass look like a fine war-horse.

Make your sorry ass look plump and firm.

Hold fake seances and take money from the distraught and hopeful - just like in real life (http://stopsylvia.com/)!

When you want to gather a crowd, throw in a few fake people and make it seem like you're more popular than you really are.

Dye the dwarf's beard pink and put an illusion on it that makes it look normal. Drink a glass of water while juggling chainsaws and let the spell drop. You couldn't have cast anything on him, you were way too busy! Let's all hop in the Mystery Machine!

Tell people you will sharpen their scissors for 5 CP. But then you just use an illusion on them. Then you make yourself scarce.

Pickpocket all the arrows out of the BBEG's quiver, and put an illusion that the arrows are in there. He will reach for them but never feel anything. But until he reaches for an arrow he won't know.

Make it look like someone is trying to climb out of the pile of dragon poop.

Make it look like you brushed your dog but you're really just lazy.

Create an emoticon that you alter as needed to express your mood. Bonus points for placing the emoticon directly above your face.

When someone argues with you about what happened, create a silent film showing what "actually happened". But of course you can choose what to show, right?

Make it look like there are twinkling and smoldering caltrops scattered around the area. People will avoid walking through it.

Make your weapon look like a Blunt type when it's actually Piercing (such as covering a Sword with the image of a Hammer).

2008-12-10, 05:28 PM
Great for any sort of inanimate object. Make the enemy think there is a wall or a door or even a pit of acid between you. And you can do like Eugene did when he played D&D in the afterlife, creating an object and then looking through it (seeing as it won't fool you) to spy on someone.