View Full Version : Eberron meets Nation states

2008-12-11, 07:31 PM
After three weeks of hugging the coast from Adderport packed into three large boats you finally reach the southern-most tip of Q'barra at dawn. The rugged seamen aid you in the back breaking task of rowing all of your cargo onto the rockey beach where you set up a temporary camp. The beach it's self apperas harmless enough if you ignore some of the larger lizards sunning themselves on rocks a little ways away. It is the foreboding line of trees that swallows up the beach a half a mile inland that seems to worry some of your fellow travelers.

It's now noon and the sailors are just beginning to sail away. It's become a fine spring day with the chirping of exotic birds of all colors that make it seem ever brighter. There are just under fifty of you in the semi circle of your camp many using the supply crates as impromptu benches. An attractive Karn woman in a stunning black and red ball gown complete with a matching fan steps into the middle of the circle and begins addressing the crowd.
"Greetings." She says with a thick Karnathi accent. "I am countess Jasmine Ir'Colo. I will be your new ruler."

A bronzed Aundarian monk hefts his massive axe over one shoulder as he stands up slowly. "Why are you the ruler of these new lands. Are we not all equals now that we have escaped the trappings of civilization."

"Nonsense" She replies. "I spent most of the money on this expedition it is only natural that I am it's leader."

"So I assume you already have the situation planned out then M'lady?" Asks an odd looking gnome with a huge bronze eye patch that covers nearly half his face."

"But of course. There is an ancient goblin ruin not three day hike from here. We will clear it out and use it for shelter until a proper city can be built."

"if I may be so bold madam." The gnome starts. "An incursion into a dangerous ruin seems not worth the risk why not simply build our new town right here. It's right on the beach so shipping will be easier and no need to go traipsing through millennia old ruins."

"I agree with the gnome." The monk says rubbing his chin. "seems like a much better place to create our new town."

"I say we hear what everyone has to say then put it to a vote." Chimes in the gnome. "It seems the only fair thing to do."
Murmers of agreement are heard throughout the camp.

The countess snaps her fan back and forth angrily and retreats in to the arms of a dark cloaked servant who's face is obscured by his wide brimmed hat.

2008-12-11, 08:24 PM
It is quite the conundrum says a middle-aged and slightly heavy-set elf from the crowd The forest and the fort would both hold unknown dangers, but the fort itself would be a superior ground to stage our landing. This beach woud leave us unprotected, but at least we could see any dangers headed our way. My vote is for setting up initial fortifications here, and sending a small party of our toughest to survey the fort and a good route to it. If the fort is not already being used by dangerous monsters, we should all immidiaty set forth as a group for it, to make use of the greater protection it would offer us. If it is under control already, we should discuss further whether to take it. It would be my inclination though to settle a peaceful and mutually benificial agreement with its ruler, to allow us to stay there.

The elf smiles kindly as he finishes, and then leaves the floor open for any other speakers. A small symbol of Aureon is sewn into his robe, but his robes themselves are that of the entire Host. The cleric apears bookish, but also not unfamiliar with public speaking or giving personal advice.

2008-12-11, 08:36 PM
Zukan looks to his fellow gnome, "And where shall we be if we are attacked while sore from long a days work building from scratch? I propose we at the very least send an expedition to these ruins. If they are not structurally sound enough to warrant the trip, then we shall make do here. Either way it would be unwise to haul these supplies to the ruins, only to Gods forbid, have to bring them back."

His black robes contrast the strangely pale and satisfied face, he smirks to himself. Then quickly controls his face back to neutral attentiveness and yields the floor.

2008-12-11, 09:04 PM
A warforged in flowing white garments makes "her" way to the stage. "I do not care as to where we camp for now, i am prepared for any dangers. however, I agree we need to survey these ruins, if we can build upon them instead of having to take the extra time to build an all-new encampment. Whatever all of you decide upon i shall follow, the important part is that we survive. that's why I am here. Masayori is here, the eternal calm is coming."

"she" sits down once again, slowly and meticulously sitting as to not move too quickly or too slowly.

2008-12-12, 02:33 AM

"I say, if the countess wants to hike three days, she can do it herself!" came a voice from the front of the crowd. The voice was a man, probably of Brelish descent, dressed in a light green shirt and leather breeches.

"The gnome is right! The beach is the best place to build our settlement! Why should we have to march three whole days, and risk danger just so the countess has a place to sit while we build our homes? No, I say we let whoever wants to go with the countess go with her, and we see to getting set up here."

He looked around the area, and points out the surrounds.

"Also, do you honestly believe that it would be a good idea to try and take all this material on a three day hike through the jungle? I think not!"

2008-12-12, 03:44 AM
"If I may humbly interject whilst other wise minds weigh in on this important decision. My Brelish friend, and I mean no offense, should adopt a more respectful tone when speaking in the presence of royalty."

He gives a warm nod to the countess.


He gives a slow glance to the Aundarian monk

"-still means something, even in a place like this."

He respectively bows to the assembled travelers, again to the Brelish man, and lastly to the countess. Then takes his seat on the supply crate, leaning forward intently.

2008-12-12, 05:54 AM

"Every man, woman and warforged," said Salmor, gesturing as he spoke, "Should be judged on their own merits! Not just because they bow and scrape to people with fancy titles."

"Should we treat warforged as second-class citizens, just because in our once-homelands they were nothing but possessions? I think not! We have a chance to put aside all our old differences, to build a nation as equals! To throw this opportunity away would be nothing short of criminal."

2008-12-12, 06:23 AM
A flash of anger crosses his eyes and then is gone.

"Those fancy titles you speak of, are direct mandates of the gods. Are you throwing them away as well? And when disaster strikes, famine, war, will you vote to decide how to handle it? Spend hours in debate while our youth and infirm fall to the ground?"

Zukzan stands up to illustrate his point.

"We stand at a cross roads my friends. We have the opportunity to take the best of our old lives and improve on them. We are starting anew. But my friends. When you go to a new home, do you forsake the ceiling? Then why forsake the leadership and the protection the gods give us in the noble lines? Of course, we are all...sentients, and of course we are the same in the gods eyes. My discontented friend here would use these universal truths to cloud you from radical and dangerous courses of action."

He pauses for a moment, lost in thought, staring out into the jungles depths. "We have left topic as well as our homes, come let us continue the votes so we can stop this pointless debate and get on to the much needed action. Every second we waste in this talk, is another that our people are not behind proper fortifications."

He returns to his supply crate, but remains standing, continuing to stare blankly out into the jungle.

2008-12-12, 08:09 AM

"Divine Mandate? Nobility comes from nothing more than some king tapping his subjects on their shoulders and giving them land!"

Salmor stood in turn to reply to Zukan.

"If they ever had divine mandate, then they have squandered it! They live a life of sloth, and feast when hundreds go cold and hungry, left to lie in the gutter! Yes! I speak truths! This man would have you believe that truth makes my words somehow less than his notions of 'divine right' and scraping one's knees before a fanciful institution."

He turned, and looked at Zukan with burning eyes - not with anger, but with passion.

"Yes, he would have us believe that just because we don't have a title like 'Count' or 'Baron', we are somehow incompetent to make decisions on our own. 'We are all sentients'? We are all people, my dear friend, and if the gods wanted us to mindlessly follow anyone with a title dropped before their names, they would not have given us the ability to think!"

Then, as the gnome moved on to trying to push the vote ahead.

"And thinking, good sir, is evidently not something you have been properly doing. The ruins are three days away, and anybody who has given even a moment of thought about it would know that it would take at least six days for any expedition to the ruins to return. In fact, I would say it would take an entire week, if a day is allowed for them to explore. To get there it would mean at least ten days. In the face of that, the matter of a few minutes to come to a proper decision is no cause for panic."

2008-12-12, 12:49 PM
"Before this explodes into a war of class, i would reccomend that all of us say something as to who we are, and why we are here. that will aid in our understanding of each other's opinions, before they are even voiced.

The first thing I remember was the last days of the Last War, after a month of fighting i was taken to Thrane to work on temples for the Church of the Silver Flame. I escaped, and traveled for years. eventually coming upon a temple of monks in the Ironroot Mountains, i trained there, graduated, heard about this expedition to Q'Barra, and decided i needed a real home. so I am here to protect and serve, not to rule."

2008-12-12, 03:07 PM
The cleric stands forth and speaks, with a light and kindly tone. Yes, introducing ourselves may be quite the thing to sooth the flowing tempers. A hot head is the influence of the Fury, and we don't want to follow that path. Allow me to go next. I am Aurell Lynzine, priest of the Soveriegn Host and favored of Aureon. I am a humble researcher, a librarian if you will, and was unneeded in my home. When I heard tell of this of this expedition, I knew in my soul that it was a task set to me by the Host. Aureon in particulur would wish me to lend my mind and knowledge to this cause.

He pauses, then goes on. As for the arguments so far, turns towards Zukan, by direct mandate of the gods? The gods do not make us who we are, the gods are who we are. When one seeks knowledge, one holds Aureon in their heart. When one is passionatly angered, one holds the Fury in their heart. There is no direct mandate there, there is only truth. A mandate can be a lie, while what we are is a truth. And the gods are that truth.

Turns to Salmor, But do not be hurt. To hold the Fury in one's heart is a passing thing, not a accusation of evil. What matters is who you are deep inside, not who you seem from moment to moment. I respect your oppinions as a person and as a sentient, but I must say that there were some flaws in your arguments. First, if the fort would provide us an excellent defense from the harsh wilderness, a three-day hike would of course be worth it, even with all our provisions. But it may also be a crumbling wreak, which is why I, and it seems most everyone as well, thinks that we should send an expeditionary force. I motion that we come to an agreement on that soon, so we can be about our business. The ten days they will be gone, according to your calculations, means we should immidiatly begin setting up a base here that will last those ten days.

Secondly, The Countess' merits are that she provided the money to get us all here. That money is why you are abe to speak so rudely here, far away from civilization where you might have been jailed for speaking so. Here, in this place, we will forgive you; here, we require the cooperation of everyone, and enmities and personal vendettas will not aid us.

Thirdy, the ability to think which you hold so highy is why we choose leaders. The governing of anything from a small villiage to a mighty nation is a convoluted and delicate business, so leaders are elected to handle that business. When a king "taps the shoulder" of someone and gives them land and title, that person is also given responsibilities. Those responsibilities are what can create a good leader. Now, there are people with responsibilities in this world who are bad leaders. But until you can show that the Countess is one of those people, I would advise you to show her the respect that she as a person and our current leader deserves.

Finally, your comments on the intelligence of your fellow person was quite uncalled for. I ask that you retract it; insults are always bad argumentation.

Aurell again steps back into the crowd, to allow the debate to continue, a kindly and honest smile still showing.

2008-12-12, 05:57 PM
"Ah friend elf, Aurell, your words are true and mend the hearts of mortals with the warmth of the gods. I am also a gnome of the cloth, and my outbursts must be attributed to isolated monastery talk and thought. I came, as my master commanded, to aid in the construction and moral growth of this new settlement. My apologies that the first you hear of me is in hot debate, I suppose it is long over due I introduce my self."

He strokes his blond goatee and turns his hazel and brown eyes to the assembly.

"You may know me as Zukzan, monk of the gods, and guardian of honor."

Turning to Salmor, "I do not wish to gamble our peoples lives sitting on this beach, twiddling our thumbs whilst the expedition is underway. As the wise elf said before, temporary fortifications must be built here regardless of our action. So yes, these minutes matter. I seek not panic, but action and security. My apologies if I failed to convey this."

You are unsure if you saw a smile when he was speaking to Salmor, either way his face has remain relatively impassive. He yields the floor, looking back out to the jungle.

2008-12-12, 06:16 PM

"Salmor Pegeson, and I don't have such flowery credentials. I am a tailor not afraid to speak my mind, nothing more, and nothing less." replied Salmor. The unmistakable passionate flame in his eyes was certainly not extinguished by Aurell's attempt at being some 'voice of reason'.

"Reason away all you please. I don't ask to be forgiven, pretending to forgive me for my words as though I came crawling to your chambers is no more than speaking hollow words. If I would be jailed for voicing my beliefs, then so be it. I have weathered the punishments of an institution carried only by history before, and I am not afraid to weather it again."

"What we here today have, is an opportunity to rebuild from scratch. No longer are we held back by fossilised institutions, to push down others based on such superficial matters as blood and species. No, title and wealth alone does not make a leader, and I will show the countess no more respect than any other who claims hereditary wealth as the reason for their leadership."

Then he turned back to the 'divine right' gnome.

"If we'd been arguing for days, maybe you might have a point. If we are in so much danger that not starting right this instant would risk our lives, then we are dead where we stand. A minute spent coming to a decision is better spent than a minute spent in haste. A wall built to last is different from a palisade built to weather ten days, and a decision must be made as to which one we will make before we start."

2008-12-12, 07:25 PM
"Very well Salmor, as politeness and basic manners seem to arouse nothing but insults and anger I will ask you plainly. What sort of government are you proposing?"

2008-12-12, 07:25 PM
The Aundarian monk stands up once again. "While lofty morals and the divine mandate are topics of interest for myself the decision to whether or not we even send an expedition to explore the ruins must not be deterred. I myself vote against it , however if it is the will of the people I volunteer myself to risk my life so no one else has to."

"Don't be silly sir." The eye patched gnome replied. "While I may have been against risking the lives of the lives of our fellows, If we do go I will be coming and you will be hard pressed to keep me from coming. I dare say this is exactly the kind of thing that brought me out to these Kyber damned jungles in the first place."

"And your vote?" The monk asks.

"I'm for it." The gnome says pulling a book out of his small pack. "Despite my personal reasons for wanting to go the fact is the goblins wouldn't have built it where they did unless they had a good reason. Perhapes a vaulible mine is located near or maybe rare herbs."

"Or maybe in the ten thousand years since it's construction the reason the goblins had is long gone."

"I still believe it's still at least a look."

"Very well, what say everyone else?"

2008-12-12, 07:45 PM
Raises own hand, then turns to Salmor, Now, as you have suggested, we will vote as equals. The Countess, a title that truly means little out here, will I hope vote as well and will be treated with an equal vote. You will have a vote equal to a Countess, no better, no worse. Can you live with that?

And really, nothing but a tailor? Forgive me for making this discussion just a personal argument between a few speakers, but you are no mere tailor. You are a being of the gods, of all the gods. You are also a being of your past, and I am sorry if yours has not been an easy one. But I am not here to forgive. I am here to speak the truth, or as much as I know. And when you tell someone that they are unintelligent, when you tell someone else that they deserve no respect, you are a fool. I say this as kindly as I can, but it is the truth as I see it.

Now, you have made some valid points. We indeed are not rushed to watch our every minute. But we should act as soon as possible. To everyone, As I see it, to first send out an expeditionary force of no more than three or four, then to build a temporary encampment that will last ten if not twenty days, is the only logical choice. So please, everyone, raise your hand.

2008-12-12, 07:57 PM


"They deserve none of the artificial respect formed by the pretenses of rank. If they then serve to lose more by poor foresight, then they deserve all the less." replied Salmor.

"I vote that we should not send an expedition to the ruins. It's a stupid idea to try and carry all our materials on a three day hike through jungle to a ruin. We need to follow the coast to a rivermouth, or even a bay."

Surprisingly, the tailor seemed to know exactly what he was talking about.

"Ideals aside, I know of one not too far from here."

2008-12-12, 08:19 PM
"fool," The countess says to Salamor. " I hired Thrush Xivdrad himself to locate the perfect place for our future docks, and now some tailor pesent thinks he knows better, Humph." Her servant lifts his head and glares at you. A chill runs down your spine as your eyes meet his and his almost too perfect face breaks into a menacing grin.

2008-12-12, 08:26 PM
Now ma'am, such talk is really not polite. The man is worthy of your respect as well, as you are of his. But really, I would like to hear more about this. Such knowledge could be truly a gift of Aureon. Although it must be said, I believe our vote is still quite important too. If we build our camp here or at this bay is not important yet. What is important is the vote to decide our next action, which should be to send that expedition. Keeps hand held high, and looks around to encourage everyone else to do the same.

2008-12-12, 09:06 PM
"Well." a small little girl appears to say. Upon a second glance you notice it isn't a girl but a very finely crafted a realistic puppet. Laying casually on a crate is an androgynous half elf in a finely crafted glimmer weave cloak. The puppet with the half elf's hand up her back continues to talk. "We vote for staying right here its comphy here. All in favor of staying here." Both the puppet's and the half elf's arm raise in the air. Twelve others raise their hands in the air, (assuming Salamor is the only one Pc's voting to stay.)

"Splendid." The gnome says. "I'll begin packing and we'll leave within the hour."

"We're coming too." The countess says taking a wand from a sheath hidden in her dress.

"Fine lets go." The monk says grabbing the eye patched gnome by the shoulder as he leaves. The creepy butler and countess right behind him.

2008-12-12, 09:48 PM
Well, that seems to be that. Watches the four leave, then turns to Salmor, Please, tell me more about this bay. In fact, turns to everyone still here, in the interest of keeping the rest of us together, perhaps we should all visit this place? Back to Salmor, Assuming it isn't to far? Such a spot could provide an excellent spot to begin building.

2008-12-12, 10:22 PM
I Shall join the party going to the ruins, the services of a warforged trained in construction will aid in the appraisal of the fortification.

2008-12-12, 10:29 PM
Actually, to the warforged, could you please stay? Those four seem quite capable of taking care of themselves, and we don't want to send too many. Your fighting skills could serve useful here.

2008-12-12, 10:31 PM
"Done sir, I shall stay. but keep me out of power, i am a laborer, even if i abhor my previous owners. and please, refer to me as Masayori."

please check the OOC thread i started for this

2008-12-12, 10:36 PM
Of course Masayori, but I would prefer to value your aid for all that you can give us. Certainly we must build fortifications to last twenty days, and your knowledge would serve all of us greatly in that regard as well. But if we are attacked, it will be up to all of us to defend ourselves.

2008-12-12, 10:37 PM
ok, i will head said project, first we need to get to where we are going.

2008-12-13, 12:20 AM

Salmor remained resolutely unshaken at the servant's menacing glare. He'd weathered worse, and he was ready for the glare of the aristocratic oppressor.


"A bay? Besides the two at Adderport, no, there is no bay." replied Salmor.

"I was thinking of a different place. There should be a lake a couple of miles away from here - it wouldn't take more than a day or two at the very outermost to get there and back, even if it's through a bit of jungle."

2008-12-13, 12:23 AM
"there is one quick problem, how will the other four know where we go? is there a mage or trainer with them to send a messenger?"

2008-12-13, 12:30 AM
With a day to prepare, I could possibly do something. Or perhaps one of the others here can help in that regard. Turns to the other immigrants, Does anyone know long-distance communication magic? Something we can use to guide those who left to our location if we go somewhere else?

2008-12-13, 12:33 AM
an animal will work, as will a sending spell or animal messenger spell. even psionic telepathy would serve the cause.

2008-12-13, 12:35 AM
"I'll stay," Says a young Brellish man. "It'll give me time to catch up on my fishing." He goes over to a large crate and pulls out a fishing pole and a tend. "I'll leave these here, follow you to the lake then come back and wait for the others. It may be a little dangerous but I'm no stranger to danger and got no family to miss me."

2008-12-13, 12:35 AM

"As wonderful as it might be to leave the countess and her lackies to their fates, at most we will be a few miles away. She could find her way across with one eye." responded Salmor. It wasn't very far away from the current campground at all - no doubt with a little looking, the countess would easily be able to see a campfire or something.

"Not everything takes magic. Worst comes to worst, I have a few magics I've picked up over the years that I could use to send a message."

2008-12-13, 12:38 AM
"alright, that issue is settled, stay man of breland, your efforts will aid with supplies greatly, for those of us who need to eat. we will make a smokey fire tonight so you may see our position at that time."

2008-12-13, 12:46 AM
To Masayori, Psionics? You believe in that mystical nonsense? I have no disrespect for those so called psions, but I do not believe their claims of some other sort of power. They are wizards who just want to seem differant. I can handle their claims of strange powers, but I do hate the lies they tell. Obviosly, if the Host did not create them, they do not exist. As is the world, so are the gods. As are the gods, so is the world.

To Salmor, Good, by pooling our talents we should be able to contact them with no problem. And the good fisherman here can also tell them; most likely, that will be all we need.

To all, Well, shall we be off?

2008-12-13, 12:48 AM
Psionics? You believe in that mystical nonsense? I have no disrespect for those so called psions, but I do not believe their claims of some other sort of power. They are wizards who just want to seem differant. I can handle their claims of strange powers, but I do hate the lies they tell. Obviosly, if the Host did not create them, they do not exist. As is the world, so are the gods. As are the gods, so is the world.

One saved my life back in the war, he created an all new plate for my head with his mind. there was no speech, no movements, only power radiating around him. it was an amazing sight, unfortunately he died the next day, an enemy spy came to the camp and killed all the mages we had.

2008-12-13, 12:55 AM
I have read of mages doing the same thing. I have no problem with them personally; in fact, it would be a great honor to question one and learn of their kind. But I do not believe they are differant from a wizard, as you have just helped prove.

2008-12-13, 12:58 AM
I have read of mages doing the same thing. I have no problem with them personally; in fact, it would be a great honor to question one and learn of their kind. But I do not believe they are differant from a wizard, as you have just helped prove.

"must have been a great mage, I have never seen one myself, all of the mages in my troop were fairly new, we were mostly my people and dwarves". Masayori heaves a heavy sigh, "It is unfortunate more of their kind can not exist".

2008-12-13, 01:02 AM
Really? I would be worried myself. Such power ... to do such things, they may be inherently stronger than all of us. That sort of thing worries me. Power without limits can lead to temptation to use it for evil. We all hold the Dark Six, a rare frown crosses his face, then quicky passes, in our hearts, and the temptation of power can bring them out.

2008-12-13, 01:16 AM
As you're talking the settler begin the grueling task of moving your camp. The half elf pouts as he hops off his perch and puts his hands in his pockets. The puppet suddenly springing to sluggish life begins lifting a crate ten times it's size and starts following it's master.

It's slow going through the thick jungle undergrowth but you get to your destination unmolested a mere five hours latter. The lake it's self is a half a mile in diameter and is cool and refreshing after your day's labors. There is a small clearing next to the lake where you pile all of your cargo and start creating temporary habitations.

2008-12-13, 01:17 AM

Salmor ignored the little discussion about magic, and set about preparing his pack, loaded to the seams.

"Regrettably, I can't help carry any of the crates, because I have to lead the way. Come, everybody, let's all pitch in and carry as much as we can so we don't have to come back."

He set about helping everyone else with how much they would carry, taking heavier items if they seemed to be having trouble. By the end of the hour, Salmor's own pack was incredibly overloaded, and he looked as though any more would make him fall over under its weight. In fact, he seemed to practically be carrying his own weight in supplies.

"Alright, everybody, let's move. Everybody does their part, from the soft to the strong." he said, taking a moment to get his bearings before setting off.

2008-12-13, 01:22 AM
No mere tailor indeed! What a fine location! Truly, Boldrei will find a home in this place. Now good warforged, as our apparent expert in these matters, show us what to do.

2008-12-13, 01:33 AM

Salmor set down his pack by the lakeside, panting with exhaustion as he leaned his elbow against it. He had carried the most out of everyone on the two mile journey, encouraging others the whole way.

"See? I told you it would all be worth it." he managed to gasp out between breaths.

"This, will be our new home. Just... a few minute's rest... then we can start building."

2008-12-13, 03:53 AM
"Though I lack the talent in long range communication magic, I will accompany the expedition. No doubt my combat training at the monastery will aid us in our endeavor."

He swiftly moves to catch up with the leaving expedition.

2008-12-13, 01:10 PM
No, wait sir Zukan! As the speedy gnome slows to hear his words, he catches up to the monk at his own pace, Those four look quite ready to take care of themselves. And a small force of three or four is both the most logical in number and also all that we can do without. Our larger party needs all the warriors it can get, and those four are all we can spare. Will you stay with us?

2008-12-13, 03:07 PM
He slows down to a stop, staring out into the jungle. Without looking at the elf he speaks.

"I had felt a call, Something in there...Well, yes, erm, allow me to aid in the manual labor."

He hurries back to aid in the moving and setting up of the camp.

2008-12-13, 09:27 PM
The week fly by as everyone is too busy to do anything else than follow the warforged's instructions. Soon a respectable palisade is raised along with crude shacks that serve well enough as shelters. The weather has been holding up nicely, but your food stuffs are running dangerously low even supplemented by fish from the lake and ocean.

Near dusk five figures come stumbling into camp. The Aundarian monk has a long gash across his chest and missing his left arm from his elbow up. The gnome and Brelish man are propping him up as it's painfully obvious that he has other wounds that remain unseen. In contrast the Countess and her sinister companion don't have a hair out of place and seem to in fact to have newly pressed clothes. The gnome sets the wounded man down as he flags down Aurell.

"It appears I was mistaken about the ruins." The countess says with a sour look upon her face.
"Mistaken is an understatement!" The gnome shouts at her.
"What happened?" A young elven lass asks dropping her hammer and moving closer to get a better look at the monk.
"The ruins were not as unoccupied as I was lead to believe."
"It was crawling with Crazed lizard folk who nearly killed us all."
"A minor set back I assure you." The butler says with a vicious smile upon his face.
"What's that even supposed to mean? I say we just stay here and do our best to avoid any possible interaction with those evil monsters." The gnome says as the butler reaches into his suit only to get a disapproving glance from his mistress and giving an evil smile to the gnome.

"I say" stasrts an obese half elf who has been acting as the communities chef for the past week. "now that we picked a place to settle down we choose a town council and divvy up our resources so we can get everything done we need to before the winter season."

"Seconded," Says the gnome. "I nominate Aurell as he is a learned scholar of the host and would provide this town with a steady stream of wisdom."

"I think the adorable warforged should be in charge." Says the puppet in the hands of the half elf you still cant figure out is male or female.

"Salimor is my choice of a leader." The chef says.

"I refuse to be apart of this committee ." The countess says with distain. "But if you are asking for the least moronic of this group I would say the gnome showed more promise than the rest." She says pointing to Zukan.

"I vote to take this as our council as a whole" The chef says.
"Seconded!" Shout the gnome obviously very excited by these rough and tumble politics. "All in favor say I!" Everyone votes in favor even the countess sighs a little aye. "Well now we just divvy up our responsibilities. The way I see it there are four basic thing's we need people in charge of. Economy, defense , law and infrastructure." Most of the settlers nod in agreement as he continues. "Now who gets to be in charge of what my new and fearless leaders?" The gnome asks with a wide smile.

2008-12-13, 09:38 PM
Hearing the commotion, Aurell has come to see what is going on. He gives a quick look at the wounded monk,


But there is nothing he can do for such a griouvous wound except stop the bleeding, which he promptly begins doing with a simple spell. Then, hearing his nomination for leader, he nearly faints from suprise. When the much more sensible suggestion of council member (and the honor of even that makes him slightly shaky), he speaks; I ... I gladly accept your nomination, and promise to do all that I can to make this town prosper. And the best way I know to do that would be through handling the matters of the law. As a Vassal of the Host and a favored priest of Aureon, I would be the logical choice for that position.

2008-12-13, 10:55 PM

Salmor couldn't help but sigh at the Countess' actions.

"Sending others to do your work, as usual. You nobles are all the same."

The sudden council nomination caught the tailor slightly off-guard, however. Within a few moments, however, he regained his composure.

"I am flattered by your nomination, my people, and I would be proud," he said, opening a box and producing a slightly time-worn beret, "To head the defence of our new home, to protect it from those who would tear away our newfound freedoms!"

He put on the beret, pulling it on like an old friend, before looking out at the settlers.

"Perhaps some might argue that I am not the 'logical' choice, but I say let them argue. I will see to it that we remain safe and free until Khorvaire itself collapses upon our heads, and even then we will still be free. Every one of us will be treated as equals, as we should be under the eyes of the gods. I promise it."

2008-12-13, 11:25 PM
"alright, i shall accept, but on a limited basis. But before any serious decisions are made, i have question. did any of these lizardfolk, did you cover your tracks, do you beleive they may pursue en masse? if there is any the slightest chance that they shall pursue us we will need to start true defensive structures soon, VERY soon."

can we get a map of our outpst DM?

2008-12-14, 12:40 AM
"I have no fears, I am sure Salmor's passion could crush any foe."

He flashes a congenial smile at the human.

"If the kind warforged has no objections I will humbly head the economy. Not like we have much of one at this point."

2008-12-14, 12:40 AM
"No need to worry we gave them the old slip." The gnome says tilting his head and giving you what appears to be a one eyed wink.
"I say we call it a night and get a fresh start in the morning. That is right after we decide what to call our little town. I am partial to New Southport but that is just myself. Anyone else have any suggestions?"

2008-12-14, 12:50 AM
I will head up defense, i learned much on such things during The War. and because i do not have to sleep i will be able to monitor all throughout the night. tonight i shall begin on further fortification of the wall closest to the ruins. as well as beginning the foundation of some towers.

but first, to the ones who went to the ruins, do any of your weapons need mending, i am skilled in such things, i can handle it while you are asleep.

2008-12-14, 12:54 AM
"My dagger is fine, but we dropped the monks axe while running like Kyber. The other two," the gnome motions to the countess and her servant, "are spellcasters so I doubt they are in need of your services."

2008-12-14, 12:59 AM
"alright, off to work i go." masayori begins surveying the wall, looking for knots in the wood that may detract from it's strength.

"oh, as for the name, i care not, do what you shall. it will always have the same name to me. Haven."

2008-12-14, 01:04 AM
"Haven sounds like a perfectly apt name. As there is contention over defense, could not they both head it as equals? I would offer my services in infrastructure as well. To be honest I was planning on tying the economy and infrastructure tightly together anyway."

2008-12-14, 01:05 AM

"Fortresses?" asked Salmor, who had already claimed 'Defence' 6 posts ago, not that the warforged managed to notice.

"I think consideration should go first to building strong homes, before we build walls. Right now all we have are temporary lodgings - with only fifty of us, we can't man a wall, anyway."

2008-12-14, 01:07 AM
"Hm... Haven isn't a bad name either. You do realize that two of you have volenteered for the same position. Personally, no offence to Salmor, a creature created for war seems like the obvious candidate to oversee our defences but I think I will leave it to you two to hash out."

2008-12-14, 01:07 AM
"ohh, i must have not heard salmor correctly, no i shall leave that up to him. i shall simply work with the architecture and management of resources, working closely with salmor and the gnome there. i beg your forgiveness gnome, i have forgotten your name."

"salmor, as you know more of this region than i do. approximately how much does it rain here? and is there any stone or resin-making trees near here?"

2008-12-14, 01:12 AM
"If you are referring to me Mistress Masayori, I am Zukzan, if you are referring to our cycloptic friend I must also confess no knowledge of his name."

2008-12-14, 01:15 AM
"i was speaking to you, thank you" masayori begins muttering "zukan, gnome. salmor, antagonist. aurell, priest."

2008-12-14, 01:17 AM
I am of course partial to something a bit more holy sounding, like New Light or Sovereignty, but Haven ... now that rings like a church bell in my mind. I too say Haven.

To Masayori, I think the building of homes or walls would be a great fit for you. Remember, you will be a council member, not a worker, so you will oversee all the work. This way, all jobs under construction will be checked by your knowledgable eye.

To Salmor, Walls not important? Those lizards could attack at any time, stout walls would be our best defense.

2008-12-14, 01:19 AM

Salmor nodded, and turned his attentions to the crowd again.

"Well, since we have been elected as the leaders of our new home, I think it's time we got to our new duties, rather than stand here preaching to you all."

He headed off to take stock of the tools and weaponry the countess had the foresight to bring. He didn't expect a whole lot, and no doubt there would be a lot completely unsuited to their new home.

To the priest, the response was simple.

"Stout walls? Next to a lake? Against Lizardfolk?" he asked, a little incredulous at the suggestion.

2008-12-14, 01:21 AM
"i actually partially agree with salmor, but the homes will need thatching more than anything, so we will need resin. i believe we have enough people that we will be able to head both projects at once. the homes will not need many people, the hardest part will be collecting the materials, i will need a maximum of 10 people. tomorrow we will start looking for resin and light wood for better roofs. the walls should hold in the meantime, they are made of good-quality hardwood."

2008-12-14, 01:27 AM
"Am I the only one who remembers the rumbles of the gut? The fish will not sustain us alone, and supplies are dwindling. Tell me, did anyone from the expedition find fruit bearing trees? Perhaps the soil outside of where you-

He gestures to the warforged.

"-were going to build a wall could be cultivated...once we remove those trees. Could we herd those large lizards we saw earlier? We would do wise to meet our basic needs in Haven before enclosing it all in."

2008-12-14, 01:30 AM
The cleric is slightly miffed by Salmor pointing out his mistake, but he quickly searches for a way to explain himself. The walls that we build around our homes represent the walls around our souls, protecting us from evil. We need walls to give us strength, even if ... they may not ... be entirely useful ... He suddenly looks up, the smile back on his face as he triumphantly says, There are undoubtedly other things in the woods that we must protect ourselves from! Walls will not be meaningless at all!

To Zukzan, calming down a bit, A good point, small plots for gardens would be best within our walls, or at least with another wall or even a fence around them.

2008-12-14, 01:32 AM
"hmm, a good point. i am sorry i forgot about food. as i have no hunger it is hard for me to remember. I agree, and will begin surveying tonight, towers can wait. we may also have to work on the placement of houses, they are a bit too uniform, and close. we will need a central fire, as well as fireplaces in every home."

2008-12-14, 01:35 AM
"Small plots may work marginally well for the short term. But if we are to thrive we need fields. I would like to requisition 10 able bodies for clearing and tilling the land for farms. 5 more of our most successful fishers at the coast. And another 5 to see to domesticating animals for stock. If it pleases the council?

"Oh yes, and if these are sucessful if I could have your 'ear' Masayori, I would like to suggest some sort of subterranean granary."

2008-12-14, 01:41 AM
"i will agree with those numbers, that leaves 10 for homes, and 20 for other projects. but i want to have that brellish man take charge of fishing, under you of course. but as someone had said earlier, you all should go to bed, we will start at dawn tomorrow."

"and underground holding space is definitely an option, but we will need a whole crew for it, thus the project will have to wait for some other things to be stabilized."

2008-12-14, 01:43 AM

Salmor inwardly chuckled as the 'Council' stumbled about on priorities, and let them be for the moment. He had managed to take hold of the important position of managing the militia, but that wouldn't be necessary so quickly.

Let them squabble. He had a people to speak with, and a plan to formulate as to how Haven would handle its own survival. Especially if those who wished to impose their dated prejudices on his new peoples decided to attack.


2008-12-14, 01:44 AM
That sounds good to me. Your knowledge of such things will be truly a gift from Boldrei. I will do as I have been doing, leading morning services and helping those in need of clerical aid. If there is no reason why I should not continue my usual duties with my new position? The cleric looks around, to see if anyone objects to him leading both religion and law in the community. In doing so, he sees Salmor walking away; the man seems preoccupied, but the hunch of his shoulders gives the cleric nagging worries. He decides to have a talk with the man later, to see how he is doing.

2008-12-14, 01:45 AM
Extra expenditure of time on Gather Info for more detailed information on the populace.


[roll2] (Extra)

2008-12-14, 01:50 AM
"Dear elf, I would be more then pleased for you to be the voice to sooth the woes that may come. But the time for sleep has long been over due, we must be fresh for tomorrow."

As everyone begins to disperse he singles out the individuals slated for the tasks he purposed and begins to shortly endear himself to them.

[roll0] Diplomacy+9

2008-12-14, 01:50 AM
"no, you should stay with your duties to the people. but see if there is anyone here that may help you in case you need sudden additional aid, such as if you cannot handle something on your own. make sure and know who and where they are, that way you can call on them if a situation arises"

2008-12-14, 01:57 AM
My duties to the people are both religious and of the law. I can do both; it is done in such a way in many towns in many nations. I was just asking if anyone objects to it. I know myself to be above conflicting interests, but you good people may not. If you trust me, I assure you your trust will be well met.

2008-12-14, 02:42 AM
"No objections from this end my god elf. Well now that it's getting dark out I suggest we set up a light guard so the rest of can get some proper sleep." Everyone seems to nod in agreement as a small group of men take up torches and take posts near the edges of Haven. The rest of the folk retreat into the crude shelters and put down for a good night's rest.

Masaori-Haven Camp

As you patrol the camp near dawn a shadowy figure lunges out of the darkness and latches onto you. Before you respond to attack you recognize it to be the crazy half elf with the puppet squeezing you in a vice like bear hug. "Hi Mrs. warforged My name is Chris! I get to be your helper 'caus I'm good at building things. What are we gonna build first? We could build one big house for everyone to live in or a bunch of little houses so that no one would have to share. How about we wake everyone up right now and get started!

Salimor-Haven Camp
Before you go to bed your time among the people obviously begin to bear fruit. While you do not earn enough good will to have people abandon the rest of the council you get a bit of information that makes defense a lot easier. You find that Sarius (The half elf chef) was a hardened veteran of the red gauntlets and with his help you found and enlisted the aid of the ten most able men to join an official city guard. Combat formations are drawn up and given to all before you finally retire.

The next morning you wake up as the chef nudges you awake. "I beg your pardon sir." He’s quietly so as not to overly disturb you. "But ma and some of the guards are having a bit of an argument. You see Jackson over there," He says pointing his thumb over his shoulder at a scrawny halfling, "Says we should use some of our men as scouts and I says to him that we only have ten men in the first pace and we can't spare a single person to be wondering off through the woods by themselves probably getting himself killed. Since we decided to make you the leader we were wondering what you want to have happen."
"Excuse me sir but those two are idiots" A grizzled old dwarf by the name of Gorb says as he approaches you. "If we don't get a decent meal it won't matter what manner of beastie comes to eat us since we'd be already dead. I says we spend our time wisely and rustle us up some grub.

Zukan-Haven camp

Your late night attempts to curry favor appear to have done little you realize as you gently drift to sleep. When you awaken you are faced with a small yet angry group of people. t the front is the countess who wastes no time getting in your face. "Good you're up. I refuse to live like this any longer I demand a decent place to sleep at night and I want it to be bigger and better than anyone else's accommodations. I am an Ir'Colo after all and even out here I demand the best."
"Don't be silly." Sabrina the young elven lass says with a smile. "We need an inn so we can have visitors and have a proper place to cook meals."
"Yes that's exactly what we need." The Brelish fisherman says rolling his eyes. "It's obvious what this town needs to even start thinking about trading. A proper dock and dock house. Otherwise we're just all trading with our selves.
"I liked your plan for farms..." Says a timid young man by the name of Gary.

Aurell-Haven Camp
After your morning sermon the eye patched gnome approaches you with quill and parchment. "well you seem to have the easy job for now." He chuckles "The only pressing matter at hand as I see it is how high our taxes will be. I know it won't come into play for a long time but it is best to have these things on the books before people start taking advantage of the system." He stands eagerly awaiting to translate your words into law.

2008-12-14, 02:53 AM
"Your Highness, I believe your goals will be better met by the Warforged, they are building homes as we speak. I do however wish you a better nights sleep tonight.

"I like the dock plan, the tavern seems superfluous at this stage. The tasks will remain the same, but square away the wood when you clear the fields, a harbor will increase our fish yield as well as trade. If no one has any more questions I will lend my hand to the clearing of the forests."

He turns and smiles to the timid man, "Come, let us get to work feeding these people."

2008-12-14, 07:01 AM
More like a militia, methinks.

What kind of weapons are available to the militia?


Salmor nodded, and considered the situation. "It's true. We can't risk anybody going out on scouting missions on their own. The jungle is dangerous, and anyone who gets attacked or gets lost won't be coming back, more likely than not."

He looked at the assembled group slowly before continuing.

"Of course, there isn't much we can do about the risk but go out in groups so we don't get lost. We'll head out in groups of four, with one group staying back to keep watch. I'll gather some brightly coloured strips of cloth - I'm sure at least the countess has something in her wardrobe - and we'll tie them on trees as we pass so we've got a trail."

2008-12-14, 11:16 AM
"ahh, i am glad that i have your services chris, i saw what you did back at the beach. i am happy to have you work with me, but i require one thing, tell me how you did that, and NEVER jump on me again. next time you will die.

today we start on building large, but slightly individual homes. they will be able to house ten people each. thus the people who want to live together can. some will ofcourse e modified to fit the people who live there."

2008-12-14, 04:05 PM
Ah yes, I was thinking about that while I meditated. Our society is unique at this time, and unique laws must be put in place to protect it. Please take down what I say, so that it can be part of the official decree. Looks at the gnome to make sure he is ready to do so, then begins.

First, our small society is not like any other society. Normally, the people earn money for their work, and some of that money is taxed to support the society as a whole. Such a system is necessary so that the government can aid and work to protect its people in the ways that only a government can, nothing more. I do agree with good Salmor that some governments support themselves more than their people, so I will decree now that, for now, members of government can not take for personal use any of what is taxed. This really only applies to the council members though; if our parent nation wished to tax us, we would use our taxes without placing such an obligation on them.

Secondly, because we have no money to bandy about, and no money we could ask as taxes, we will instead tax labor. Every person of the community above childhood and also not of a venerable age must work at least eight hours a day, excluding holy days. That work must be done at the behest of a council member or someone appointed by one. The work also must only be to improve the community, not the person themselves; this includes caring for children or the venerable. Council members are not immune from this requirement, but can work for themselves, as long as one other council member approves that the work will be for the community and not only themselves. The labor of appointed individuals, or council proxies, can only be approved by a council member, or a proxy of a council member other than their own. In the future, this requirement of labor will be changed, but only when the entire council agrees that it is no longer necessary. From now until it is gone, the council will convene every month to go over this issue, and any other such issues that require our attention as a group. The council should continue these meetings after we end the labor requirement, to continue that secondary goal.

Third, any labor above eight hours a day is considered personal, so is not “taxed”. This time may be spent achieving one’s own goals, or continuing to work for the community. Work for the community must be approved by two council members or council proxies, but the proxy can not have been appointed by the same council member who approves the work; if two proxies approve the work, they must be appointed by different council members. Any work approved in this way will be recorded in a ledger; when we switch from labor taxation to money taxation, that work will be how we determine how to dole out money. Until that point, all actual money earned by the community will be held by the council as a community treasury, and will only be used by the unanimous vote of the council. Any actual money that any person has from before the creation of the community can be kept by them, but will be worthless and unnecessary until we switch to money taxation. Approved work above eight hours a day will not exceed ten hours a day; we shouldn’t end up giving people like me or the warforged more just because we can work longer days.

So to your original question, taxation is at eighty percent. This is high, but our unique situation demands it, and it does not seem unduly harsh to me. When the council decides to switch from labor taxation to money taxation, that percentage will obviously be changed, as will many of the laws I just detailed.

Now, a few minor notes. First, anyone who fails to work eight hours a day or whose work is exceptionally sub par will be punished, in a manner that must be approved by a majority of the council. If a manner is not approved, the worker should be seen as not guilty of any crime. By sub par, I mean work that is done lazily, or for little actual results. Exceptions will of course be made for injury or sickness. In fact, the injured or sick will be cared for by the community, in the same way that children or the venerable will be cared for. Pregnancy may not be a sickness, but the secondary effects are very much like one, so will be cared for in the same way; preference for the caretaker should be given to the father or anyone trained as a midwife. Second, those with magical talent will be treated as equals; so the work they do magically will fall under the same system as labor. A council member and only a council member may waive their eight hour obligation, seeing as how what is done magically can take much less time than what is done through labor. But this waiving should not be a common occurrence; the mage should help out in other non-magical ways as well. Third, a council member may only have up to two proxies. A proxy member can be stripped of that title by a majority vote of the council. Fourth, approval of work may be done a week in advance; work beyond the eight hour obligation must be recorded in the ledger before a week has gone by since the work was done.

Now, I believe that is all; you may stop taking down what I say. Please run these by Zukan, as they have much to do with our economy, then if he agrees post them in the center of town, and tell the other council members of them. They will become law at the start of the next week. If anyone has a question or complaint about them, they should come see me; I would be happy to address the issue and explain my reasoning. If anyone has a suggestion for a law, they should come to me and we can discuss it. The insight of Aureon can come to anyone, and I do not want to discourage the sharing of any possibility. Otherwise, would you become my proxy, sir gnome? Your diligence in the work of law has impressed me; I could use someone of your sensibilities. Of course, how rude! In all the excitement of the last few days, I seem to have never learned your name! You know me from my introduction on the beach, but we never got around to everyone else. Please, introduce yourself.

2008-12-14, 06:48 PM
When the gnome finally reaches Zukzan, tired and out of breath from clearing tress, he reads the entirety of the laws.

"I agree with the labor laws here, I believe they will bring a betterment of our people. As long as Aurell is accepting suggestions, I would say that we should safeguard these laws from being change capriciously. Written law is the foundation of a just and ordered society I propose an unanimous council vote and a three fourths popular vote to change any law."

2008-12-15, 09:30 PM
Aurell- Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Hmm. To establish a three fourth majority to change law I would naturally assume that in orger to establish such a rule you would need the agreement of at least three council members. As for my name I apologize for my abhorrent manners. Please allow me to introduce my self. I am Professor Goznold Prazinem Robnold Tolnk of the Soladas college of the most esteemed Library of Korranberg, Keeper of the Selorian secrets , wordsmith and last but not least Honorary member of the Mortgrave Outreach Association. I know now that I made the correct decision nominating you good sir. With someone like you at the head of our legal system we'll soon have laws enough to be the envy of even the Breelish."

Zukan-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
The going is slow even after finding Gary to be an excellent resource having come from generations of farmers. Your plan to domesticate animals is seeming to be going much better as an excited halforc, known only as Shag, marches triumphantly through the camp with a dozen or so beasts which appear to be a cross between a black dragon and a cow. He warns everyone to not look them directly in the eye but assures everyone that their milk will be delicious. When you return to camp you are suppressed with the amount of progress that has been made on the houses so far.

Salimor-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
After a brief inventory you find that your new militia has a light crossbow and short sword for each person. Gorb has his trusty war hammer and Sarius owns a magical long sword. After some finagling you convince the countess to part with one of her dresses. "Fine! I didn't like that one anyway." She yells as you walk away.
Everything is going smoothly until about late noon when your first scouting party was due back. "What should we do boss?" Gorb asks flustered.
"Isn't it obvious we go out and look for them. We don't leave men left behind!" Sarius says pulling out his long sword.
"Hold on a moment. We're not going to send anymore to their death I say we stop patrolling altogether and help strengthen our defenses on the home front."
"Damn you fool dwarf Jackson is out there."
"If I may interject here." Says a middle age merchant who introduced himself as Horrace last night. "I say ther'es nothing out of the ordinary about a patrol of fresh recruits to get a little lost. I say we give them until tomorrow to come back before we make any extreme decisions."

Masaori-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
Chris sadly relinquishes her grip on you before resuming his usual cheery facade. Oh I'm real good at sneaking and.. Hey that was two things that you wanted me to do thats not fair. Lets get started!" Chris whistles and the puppet comes faithfully to Chri's side. With the puppets massive strength and your tireless skilled labor you have the skeleton of the first long house completed before the others wake up. After a full days labor the frames of four houses are completed along with the walls of the first house.

2008-12-15, 09:40 PM
"chris, you still haven't told me of your great strength. i want to understand you better, it is the only way that we can work together without me constantly worrying you will snap me in half. let us work on a special house tomorrow, we will need a larger-than-normal space for the militia to live in. it will need to house all of them, their weapons, and a central area for our friend Salmor to plan in." Masayori notices a stout looking elf walking by. "Good sir, can you find Salmor and ask him to come find me at his next available time."

2008-12-15, 09:44 PM

Salmor unshouldered his crossbow as well, and nodded with agreement.

"It's not just exploration. The jungle can be our enemy, or our friend. I intend to make it the latter. We're going to be going into the jungle as often as we can."

He loaded his crossbow, and adjusted his beret.

"Nobody gets left behind. We're all going out to find Jackson. Let's move."

The militia moved out, its leader at its head, to find the four who had gotten lost in the jungle.

2008-12-15, 11:29 PM
"Fashion blinders for those beasts, why, I dare say we are starting to look like an actual town!"

2008-12-16, 07:13 PM
When the excitable gnome returns from acquiring approval from Zukan, goes over the suggestions from Zukan and himself, and finally gets around to introducing himself, Aurell finds himself slightly overwhelmed. To the last he responds first. Why, so you are a fellow member of the Academia. You must tell me, what was your Professorial Thesis on? What did you study afterwards? Have you written any recent papers I might have heard of? Also, may I call you simply by title, or would you prefer part or the entirety of your name?

To Zukan's suggestion, I think we shall not. To require a strict unanimous vote of the council would be to tie us down in litigation. We councilors should not be recompensed for our work in making decisions, and such a policy would make for long discussion with possibly little gain to be found. We each have our own areas of interest, and I think we should keep to them. The Host each have their own portfolios, so should we. Some areas do overlap, as the crafting of these rules show, and in those cases it is indeed logical to reach an agreement. It is for this reason that several specific areas of the laws I laid out do require such a unanimous or majority vote, because they will have consequences for all of our domains.

As for a popular vote, I again disagree. A popular vote put us in these positions of power and responsibility, we should exercise our powers without needing the popular confirmation. To ask them to vote on all laws under consideration would be to call their decision a bad one. Therefore I think such decisions should be under our power alone, except for one. The power to make that specific decision and to repeal it should remain with the people. Call this an addendum to the laws so far; to give any person the powers of Councilor, and to take those powers away again, can only be decided by a three-fourths vote of everyone who is not a Councilor or under consideration for that title.

While something like this might be good in the real world, in this setting a popular vote is meaningless. A popular vote is in essence a vote by the DM, which goes against the concept of the campaign. If the DM uses that vote to echo our votes, as he would have to do to remain personally non-biased, a popular vote would just be redundant and circular

As for your suggestion, Professor, I would echo my thoughts towards Zukan. Our individual powers as Councilors should remain ours alone, unless such a decision has clear implications for the domain of another Councilor. I was given the domain of law, and I believe that what I have codified is the best that can be done for that domain in this situation. I have done the necessary steps in consulting with Zukan, and all has gone well. No more approvals should be required. Although I am willing to hear suggestions from any person on laws, I feel I should keep it in my power to make the final decision, unless such a decision would infringe on the powers of another Counciler or the rights of a being.

2008-12-18, 08:51 AM
Aurell- Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"My Thesis?" Goznold says excitedly. "Well I had the great pleasure of being a guest of the ruler of Breeland in my youth, Boranex that is. Yes this was a few years before Boranel took the crown. Anyways I spent much of my time there in the City of towers. Have you ever been? such a delightful city. I was this close to being invited to the.... Wait where was I? Oh yes my thesis. Well Being an adventuresome young scoundrel me and a few of my close friends decided to go exploring in the UnderSharn, Which I remind you is highly illegal. You see Sharn was built upon an old goblin ruin known as Duur'shaarat or Blade of sorrows for those who only speak the common tongue. Latter on the first humans of Khovare came and took over renaming it Sharrat. Century’s latter Shaarat became a wealthy and powerful city, but they refused the rule of Breggor and thus the city was besieged and destroyed again. After he took it for his own Breggor renamed the city Sharn and began construction of great towers that scraped the heavens. A few centurys latter Sharn became a bastion for bearers of the mark of Kyber under the rule of Lord Halas Tarkanan. The war of the mark reaped destruction across the city and for the next five century’s the city was deemed haunted and remained largely abandoned. Galifar the first came along right about this time and sent a force to rebuild the city and the efforts of his reconstruction and those who followed compose now what is considered modern Sharn. So to answer your first question my thesis was on the King Galifar the first and his union of the five nations."

"My research after that was mainly on the Lhazaar Principalities. Except for one paper on ancient pirate lord by the name of Geeral Nosmoldanon few copies of my work ever left the halls of Korrenberg. And please call me Goznold. Now that you have laid out all of your logic at once I must say I absolutely agree with you and will be glad to support you in your pursuit of law in any way I can, Bearing in mind that I'm a historian and not a House Sivis barrister."

"If you gentlemen don't need anything more from me at the moment I will see to it that the um.. Dracocows?... get some blinders put on them.

Salimor-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Um Mr. Salimor sir." A stout looking elf says to you as you prepare to leave. "The warfored says it want you to come see her."
"I'm afraid you'll have to wait lives hang in the balance here." Sarius says as he slings a pack of dried fish over his shoulder."
"Are we gonna bring torches?" Gorb asks leaning over a small crate of torches. I don't need 'em to track by if it gets dark and I'd rather not attract any beasties while we're out there looking, but I assume those who can't see in the dark might hard on us bringing sum along."

Zukan-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"There you are gnome!" The countess says walking over to you. Goznold looks over at her. "Not you, you little useless man." She says waving him away with her fan. "Zukan was it? You are in charge of the economy yes? Good I need you to go over what we will be ordering for the town when the boat arrives next week. Also If we have anything of value to trade you should have it ready by then. I also demand those things," She says with a near shriek pointing at the dracocows. "be kept out of the town proper."

Masaori-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Oh, don't be silly if I wanted to hurt you I would just send a pulse of mystical energy into arcane life web that composes your soul, there by overloading it and annihilating your very sentient existence. Silly warforged. I would never use my dolly to break you in half. Hey, once we're done building a barracks can I make you some hair? OOH. Can we build a the barracks like a giant boat so we can use it as a mobile weapons platform or how about we build it underground so our defenses won't be compromised by an aerial attack. At the very least we want it built out of stone so it won't catch fire so we better go looking for a good place to build a quarry. Maybe we can domesticate some kobolds to work there for us. I could make them little dresses and it will be ever so adorable.

2008-12-18, 08:21 PM

"Tell her, it will just have to wait until we get back." replied Salmor, as he opened up the box and began taking torches out, passing them around.

"Everyone take a torch. They're not heavy, and if we end up separated, we might need them. If Jackson is lost, attracting his attention might be one of our best bets."

Then, Salmor looked around how the small encampment was going, and saw the dracocows, raising an eyebrow.

"Also, let's keep on the lookout for a lonely pervert of a dragon, shall we?"

2008-12-18, 09:58 PM
"Chri-is, you still haven't explained it to me. you told me that you would obey me." masayori's right hand begins to shake and quiver. "or i will be forced to take drastic measures, and i really don't want that." masayori reaches with her left hand to stop the shaking, but it only worsens. "damn it, STOP SUITENGU!" her hand immediately stops shaking and she emits a heavy sigh, letting go of a tense-ness never seen in her before.

"Back to the subject, that is why i need to speak with Salmor, he should know where an amount of rock is, now where is that gnome?! hmm, well, we need to find out soon, you wouldn't happen to know where some rock is around here chris? if you don't, we shall ask Aurell to pray for the gods to give an answer. By the way, to answer your question, we will be building it of stone. soon all the housing will be of stone, if we can afford to. Underground will be saved purely for things that need the cold, such as meat and grain."

2008-12-19, 11:05 AM
"Indeed, I do agree the harbor should be our first trade related priority. And again, I thank you for your input, we do not know what diseases or how the waste could effect the general health of the community. But separating our food supplies from the town proper would be reliant on sufficient defense. Such as a much needed wall."

2008-12-19, 01:10 PM
Aurell- Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Pardon me my good elf may I have a moment of your time? My name is Alfonzo Franks. I hail from a small hamlet near Daskarn in Thrane and have come to this place seeking to spread the light of the flame. My father was the local magistrate so I have practice seeing problems before they get out of hand. The issue I bring you today is of sanitation. People are just going freely into the river. It is just a drop in the bucket now but if this problem is left unchecked it could cause disease and contaminate the entire lake making it unsafe to drink from. I know that forcing people to trek down to the coast is rather dangerous and building latrines will take much sought after man power but I believe we must nip this in the bud. I would also suggest once we finish with the housing and preliminary fortifications we begin construction on a proper sewer system, one fit for a large city in case the flame shines brightly upon us and deems Haven to prosper.
Looking over his shoulder at the dracocows Alfonzo points a his thumb at them and says. "We may also need to do something about them."

Masaori-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Mrs.Warforged are you OK? What does Suitengu mean? Is that some sort of warforged code they taught you in the House Cannith forge holds? Can you teach me to speak warforged? Didn't you ask me a question? Oh yea, My dolly is strong because I built her strong. I also been enhancing her productivity through various arcane means throughout the day so you may have a slightly skewed perspective of her abilities. Now if you want me to scry for a large concentration of rock I'd better get to bed now so I can wake up extra early. OK. I love you good night." Chris and his doll run back to her shack before you can get a word in and in a few moments Chris can be heard snoring softly.

Salimor-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

With the sun low in the sky your team heads out. Lead by Gorb who you find is a seasoned tracker you are deep in the jungle when the need for torches finally arises. An hour latter of tracking in a silence only broken by unseen denizens of the jungle Gorb signals everyone to stop.
"You feel that?" Gorb says nervously.
"The only thing I feel is tired" Quinn the human ex-bartender from Zilargo says wiping his brow with a strip of colored cloth you have been placing a markers.
"Hmm" Horrace said quietly stroking his chin. "Here's a question dwarf if we were going the right way shouldn't we have been following the cloth markers instead of footprints. Admit it you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. I knew should have been more suspicious of a dwarven tracker."
"Run!" Gord yells as he dashes into the undergrowth with surprising speed for a dwarf. Only Sarius follows the dwarfs lead dragging another militiamen by the collar as he rushes away and throwing both torches onto the ground.
"That's right coward dwarf run away when you know I'm-" Before he could finish the flesh from his neck is raked into the air by an invisible force and just hovers there dripping blood as Horrace falls to the ground dead without the aid of very powerful and very immediate curative magics. Passing through a tree like a specter, a beast of nightmare stalks towards you. It looks like an emaciated purpple cat the size of a horse with six legs and horrid tentacles coming out of it's back. The rest of your men panic and race off into the night as the beast rakes the air with its tentacles and more wounds appear upon Horrace's corpse. The name displacer beast jumps to mind but you do not recall any information that would be useful other than the fact that they often hunt in packs.

Zukan-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Did you call for me councilor?" Goznold asks. "No, I could have sworn some one was looking for me. Anyways now that I got your attention I would like to make a suggestion. Seeing how difficult it is to turn dense jungle into arable land without the help of powerful magic I thought you might be up for a suggestion. Sure in the grand scheme of things if you continue clearing land we may yet reap the benefits somewhere down the line, but what good is that doing us now? I suggest you concentrate your efforts going out to gather berries and hunting small game. Although if you are dead set on clearing out the jungle nothing tells the trees who's the boss like a little fire. Say the word and I'll get everything set up to torch the nearby flora to the ground by the day after tomorrow.

2008-12-19, 01:48 PM
Masayori sits at the fire, calmly relaxing all of the wood in her body. A voice is heard from her, faintly at first, then soon loud enough to be just barely heard over the huge fire. "Kamashino karashino kana kana shino shino kamashino kara kana kara kana shino karanshino," her chant grows in volume just as it grows in power. A gas of divine power encircles her body, moving to her will, striking at the air as a blade would a human. But suddenly it stops, and begins a slow, rhythmic motion, much like the dances of monks. more whisps of gas join the first in unison. Soon Masayori is surrounded by hundreds of tiny "blades" of gas. This ritual continues on into morning.

As morning comes, masayori wakes up from her trance. Seeing Chris she moves in a completely graceful manner, dancing around the people between them. "To answer your questions from last night, i am fine. Suitengu is the demon inside of me, not a real demon, a spiritual one. He is my rage, my hurt, my anger, and when he escapes in full, as he almost did last night, we shall all die. The language of my people, the warforged, i did once know. But no longer. I have forgotten those days, the temple made sure of that. Those memories, that is what Suitengu is."

"But quickly, we need to know where some stone is. any kind will do for now. Just find every type of stone present within a day's trip, and from that i shall determine which we shall retrieve."

2008-12-19, 03:37 PM
"You are right in the fact that fire would show the tree who was boss, I can't risk the waste of materials and the chance for a widespread forest fire."

He waves an exasperated hand.

"I suppose clearing all these trees was too grandiose of a plan with our current numbers. Our efforts would be better served tending the dracocows and completing the dock. The countess claimed a ship was on it's way so we should have a harbor to greet them. And once we can make fishing ships our yield will increase dramatically."

2008-12-19, 06:06 PM
Yes, they could prove a health hazard, but I believe such a problem falls under the jurisdiction of some other council member. Besides, I have ascertained from my readings that some villages sleep with their livestock in the house, sometimes even in the bedroom. With so many warm-blooded creatures in one area, it keeps them warm on cold nights. I believe that we may indeed in the future need to keep them penned up, but for now there should be little risk, compared to the risks inherent in living this close to the dangerous jungle. In fact, keeping our livestock close seems the safest place for them at this time. I would not worry too much about it good sir.

But the topic of sanitation that you have brought to my ears is certainly worth of thought, and I thank you for bringing it to me. It may not be my field as a council member, but I believe I do have an idea to propose to Masayori. It was your mentioning of "a drop in the bucket" that sparked the idea. Please tell Masayori that she should commission someone to build two or three outhouses, with tanks below that can hold around 15 to 20 gallons of waste; the tanks should be easily removable. Once a day, I or some other with divine power will purify that waste of disease and contagion, and it can then be used safely as manure for our fields. We should only need two tanks per outhouse. Once the outhouses are built, hopefully no one will void themselves elsewhere, although of course some will which is fine.

I don’t think we need a sewer system at this point. With only forty people, building a sewer would be quite unnecessary. But clean water is a must, and something we should have been doing from the start. Again, this is a problem for Masayori, but again I believe I can provide the solution. With a simple plea to the gods, I can have enough clean drinkable water for 12 people for a day, and multiple castings will solve the problem entirely. Please tell Masayori that, in addition to the outhouses and tanks, we will need a central water tank capeable of holding roughly 30 to 40 gallons. Once it is completed, everyone should drink from it.

Once Alfonzo leaves to tell Masayori of the two projects that should be constructed as soon as possible, Aurell continues pondering on the subject. Realizing that he will need another cleric to do all that must be done, he decides to call forward those with a divine gift at the next morning prayer.

All told, I will need 3 castings of Purify Food and Drink and 3 castings of Create Water per day. I can do 4, so I’ll need another cleric. I’ll try at next morning’s prayer and around town afterwards. Because they are my congregation, the first Gather Information should have some bonus, perhaps equal to a Diplomacy check divided by 5?

At morning prayer

Around town afterwards

2008-12-19, 06:28 PM

"I'll buy time! Everyone follow the bands back!" called Salmor, before turning his attentions to the displacer beast, backing away and casting a spell as he moved.

"Bloody hell... displacers, this close?" he muttered.

Lesser Confusion on Displacer Beast, DC 13 Will to resist, while Salmor retreats with the others (using only a standard)

2008-12-20, 12:08 AM
Salimor-Q'barran Wilds, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Your spell strikes true as a moment of confusion flashes in the beasts eyes. Unfortunately for you the beasts initial reaction to confusion is to attack the closest living creature to it. That being you the beasts charges at you. It's image stops a few feet away from you as vicious wounds rake across your body leaving you grievously wounded. Just as all seems lost and your vision dulls with blood loss a net appears to grapple the air next you and the displacer beast's image appears constrained. Crude spears skewer the monster in a dozen places as a group of Lizard-folk come out of the darkness howling in jubilation over their fresh kill.

2008-12-20, 12:54 AM

Salmor panted, and collapsed on a tree, breathing heavily. He turned briefly to see if the others had made it away, and sighed with relief when no sign of them seemed to be there.

Sarius will make a great captain... he thought, as he looked at the Lizardmen, holding a hand up in submission, the other still clutching his wounded chest. If I don't make it out of this alive.

"Peace! Does anybody speak common?" he asked, remembering he didn't speak their native tongue. A most lizardfolk learned common as a second language, though. Either way, his only hope was to get to their camp leader.

If I do make it back, I think I will learn to speak Draconic.

2008-12-20, 01:39 AM
A giant lizard-man walks over to Salmor on the ground and stares at him, obviously not comprehending anything he says. Another, equally large with a matching tattoo of two crossed spears on his forehead, flanks Salmor's other side. The first picks up his spear in an obvious attempt to finish him off, when out of the bushes someone shouts in a shrill voice,

"Meshek! Mesheek! Pok, Pok!"

The two large hunters pull back their spears as a three-foot tall lizard-folk with a long skinny, almost snake-like tail and bright yellow eyes appears almost from nowhere. He looks at you and tilts his head to the left.

"Soft-skin! Soft-skin! I speak soft-skin! We are friends! We save you from jungle! Take you to other soft-skin!"

All the lizards, ten in all, surround you on the ground and start hissing repeatedly.

"We hear about new tribe by big lake, we have big home too! We take you there now! My name Maekrix, this is Weatonan Clan. Meshek, munthrek lowd! Fronah, wer fueryon clax!"

The first lizard-man grabs a net and throws it on top of Salmor attempting to drag him with the rest of the tribe deeper into the jungle, the remaining lizard-folk pull the displacer beast behind.

2008-12-20, 02:32 AM
As chris is working on her scrying spell, Alfonzo malks up to masayori, and explains the cleric's idea.

"hmm, an interesting proposal, and one that will benefit the entire community. i accept, i shall have 5 of my men working on those as soon as possible, that will leave 4 to work with chris and I. The numbers are not an issue though, chris and i will just have to pull a little more weight." Masayori signals to a group of his men watching chris. "come here, i have a job for you." Masayori explains to them their new assignment and seeing their faces droop at the thought of having to work at such a dirty job, she says this, "worry not, it could be worse, you could be dealing with the stuff after the fact. oh that feeling under your plating, ugh, it doesn't get a lot worse. now i want one done as quickly as possible, that way the facilities will be covered at least. the other two, you shall take more time on. Alfonzo, as i believe you said your name was, would you mind working under me, heading up the job of these "outhouses" as you call them?"

2008-12-20, 03:31 AM
So you're a new addition?


Salmor sighed with relief lowering his hand as the lizardfolk lowers his spear. It was probably fortunate for both sides that there was a common-speaker in the group.

Even if it was what appeared to be a kobold.

The net? Less so.

"Take off net, I will follow." he said, deliberately using simpler language to make it easier for the kobold to follow, whose grasp of common seemed to be... less than fluent.

2008-12-20, 01:58 PM
Morning prayers go off perfectly. As the service begins, a flock of doves fly over the area being used as an open-air church just as Aurell takes the stand. His sermon comes to mind perfectly, and everyone gathered understands that the sermon about serving your local community holds special import today. When it comes time to ask for those with the divine gift, it is as if the whole congregation would raise their hands if able.

Roll to confirm natural twenty Gather Information check

2008-12-23, 02:51 AM
Salimor-Southern Q'barran Wilds, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

The lizard men untangle you from the net then proceed to disarm you of weapons. Others hastily begin butchering the displacer beast leaving a queasy lump in your belly as you gaze the unnatural sight of part of the air bleeding freely. Others of your militia are quickly rounded up having either abandoned their torches and stumbling around in the darkness of their torchlight having alerted the hunters.

After disarming you and your men you are bound in thick vines and force marched for hours in pitch darkness. A quick headcount let you know that Gorb and Sarius are still at large. As the sun emerges you can see the entrance to a large cave hidden by dense foliage part as you are marched inside. Surprisingly the cave is well lit by chunks of glowing purple rock sticking out of the walls along the cave. An empty fire pit sits in a large cavern at the end of a hall decorated with bones of fallen prey suspended by vines in realistic poses. In the corner of the large cavern is four of your men, yesterdays guard tied up in the colored cloth that you have been leaving as trail markers all this time. Realizing this you look back and see many of the lizard men have incorporated the cloth into their outfits. The small boss of the lizard people scampers up a large throne made out of the bones of what appears to have been a massively sized lizard. You are cut loose and are brought to your knees before their leader as the rest of your men are moved to the corner with the others.

Maekrix-Southern Q'barran Wilds, The 2nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Fortune has smiled upon you again as you have successfully captured more of the steel wielding outsiders. Their weapons will strengthen your clan and perhaps finally give you the power to subjugate the Great clan to the north. Still your constant death threats to your other members are starting to loose their sting and some of your ilk simply shrug off your orders if they think them best un-followed. As standard practice you lead your new prisoners along a winding and confusing path through the lush undergrowth to confuse them least they escape and go for help.
*Translated from draconic
*"I think we should just eat them and be done with it, no need dragging them all the way home to eat them" One of the large lizard folk says in a deep hissing voice.
*"Giant idoit, we want more weapons, so we trade soft skin for more weapons." one of the smaller hisses back.

Eventually you make it back to your den and ascend your throne in a regal manner fit only for a true descendant of a dragon.

Aurell- Haven Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Despite talking to nearly everyone in Haven you find not a soul who posses the rare talent to channel the divine energies of the gods. You do hear that a ship of immigrants is coming sometime next week along with a fresh supplies. Perhaps another member of the cloth will arrive then. You also hear that the countess is also taking suggestions on what to order for the next shipment of cargo. The artificer Chris popped up in conversation a lot but from the roomers concerning him(or her depending who is telling the story) a man would have to be prety desperate to seek Chris for help.

Zukan-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 3nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

You and your men spend the day crafting crude pens for the Dracocows and herding the beasts in to them. Another team of your men begin felling trees by the beach to start constructing docks. Excellent progress is being made and if the weather holds your new docks should be completed in time for the ship to arrive.

"well boss," Gary says out of breath, "I'd say it'll take two people full time to take care of our current herd. I would recommend Mary and Lillith. That gives three spare sets of hands plus mine. I recommend we take old man Saunders and scour the jungle for any rare or medicinal herbs and start planting them where ever we can so we can harvest them next year. Of course I would only do so under the watchful eye of the watch. Or we can help get the docks completed faster. Maybe we could just start building some ships right now so we can start really fishing once the docks are complete.

Masaori-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 3nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

The new day begins and with it brings Chris. After a brief meditation Chris lifts his arms in the air and begins gesturing with one hand as she manipulates a ring on her finger with the other. With a dull pop and a warping of the air 4 large golden badgers are summoned into existence.
"Dig!" Chris says. "and don't you dare come back until you can find a new place for us to put our new query." The magic badgers burrow into the ground in four different directions disappearing from sight just as quickly as they appeared. "Only a matter of time now.' Chris says with an innocent smile as she helps attach the roof of the first house.

The latrines only took a few hours to complete giving you a full workforce for the rest of the day. All four houses are totally complete by sun down Chris' sketches for a fortified barracks are very promising. With the aid of Chris spell work the wood used for roofing melds together into a solid waterproof sheet both illuminating the need for thatching but also making the structure much more sturdy. Talks of proper beds and a tavern are already circulating around the camp.

2008-12-23, 03:33 AM
Better move this fast. I'm going to be heading off on holiday from the 25th to the 10th.


Salmor sighed. He had not expected there to be a camp of lizardfolk so close to the settlement. Sometimes, you just had to take risks, and sometimes they just didn't work out.

He looked up at the Lizards' leader, and stared at him with the determined look of one who would fight to the bitter finish if he was pushed far enough.

"Well?" he asked.

2008-12-23, 05:39 AM
Maekrix walks in front of Salmor and makes a failed attempt at a human gesture of welcome.

"Maekrix wishes to welcome the soft-skins to Weatonan lands. Sees you already take camp at Lake Hesjing. Good, very good! We happy to share our land with soft-skin! Even protect weak soft-skins from jungle monsters, like the fueryon clax!"

Maekrix makes an odd hissing noise, which is almost recognizable as some sort of laughter. Then looks right at Salmor and begins speaking quicker in his broken common.

"We keep you safe here, you work for tilsin! Make us shiny weapon! Less breaky weapons! If soft-skin no like to be with tilsin, we let go... for... how you say? trade? We sees big boats leave lots of treasures, we saves you and let you live on Weatonan land for treasures! Maybe let eat yummy fueryon clax too!"

Not particularly waiting for Salmor's reply, Maekrix begins giving orders, dividing his tribe into different chores, a few go towards the swamp with empty barrels, and others begin to cook the meat from the displacer beast, or fueryon clax, over the fire. Meshek and Mesheek, the two largest lizard-folks, or tilsin as they call themselves, put all of the prisoners together in a corner, and guard them along with three others. The last two lizard-folk, who are almost as short as Maekrix leave the cave in different directions, presumably as some sort of watch. Maekrix leaves his throne and sits by the fire, out of whisper from Salmor and his pose.

2008-12-23, 07:08 AM

Salmor stood (rather too quickly for the guards to immediately react) and replied to Maekrix's ramblings, interjecting before he had a chance to leave the room.

"We thank you for letting us soft-skins live at Lake Hesjing, but we not weapon-making soft-skin. We only fighting soft-skin, can't make shiny weapons."

He gestured to the other militiamen.

"You take us back to lake, we talk to boats and tell them to bring many weapons. We give weapons, in exchange, Tilsin teach us how to travel and fight in jungle."

2008-12-23, 12:19 PM
"hmm, beds and a tavern. well, the tavern will have to wait, houses are more important. but beds may be possible. Chris!, what kind of fowl live in the area." Masayori points to a human carrying a log. "I will handle that, go to Zukan and ask him if there is anyway that we can grow hay or some other form of wheat in this area, even a stalked plant such as corn would do'. We may be able to have beds within a week if there are any poultry around, and within the year with plants."

2008-12-23, 02:56 PM
"I wouldn't trust the jungle without the watch, I shall bring it up with Salmor when he returns." Zukzan addresses Gary and the others in his camp "The harbor should be our first priority, it will instill confidence and the economic spirit into our new immigrants, and I want the best first impression with our new neighbors as possible."

"The boats will come after, unless I can get a handle on that human, where is he anyway?"

Zukzan asks around attempting to locate Salmor, or any of his watch.

2008-12-23, 04:14 PM
Despite so many being willing to raise their hands at congregation, none had the divine spark. They only wanted to wish him luck in finding those who did. After the service, Aurell continued asking around town, but to no avail.

Upon hearing the Countess asking around about needed supplies, Aurell asks her to requisition paper, about a hundred pages or so. They will need it for keeping records, once the new system of laws authored by Aurell comes into action.

Aurell has met with Chris, once or twice; waiting for another cleric sounds like a good idea. He’ll just have to prepare enough every morning for the day.

So I’ll use two 1st level slots for 0-level spells, and I’ll have just enough. Did anyone build those tanks for the fresh water to be held in?

Aurell then finds Masayori, and finds the warforged instructing others in the making of feather-down bedding. When the warforged is done, You seem quite knowledgeable in the making of various household items. Have you seen any plants around here that would be useful in the making of paper? We will need a lot of it, for record-keeping and official documents, and I would like to not have to rely on trade ships to bring all that we need.

Cast Lore of the Gods for +10 to all Knowledge checks

How are the houses coming along? Any flaws or problems?

What paper-making plants grow in this climate?

What bed-making plants grow well in this climate?

What was important for city-founding in recorded history; i.e. what should the Countess send for, what do we still need to do?

What legends surround this area?

Do I know about any nearby paper-making plants?

Do I know about any nearby bed-making plants?

Do I know about any nearby feathered animals?

What dangerous weather should we be preparing for in this area?

What family does the Countess belong to, where is she from?

2008-12-23, 07:26 PM
Maekrix gets up from the fire and paces between it and his thrown, one would assume he was deep in thought. After a minute, he stops and looks at Salmor, licking his lips with a forked tounge. He motions at Mesheek to come over to him, and finally barks some gutteral draconic until the giant lizard-folk finally sulks over to his chief.

"Maekrix has come to an end to our trades. Good trades for tilsin and soft-skins! We let you borrow Mesheek and you let me borrow two of your best fighters! Mesheek worth at least two soft skins. Good trade, we teach soft-skins to live in jungle and Mesheek look over your tribe in our territory and get us weapons! You also show Mesheek building big caves! Maybe we decides we likes you and trade food for more soldiers and weapons in future. But if you ever fight Weatonan or help evil tilsin, Weatonan kill all soft-skins and eat the small ones! Maybe even call great Dragon Master for help! What say you nameless one? You work for greatness of Weatonan clan?"

Maekrix peers directly at Salmor, demanding an imediate answer.

2008-12-23, 08:16 PM
"In these weeks, i have not been out of the vilage once, and i know nothing of this area. however, i can ask chris to add that to his list of things to scry for. it seems to get longer and longer every hour."

2008-12-23, 09:01 PM
Thanks, Galteland - That's a great way to take Salmor out for a couple of weeks.


"My name is Salmor, and I am leader of these warriors."

Salmor nodded slowly, and made a show of mulling over the trade.

"Only if Weatonan clan is ready to work with Haven soft-skin clan. Soft-skins not want to help if they think they not being helped."

He tapped the empty scabbard.

"As show of trust, give back weapons first, so we know you willing to work as team. Then when we go back, we can show that Weatonan want to work with Soft-Skins, and convince other soft-skins to bring more weapons to trade to Weatonan."

"When we send warriors to work with Weatonan, I will go also, to show soft-skins trust Weatonan clan. We bring warriors for two weeks at a time, then we take them back and bring new warriors to work with Weatonan."

2008-12-23, 09:32 PM
"We sees how good soft-skins become after two weeks, maybe not long enough to learn Tilsin Way. You lose sword though, Maekrix save Nameless One's tribe, so Maekrix gets sword."

Maekrix takes Salmor's blade from a nearby lizard-folk, and looks rediculous trying to wield a blade almost as tall as him, and eventually decides on holding it more like a crutch.

"We sees if Nameless One earns sword back by saving Maekrix one day."

Maekrix then makes his rapid hissing noise, possibly his way of laughing.

"You work for Waetonan for two weeks now! You and one other! Choose now and say your farewells!"

Maekrix then begins to speak in rapid draconic to his tribe, explaining the new plan and how they will use the softskins for their glory. He also has five tribe members, including himself and Mesheek, prepare to bring the remaining soldiers on a forced martch through the swamp to the human village where they will explain the new arangements and return their prisoners.

2008-12-23, 10:17 PM

Salmor shook his head. "Whole group has to go back to lake first, with all weapons. If you not want to work with soft-skins, I not able to help bring more weapons, because other soft-skins not trust Weatonan yet."

2008-12-23, 10:39 PM
Maekrix pointedly ignores Salmons last remark, knowing that if he appears to argue more terms with his prisoners after he already closed negotiations he would appear week. He already knows many are questioning whether it was a good idea to have saved the soft-skins at all, and why they do not take this opportunity to ransack the intruders new home while all of their warriors are held captive. Wanting to keep this alliance, knowing more soft-skins will be coming and only those who are allied with them will conquer the northern tribes, Maekrix hopes that this ignorant human will learn some sense among his people, instead of treating his savior like some sort of barbarian, especially in the way he dumbs down his speaking, thinking Maekrix too ignorant to understand him. Maekrix learned long ago how to keep his tribe together and how to not let his wrath rule his actions. He would tolerate the insolent bard, for now. Preparations being about finished, Maekrix keeps some distance from his prisoners so that they can feel that they have some time to discuss out of earshot before forced to part.

2008-12-24, 12:18 AM

Salmor shrugged, and turned away when he was ignored.

"Then I guarantee nothing." he said. Better to let the lizards' 'god-king' think he had Haven by the throat than to give away that he had captured only the most inexperienced recruits of the lot.

2008-12-25, 06:32 PM
Actually, now that I think about it, from my research of this area there are quite a few things we can use, both for bedding and the bed frames themselves. The Jungle-oak tree has wood perfect for sturdy bed frames, and the leaves would make a soft bedding. Also, a local plant called Jarbri root has good fibers for a sturdy yet soft cloth when woven. Any herbalist could find either quite easily, and nearby too; if you find someone with skill in herb gathering, they could gather quite a lot in a short time, with the help of some lumberjacks for the trees. Please tell them to bring a few back for me too; I want to begin making them into paper immediately. The scraps from your work would also be fine. Speaking of which, your houses look to be coming along fine; you are quite good at building them, and I thank you for putting so much personal time into them. Please remember though that you are a councilor: you should work a little on every project, to make sure all are done correctly. We are relying on your expertise, not your wooden muscle.

As for that feather bedding, this region is quite sparse of natural fowl, but farther north you will find many Birds of Paradise, as well as many other mundane varieties. But I would not go after them; if you travel too far in that direction, you may find more then just feathered fliers. There are rumors from this region of an ancient shrine guarded by a black dragon, in that same general direction. Best to stick with the tree leaves, which should be quite soft.

Also, when building houses and other structures, make sure they are well grounded, and dry. Hurricanes and monsoons are common to this area, and we don’t want all your hard work destroyed so easily by a big storm. Underground storm shelters should be another priority for your workers, either one to every house or a large central one for the whole town. Forest fires are another threat, though they are not as common; the underground shelters should be fine for them, or we can all wait in the water for the fire to die down. Anything you can do to fireproof the houses would be good, but not a priority.

Now, one last thing. I’ve been meaning to ask this for some time, and now that I remember I will start with you. Could you please make some free time to visit with me later? I’ve been wanting to have a good chat with many of our fellow immigrants, to get to know them better, and after your display last night which I glimpsed on my way to a good nights meditation I really would like to start with you. When Salmor gets back from wherever he has gone, I really need to have a good long talk with him as well. Really, it’s nothing personal; I merely wish to get to know all of my flock better. I don’t remember seeing you at the congregations, but you are still under my care in this town. The same goes for everyone, and so I plan on eventually meeting with them all. Can you make time? The cleric, finally done, waits patiently with his usual calm smile for your reply.

2008-12-25, 08:00 PM
"good, we will begin with gathering tomorrow, our current shelters should stand for now. so we will begin with these trees you speak of, as they can provide many things. they will also keep fires away from Haven. As for protection from fire, ask around to see if their are any mages, Protection From Energy, or Resist Energy, every few hours should serve adequately. Oh, and again, you have the people skills. speak with your people and find out if any have knowledge in herbal areas.

i can speak with you anytime, my workers have their orders for today."

2008-12-25, 08:58 PM
Well then, how about now? If and when the warforged assents, Aurell leads it over to the fire and motions for it to sit. He happily follows suit, and begins immediately. The two privately chat for a while.

After about half an hour to an hour of animated discussion, Aurell stands up, stretches his aching back, and gives a small bow to the warforged. He then goes on to his other duties as a priest for the day. Although before that, he decides to check around for anyone with herbalist skill, someone who can aid Masayori in making beds, and even Zukan in making fabric for the villagers or to sell as exotic trade goods.

2008-12-26, 06:38 PM
Roll to find those trained in Profession Herbalist

2008-12-28, 07:42 PM
Salimor-Lizardfolk Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"I guess we don't have a deal then human."

Aurell- Haven Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
after an hour or so of searching you strike up a conversation with a older man hard at work felling trees to help provide lumber for the new docks. He introduces himself as Jali Saunders but everyone calls him old man Saunders. He tells you about how he fought against Aundair during the last war to gain the Eldeen Reaches it's independence and how he learned herbology under a powerful shifter druid named Jack. Jali has always been a frontiersmen but his homeland held too many painful memories there so he decided to head out here and help establish a new colony.
"I'd be glad to help you out boss," The old man says in a gruff voice "But I'm the only guy down here that knows how to properly build these docks. Either find someone to replace me or start praying that one of these kids gets lucky so the docks won't fall down when someone sneezes.

Zukan-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 3nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

On your way to the docks to ask around if anyone has heard word of the watch you hear a crashing sound coming closer to you and someone calling out to you.
"Mr.Zukan SIR, MR.ZUKAN!"
A breathless dwarf stumbles out of the bushes and falls to the ground taking big gulps of breath before he continues. "Lizardmen....Capture...millitia....Displacer....ea t.....Horrace... found.....lizard...camp....Sarius....sent....me... .get....help." The dwarf passes out from exhaustion loud snores emanating from his red face.

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"I guess we don't have a deal then human." a smooth hissing voice comes out of the darkness. You reconize the voice as that of your biggest rival in the tribe. A lizardfolk from Xen'Drik who possesses mysterious magics. He calls himself Quabil and he lives apart from the rest of the tribe and always seems to appear to undermine your authority whenever possible. Before the leader of the outsiders can react Quabil's bone staff cracks into his skull knocking him out for a great while.
*Translated from draconic
*"You are too soft on these outsiders Maekrix, see how they refuse the mercy that they are not worthy of. We should kill them all now and leave no trace of how they died. They scare easily and will be hesitant of coming to our lands again."
The eyes of your tribe fall upon you and even the outsiders in the corner seem to sense the tension in the air.

Masaori-Haven Camp, Haven Camp, The 3nd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
After your chat with Aurell, Chris comes up to you wearing a worried expresion.
"Mrs.Warforged I'm worried. None of my magic badgers have come back to me yet and It's almost dark out can you please help me look for them?"

2008-12-28, 07:54 PM
"How does it normally take them to return chris? And what exactly are they? Depending on what they are they should be fine around this area, i know little of the monsters around here, but i know enough to get myself killed out there."

2008-12-28, 09:41 PM
Excellent! When the docks are finished, Masayori will need your assistance with that next. Remember, the warforged and whoever it brings along to chop down the Jungle-oak and collect the Jarbri root will need your eye to spot them, so do your best to help them out. It shouldn’t matter if it takes you a few days to get to them, just take your time on the dock so that it lasts a long time. When you are done with that, find Masayori the warforged and tell it that you are the herbalist who will find the plants I talked with it about. You probably can tell from the plants in question, but they are for our beds and possibly new clothing, so we’re not in a big hurry. Oh, and when the time comes to go plant-hunting, please do not stray to far from the village. Masayori seems quite confident in its fighting skills, but we still know very little about what’s out there. Oh, and when that dock is finished, please have someone inform me, I should probably do a quick blessing over it.

Having found the herbalist as he set out to do, Aurell now goes back to his other duties for today.

2008-12-29, 12:03 AM
Maekrix hisses repeatedly, his own form of laughter.

*"Ah, Quabil, a pleasure that you may join us. Thanks you for putting the obnoxious humanoid out of our misery."

Maekrix returns to his throne and pulls out his old dagger and a vial. He meticulously applies poison to the blade from a small waterskin.

*"I appreciate your input in our affairs. I treasure the suggestions given to me from any of my tribesmen, even the rash ones."

As he says this, Maekrix pointedly pauses in his work and looks up at Quabil.

*"I would like you to think back on how often you have seen me show mercy. Think carefully of what had happened to those in the past that have stood in the way of our tribe's glory. I am sure you realize that if this pathetic human had anything less that a great worth to me, I would have him killed in seconds. It is certainly not out of "mercy" that he is alive!"

Maekrix hisses again at his last comment.

*"You can trust me when I say that I yearn for his and all his kin's death. I know you are newer too this land, and haven't been suffering from the foolish larger tribes who rape our homelands! we could fight the humans, kill them all, eat their young and have a glorified sense of accomplishment without loosing more than one or two of our own, or we could let them think that we are their friends, an asset. Trade food and survival secrets for stronger weapons and soldiers. They see us as dumb monsters, let them think that. Once we steal their power and all they have to give to us, we unite the other tribes under a common enemy, the evil humans, and they will all fight under the most powerful tribe! The tribe that knows the most about fighting them and with the strongest weapons and strongest warriors. Clan Waetonan! Then with all of Lathazar behind us we create our own nation! Drive out the humans! Make the lowliest Waetonan warrior into a noble with riches and power beyond our wildest dreams. These humans are not our downfall! they are our opportunity, our great advancement to the rulers of a new world. We are blessed by the Great Dragon of Darkness that we found them first."

By the time Maekrix finishes his speech, he is standing on top of his thrown holding his stolen sword. He looks every tribe member in the eye and then gives his orders.

*"Meshek, pick another human, whoever you deem strongest, to stay here with the nameless one. Mesheek, you will bring the rest of the humans with us and we will go visit our new tools."

Maekrix then descends his throne and approaches Quabil.

*"I invite you, adversary, to join me in greeting these new comers and assessing them for yourself."

And as soon as preparations are finished and Maekrix explains to the humans that they will be being returned according to the agreement, he moves half his tribe and the human prisoners back into the forest toward Haven.

*translated from draconic


2009-01-01, 01:30 PM
Zukzan's body is stunned, if any where watching it would appear as if he was silently laughing. Eye's lighting up then erupting into righteous fury, muscles tensing Zukzan calls an alarm.

"Alarm! Emergency Council Meeting!"

He calls out as he begins to run a semi circle around the villege.

"Masaori, Aurell, you are needed. Drop what you can, meet at the center."

He arrives in the center of town, and as they are reacting, he starts telling anyone nearby the news.

"Salmor has been captured."

As he is spreading the news he looks grimly at the chaos he has just created.

2009-01-01, 02:41 PM
this is a problem, i doubt he will leak information, he's just stubborn enough. but if he is killed we will be without a lot of trained individuals. We must hope that the lizards in this area are more negotiable than the ones i saw in The War. But i firmly believe we should not send anything outside of these walls while he is at large.

2009-01-01, 06:35 PM
That sounds like an excellent plan. In fact, it may be wise to have the town seclude itself inside our most fortified building, in case the ones who took Salimor– and all his men I presume? – come here with intentions of battle. If the Watch is gone, we must do the best we can to defend ourselves, and that means that, for today at least, everyone should be in a secure as possible location. One day of missed labor will not hurt us, and we can send out scouts tomorrow morning to check the surroundings. To Masayori, Are there any structures capable in this regard?

To Zukan, Do we know any more of what happened? How did you learn this? Why did Salimor leave the village?

If the villagers as a whole start panicking in a dangerous manner, i.e. looking to run away and hide, or to get violent, will loudly ask them to Calm down!


If that is unsuccessful and the situation is still dangerous, cast Calm Emotions, DC 15 Will save, but only if the crowd of villagers look truly dangerous and/or panicky.

2009-01-01, 06:52 PM
"All of the homes are the same so far, with Salmor gone we have not been able to present our plans for his people's home to him. I would say that everyone who needs to sleep a whole night should go to bed, all those who are not capable of spellweaving should take a light sleep and patrol with me for at least one hour over the night. All of you should keep your weapons ready by your beds, out of their chaps and belt-holds, or in whatever way you can fastest draw them."

2009-01-02, 12:20 AM
"It came from the mouth of his distraught companion, the noble dwarf feel into an unconscious state before I could learn more."

His eyes go wild as if feeding off of the ensuing panic, "An ordered response is obviously the best, but I am not content to huddle in a dark room while those vicious savages plot our demise.

A restructuring is in order, we cannot wait for council meetings like this when our people's new life is being threatened. I propose a 5th member to the council, one who could only vote to break tie votes and also to lead in these turbulent times. Naturally it should be some one capable on the battle field while possessing leadership experience.

In addition, all citizens should have combat service or at the very least training regiments added to their required labor 'tax'.

Some one check if the watch left any weapons"

2009-01-02, 12:29 AM
"I agree on the counts of another council member, and the weapons.

but we are not just huddling in a corner waiting to be killed zukan, if anything comes near that wall i will blow my whistle and all the people in the village who are prepared to shall come running to protect our home. If you do not want to sleep then please stand watch with me."

2009-01-02, 02:30 AM
Aurell-Zukan-Masaori-Haven Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Torches are lit as the sun dips below the horizon and darkness finally sets in. People scramble to find more weapons but find nothing more than a few knives and farming implements. Panic seems to be on peoples minds as they keep looking over their shoulders as if expecting an army of lizard folk to come bursting out of the jungle at any moment.
"I" says the countess in a regal voice that cuts through the panicked mummers of the settlers. "Would like to nominate myself for the position of the new council member. During the war I held a rank the equivalent of a Major, of for those of you that are from Thrane a Sacrosanct. I am the most powerful caster in this town and I was born into nobility which meant that while all of the other children were having fun I was busy being shaped into a future leader of Khorvaire.
Now I know that I am not the most pleasant person at times and Soverigns know Haven has tried my patience but it does not change the fact that out of all the people here I am the most qualified to lead our young town in our times of crisis and I would more than happy to step down if someone more qualified would be willing to take the great Burdon of responsibility from me.”
She smiles sweetly and her eyes sparkle almost magically in the torchlight of the camp. Most of the settlers seem to be absolutely enthralled by her speech. The countess curtsies and moves back over to her servant who had been silently clapping since her oration concluded.

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Meshek picks a stubby man to stay as you set out on the road with your prisoners. Once again you begin the task of winding through the jungle taking care not to double back near any landmarks. As you walk along Quabil discreetly comes along side you and begins talking is hushed but relaxed tones. “You spoke of the great dragon of darkness yet you have no chance to ever comprehend his will. I give you this final warning, the outsiders are marked by prophecy. A prophecy that runs contrary to lord Kyber’s agenda. Kill the interlopers now and raze their works of you will one day soon take the brunt of his infernal wrath.” Quabil slows his pace so you out distance him and begins conversing with Mesheek.

2009-01-02, 04:40 AM
To Zukan, We should not presume that to be the case. These lizardmen might be different, even friendly; Salimor would know not to go near the group from the fort. It’s as I said from the beginning, we should try to create peaceful solutions to our problems, using diplomacy over war. Sometimes good men are forced to resort to war to stop monstrous forces, as we may have to do tonight, but even that is not always the case. History shows numerous examples of civilizations threatened by extinction, their foes too powerful to stop; so they welcomed those foes, made peace, sometimes gave up power, and later generally flourished. I’m not saying we should give them power over our lives, but if we can come to an communal and exemplarily mutually beneficial agreement to live together in relative peace, then that is what we should do first.

As to another council member, I do not agree. While in the future we may need to create new councilor positions, such as of foreign relations or public health, we do not need a tie vote decider. And a councilor of war is already in place, in Salmor and his Watch. That they have seemingly all been captured just means that he was not doing a very good job, but we certainly don’t need to take his position from him so quickly. A tie breaker is a bad idea with such a small council; if we have a tie, we should discuss the issue until we can break that tie ourselves. Besides, when I write the law I try to only use voting in certain situations, that is when it is important that the majority of the council members agree. We are not on a council that votes on issues, we each have our own area which we oversee. The only situations where a vote is required are those in which the decision is important to the areas of all councilors, not just the one it falls under easiest. So in essence, a tie breaker is not needed.

Weapons training for all is a good idea, but not forced military service. To force someone to fight disregards the fact that there are those who do not wish to fight. It is cruel to ask a pacifist to learn how to kill, alone or as a squad; but it is not wrong to teach him how to defend himself. We live in a dangerous land, and having our citizens know how to wield a simple weapon is a most intelligent idea. Even I, a pacifist to the bone, can wield a simple stave or club. But to require combat service is something I must argue against most vehemently. Still, such a decision would be up to the Defense Councilor, not me.

As the Countess has her say, Aurell listens carefully, and looks to be cautiously considering her words. He quickly comes to a decision: I could not agree more; your past as a military leader would serve us quite well. In fact, I can now see that we should have had you as our Defense Councilor all along. Salmor’s mistakes have shown that he does not deserve the position, so I motion we vote to strip him of it. In the laws I wrote up, there is a clear and simple method for doing that. A three-fourths majority of the population, and only those not under consideration for the position or not already in it, can give or take the position of Councilor. I motion that we do so right now. Since the existence of a hefty percent of our population is currently unknown, we shall say that those right here make up the population just for this vote. So, will you the people take away Salmor’s title as Councilor, seeing as he has shown himself unable to hold it properly? And will we instate the Countess Ir'Colo as Councilor Ir'Colo, a woman with years of service to provide us? I think the choice is obvious, but it is up to you to decide. Aurell, finally finished, smiles ingratiatingly at the Countess, then waits for the hands to rise.

2009-01-02, 02:31 PM
To Aurell "It is a crueler fate to watch the pacifist die when pressed by war. I am not implying adding everyone to the watch, but look how easily we lost everything. If the basic citizenry are all at the very least trained we will be emphatically safer. No one would be pressed into service that morally opposed it, but they would still learn how to defend themselves in a disaster."

"I do not see how you never envision an irreconcilable tie forming with such strong personalities and differing opinions on the council. Again the powers I am suggesting is only one vote during a tie, and temporary command under times of extreme stress and trouble. To waste the countesses leadership and military skills would be blasphemous to the gods who gave us her as well as us all."

Turning to the assembled masses "I do not know about you, but I will not stand for such a staunch pacifist at the helm against an army of monstrous savages"

2009-01-02, 04:58 PM
I believe you and zukan are agreeing, all should be trained. All should not be forced to serve. I will agree.

As for you countess, I want to know from you what you would like to "rule" over. That shall determine whether I support you. But I shall not allow our disowning of Salmor, when he returns you may bring the point up again Aurell, but until then he should keep his position. He needs to be able to defend himself.

2009-01-02, 05:12 PM
To Zukan, So, what you mean to say is that we are in complete agreement? We seem to agree that everyone should have weapon training, but not forced military service. We seem to agree that the incomparable Ir’Colo should take the position of Defense Councilor. We seem to agree that it would be a denial of the wisdom of Aureon to not elect her, although your use of the word ‘blaspheme’ is rather strong.

To the crowd, In fact, I could not agree with him more. A pacifist like me would be a horrible choice to lead us in the face of a monstrous onslaught, but there are several bad assumptions being made there. That I would deign to lead is a false assumption; I have already said that our Defense Councilor should lead us in these times, and that the illustrious Ir’Colo should be that Councilor. That we face a monstrous foe is an unknown; from what we have learned, it seems that a wild animal attacked the Watch, and that the lizard men saved them. Perhaps we should be thanking the lizard men for saving our friends. Which brings me to the third bad assumption, that we need a military leader at this time. It is true that Countess Ir’Colo should become our new Defense Councilor; it is irrefutable that we may need her expertise at this time. Or we may not; in fact, we may need an expert on foreign relations, a Foreign Affairs Councilor. If Salmor has survived this ordeal, he may indeed be the best to handle such a position. Another reason why the impressive Ir’Colo should take his former position! To say that he should be able to defend his actions is admirable, but he has already shown his skill as a Defense Councilor. He traveled into the forest with the entire Watch, leaving the rest of us unprotected I might add; if that is his defense, it will not last long. In fact, he may already be dead, if these lizard men are as monstrous as Zukan claims, in which case we will need a Defense Councilor. If he has survived, he will have shown his talent to be in diplomacy, not defense.

To Zukan again, But there is one way in which I do not agree with you, and it is indicative of the topic itself that we would face such disagreement. I speak of the power of a tie breaker, and our disagreement on whether it should be given. Such a power is unnecessary in our current form of government. Our Defense Councilor, who should obviously be the unquestionable Ir’Colo, will already hold such power in a crisis. In fact, the very nature of our government attests to the fact that a tie breaker is unnecessary. With our individual areas of expertise, there should be very little conflict between Councilors. If there was a vote, as a few points in the law stipulate, it would be for the reason that the issue covers multiple areas, in which case a certain amount of agreement is necessary. So whether we are voting or not, we are never in the position of needing a tie breaker. For example, if I remember correctly, one of the few such situations is when some punishment must be decided for a lazy worker, and a majority vote is required to decide the form of the punishment. In that case, indecision on the Council results in the worker being cleared of all charges; no tie breaker is needed in such a situation. If a tie is reached, that can only mean there is serious disagreement over whether a crime took place, in which case a verdict of no crime is sensible.

2009-01-02, 10:04 PM
Maekrix walks back towards the end of the caravan and yells at some of the lizard-folk in the rear.

"Bacri qeelak ehaism!"

Before he walks back to the lead posision, Maekrix slowly pulls an ancient, runed stone wand from his pouch on his belt and inconspicuously waves it and mutters under his breath, several tail-lengths behind Quabil. Not knowing whether the damed piece of stone worked like the old wench of a shamman told him it would, Maekrix walks up beside Quabil and Mesheek.

"Quabil, I don't know if you understanded me, I fully plan to kill these humans and raise their buildings, but first we must use them for all their wealth. Only after they have nothing left, and we have no more need of them do we send the lot of them to the Great Dragon of Shadows. Any time before would waste our newest and most valuable resource. I have dealt with these creatures before. They are idealistic and blinded by seening good in others. The all want to be some sort of heros. By far the easiest manipulated beasts we have yet to encounter. I also learned that their numbers are great. The multiply quickly and like to overwhelm the opponent by sheer numbers. I have a simple, yet efficient plan on getting them both under our heels and disposed of when they outlive their usefulness. That's why I have special instructions for you Mesheek, a way to begin using the humans imediatly, after all, now that the nameless one told us of their new ship comming, we must act quickly."

Maekrix then tells Mesheek, infront of Quabil, his new, special instructions. And then sends them off into the forest.

2009-01-02, 10:07 PM
Use Magic Device, wand of charm person[roll0]

2009-01-03, 03:39 PM
"I would be most disturbed if the crime in question was murder or treason, and they were let go because of ineffectual bickering.

But let me yield the floor to our Countess."

2009-01-03, 08:39 PM
Aurell-Zukan-Masaori-Haven Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

The countess bows graciously to Zukan and once again addresses Haven as a whole as her servant steps back into the shadows and out of sight. "I think the decision to add me to the council is the only one currently of importance. The finer points of law can wait until we are all out of immediate danger. After all we must not allow perfection to become an enemy of good. All in favor of myself being elected to the council and given power enough to safeguard our town in times of crisis say aye." An overwhelming majority of the town voices their approval of the aristocrat. "All opposed she says with a smug grin on her face. A couple murmured nays are heard but are largely ignored as the countess announces her victory. "I accept my new position and as my first act I say that everyone that can hold a weapon arm themselves with whatever you can find and everyone else grab a shovel and begin digging trenches. These savages may know the jungle better than we do but I highly doubt they have ever engaged in trench warfare." After a moment of breif confusion a line of men and women with shovels start digging long trenches periodically dispersed around Haven. "Warforged," The countess says pointing at Masaori,"Take a small team with you, go to the docks and bring as many planks back as possible. You should be able to fashon crude spears from them.
" You half orc!" The countess points at Shag "Take me to the draco-cows I have a special project we can work on."
As Shag and the countess start heading over to the pens Sarius comes running in from the jungle flailing his arms. "The lizard folk are almost here! There's about a dozen of them heading this way. I don't pretend to understand draconic but they're bringing the men they took prisoner so I think they come in peace."
"How far away are they?"The countess demands.
"About ten minuites out although they seem to be taking a winding path to confuse our men."
"Excellent, everyone continue what you are doing. We shall not let on that we expected their arrival. Anyone who lets on that we are expecting them to come in peace will be dealt with mercilessly. As far as you are concerned Sarius never told us anything." She turns to Shag. "Please excuse me while I freshen up."

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

A slightly dazed look crosses Quabil's face as your spell is cast. After a breif moment his eyes become focused again and bares his teeth in a grinning threat to you. Suddenly you hear the sound of many things hitting the ground. You look away from your failed spell and see that all but one of your lizardfolk have dropped their weapons and are standing with shocked expressions.
A human cloaked in darkness steps out of the shadows in front of your tribe along the path. All you can see of his face is his devious grin.
*Translated from draconic
*"If you here to see m'lady please leave your weapons here and follow me. If you here to fight please pick up your weapons so that I may gain some amusement from your pathetic attempts."
Quaibil has seemed to have lost all of his confidence and takes a step back to put you in between yourself and the human. He leans over to you and whispers in your ear.
*"We can't defeat him Maekrix. We must retreat. He is Il-Lashtavar. We cannot afford an enemy such as him. This place is lost to us.We must flee the area and take our chances. We must move further inland. At least with the other tribes we will stand a chance." This is the first time you have ever seen genuine fear on Quaibil's face.

2009-01-04, 12:55 AM
"Fine. You, you, you, you, and you" Pointing to five burly men in the crowd, "follow me." Masayori sets his men to work and goes to visit the countess. "I can understand using a type of warfare that they do not understand, but trench warfare will not do. We do not have enough crossbows to engage that way, and polearms are also short on hand. Making too many spears the way you told me to is wasting valuable resources, we are not back in your land where we can order wood by the ton. Every bit used is time wasted. May i suggest instead having the people hoist archers and crossbowmen onto the rooves and having all those not trained that way on the ground positioned in a way to best use the alleyways made by the houses."

2009-01-04, 03:27 PM
Maekrix's eye lids flicker excidedly as he licks his lips. It appears his new friends are more powerful than he expected, but he knows that they can't all be this way, or the squad wouldn't have been captured so easily. Also, from the look on their captor's faces, the lizard-folk are not the only one surprised with this appearence. Maekrix wonders if the man is speaking in draconic for his benifit, or so that the captors can't overhear what they are saying. Perhaps there are some powerful people in this new camp, but prehaps they are not as united as they like to believe. Oppertunities begin to form in Maekrix's mind, and after a split second he comes to his plan of action.


Maekrix claws at Quabil's face as he cowers behind him.

*"How dare you insult our new allies, we come to make piece, and you attempt to ruin my clan's glory by pointing at the first person we see and start calling him a deamon! Waetonan has suffered your naunsense enough, outsider! Flee into the forest like the coward you are and may your tail rot and fall off. I would stab you in the face right now, but you are not worth the poison on my blade!"

Maekrix gives on final kick to Quabil's backside, trying to drive him into the forest.

*"I appologize sir for that creature's comments, although I do not know what it was he was claiming you to be, I can tell that you wish peace between our people and mutual benefit to our societies. We have no fear of you, for we indeed come in peace and lay down our weapons for the time, in hopes to bring them to bear alongside yours against a common foe. These are the soft-skins that were falling the one you call Salmor. We have reached a truce with that brave human who remains at our camp and are retrurning the rest of your people safely home. They should really know better than all running off into the woods like that. but please allow my tribe to follow you to your master and I shall continue in more detail how we can help eachother grow strong in this dangerous place."

Maekrix becons his tribe to grab there weapons and move out, following the mysterious human through the forest.

*Translated from draconic

2009-01-05, 05:43 PM
Maekrix-Haven Wilds, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Your tribe looks at you funny for a moment before placing their weapons in a small pile. After a brief walk you find yourselves in a clearing where it appears obvious massive fortifications are being erected and the knife wielding populace seems to be working together in perfect unison.

"M'lady" The human you met on the road calls out. A graceful human woman comes out one of the settlers' artificial caves. Her puffy human dress glimmer magically in the torchlight which illuminates the camp changing from all the colors of the rainbow and back again. "I met a group who seeks an audience."
"Please take their chief to my quarters while I gather the other members of the council."

You are escorted to a large room decorated in red and black with a set of four highly polished chairs positioned in a circle and are motioned to take a seat upon one.

Aurell-Zukan-Masaori-Haven Camp, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"Warforged." The countess says with distain in her voice as she takes you aside. "We are not going to be fighting these creatures. We only wish to look prepared to fight these creatures. We are putting on a show for them and their visit. Part of that show is that when WE make war we don’t hide in bushes and let the defenders have their home terrain. WE rip apart their forest from the roots and beat them to death with their own homes. A few extra felled trees and a few holes to fill after we are done is a small price to pay. However I didn't expect them to be coming so early so just send you and your men to help digging the trenches. Now If you excuse me I have a few finishing touches to add to my plan. "
The countess enters one of the long houses. About five minutes latter a large group of lizard men come out of the tree line lead seemingly following the Countess' servant. Following the lizards is almost the entire town guard. None of you can spot Salamor Amoung the prisoners however.
"M'lady" The servant calls out. The Countess steps out of the house with an even more extravagant dress than you have ever seen her in before. A brilliant glimmer weave ball gown with a kaleidoscope of color range. "I met a group who seeks an audience."
"Please take their chief to my quarters while I gather the other members of the council." A small black lizard man is escorted to the house where the new council member just left. "You three councilers please entertain the chief while handle the prisoner situation." She says as she takes out her fan.

The Countess obviously worked hard on the house as you can hardly recognize it as you walk in. In stead of crude sleeping mats scattered all around Four polished bronze wood chairs sit in a circle. The walls are now covered in tapestries depicting Karrnathi heraldry and great battles fought during the last war.

2009-01-05, 06:31 PM
"ne, shomani ra. Turning toward her men, "kinmusha fugenjikkou!"

2009-01-05, 07:40 PM
Zukzan informs his people to continue work on the harbor, placing the knowledgeable human in his own stead.

Zukzan then takes his place in the council chamber, and glances at the Lizardfolk. He allows his eyes to stray so as not to be presumed staring. His posture is locked in step with the impassive stern grimace he is managing.

2009-01-05, 07:46 PM
After telling his people to keep working Masayori enters into the tent, he moves the chair by Zukan backward and sits on the floor. He watches the lizardmen closely. Making sure to look them straight in the eye, studying the color of their skin, memorizing the look of the tribe.

2009-01-05, 10:55 PM
Aurell enters the hut and looks around in awe of the furnishings. He then takes the last empty seat, next to the squat lizard man, and sits down contentedly. He smiles warmly at his new neighbor, careful not to show any teeth in what could be taken as a threat, then waits patiently for the Countess to arrive.

When the Countess arrives, immediately stand up and offer her his chair. If she takes it, go and stand between the chairs of Zukan and Masayori. If she does not, happily sit down again.

2009-01-06, 12:55 AM
Maekrix climbs onto his chair. Trying to look unimpressed by his surroundings, he quickly takes in the odd hanging cloths, never seeing anything in so much detail, and the simple chair is more detailed than his great throne, though obviously not as grandeur. As impressive as the room is, Maekrix was much less impressed with the town. The lack of weapons and scared look from many of the populace shows how truly passive these soft-skins are. If it weren't for the shadowy man and the metal creature in front of him (somehow under the town's control), Maekrix could probably take the town with only the half of his tribe that is with him. Another sign of weakness is how quickly these people seem to obey what Maekrix is sure is a female. He thinks it may have something to do with the funny glowing armor she wears. No one else was wearing anything else like it. Maekrix sits in an awkward silence for a while, obviously the group of underlings assumes he doesn't know their language. Maekrix wonders to himself how long it will take them to realize that he can understand their common tongue, probably until one of the released guards tell about it. That weird-looking female is probably questioning them right now. Maekrix gives a thought about the treatment of his tribe, but then quickly returns to the matter at hand.

"Ava'yorn, seltur-molik"

He uses a basic greeting to see if anyone can even speak draconic. He also accentuates the "s" to make him seem even more alien.

2009-01-06, 02:27 AM
"Ahem, indeed, if the reptilian cannot understand a civilized tongue I would suggest fetching one that does. Nonverbal communications are far too unreliable."

2009-01-06, 12:23 PM
To Zukan, Nonsense. I am sure the fine sir understands Common. As the leader of his tribe, he would most likely know a few languages for the purpose of trade and diplomacy. And Councilor Ir’Colo’s manservant seems to have been understood, to find and guide them so smartly back here. But come, let’s not speak as if he was not in the room.

To Maekrix, Hello. That sounded like Draconic, a greeting I would guess. I’m sorry to say that to my knowledge, no one here speaks your tongue. Please, if you would, speak in Common for our sakes. My name is Aurell Lynzine, and this is the town of Haven. I thank you for bringing our friends back in such good health, it’s good to have someone friendly in these dangerous lands. Did one of our kind stay back at your camp, a man named Salmor? Is he okay?

2009-01-08, 11:55 PM
Aurell-Zukan-Masaori-Maekrix-Haven Council Chambers, The 3rd of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"No need to coddle him councilor Aurell. I give you my most sincere assurances that he is both able to understand the common tongue but is able to reply as such." The servant says stepping out of the shadows. "Now may I present Haven's new defense councilor, Lady Jasmine Ir'Colo." He sweeps his arms in a courtly manner to direct your attention to the aristocrat. Jasmine walks in and curtsies to Aurell before taking his seat and begins smiling at the lizardfolk leader.
"You have held our men against their will and have made many comments about the destruction of our town after you get what you want from us. You have made it clear you are not to be trusted and so I will give you only a short time to defend yourself before we pass judgment upon you and your entire tribe."

2009-01-09, 12:01 AM
Hearing the mysterious man's remarks, followed the Countess's comments, masayori decides that this may turn ugly fast. Masayori slowly moves his right arm down his leg, toward the sai located there.

roll for sleight of hand to have the lizardman not notice - [roll0]

2009-01-09, 11:57 AM
Aurell, impasioned, speaks. Now just one moment, let’s not accuse our new friend so quickly. As we all know, our men were brought back to us unharmed and with expediency. They were escorted safely back through the verifiably dangerous jungle, and now we two groups can discuss all the potential aid we can be to each other. To accuse him of “dispatching us when he wishes” is a bad way to start such negotiations, in my opinion. As far as I can tell, this fine sir has been nothing but forthcoming and kind to us, and we should treat him likewise. Besides, there are more important matters at hand. So, to the lizard man, how is Salmor?

Aurell has no idea what Masayori is doing and wouldn't support it if he did, but his quick speech here might distract attention from him/her. So, a diplomacy roll, both to sway the course of the meeting and aid Masayori.


2009-01-09, 05:49 PM
"Apparently you have forgotten, Aurell, that it was these reptiles that attempted to murder our search party to the ruins, which I might add consisted of an active council member. They are threatening the structure and order of this community, and your blindly pacifistic attitude..."

Zukzan stands at this moment, staring intently at the Lizardfolk.

"So what of it reptile? What do you seek from us, what are the extents of your bestial avarice?"

2009-01-09, 06:13 PM
Masayori takes his left hand and lightly hits Zukan at the knees kicking them under him, sitting him down. Looking up at him quickly she says, "Simmer, do not boil."

2009-01-09, 06:23 PM
Maekrix seems unnefected by the accusations, although it's hard to tell by looking what the lizard is thinking. After Aurell's last comment, he replies in well-practiced common.

"The one you call Salmor is quite well. He is probably nursing a bit of a headache, but has suffered no life threatening damage. When we saw him faccing the Fayreon, he cast magic at it to distract it from eating one of his men. That bravery made himstand out as the leader. After saving him and his men from death, we brought him to our camp and negotiated a trade. Him and his fat companion will work for us, and Mesheek, a great strong warrior, will fight for you. Consider this our treaty. Through Mesheek, I will learn of you, and through Salmor, you will learn of us."

Then Maekrix turns his attention to who he sees as the true leader of the soft-skins.

"And, lady, as for the accusations that I intend to destroy your people, well it is of course true. But as of right now my main concern are our bretheren to the north who wish to destrroy the both of us. Seeing how your best men fared against just one creature of our forest, I think that your followers are less suited to protect themselves against the inevitable invasion than we are. Right now the only way you will survive is with our combinned strength and resources. Sure, if you become no longer useful and my tribe overpowers yours, we will punish you for the trespasses you on our lands. But that won't be for a long time. Besides, if I didn't promise killing you later, nothing would have stopped my bloodthirsty tribe from killing you now. We do not refer to your kind as soft-skins for just your soft exteriors, but also for your pathetic empathy and poor understanding of survival."

Maekrix sits at ease, hoping the dumb humans realize that only together can they survive.

"And by the way, my tribe has not yet injured any of you, and it is not us who guard those ruins. Although that is useful information that they already know of your existance."

2009-01-09, 06:56 PM
Masayori stands, crosses the circle and stands in front of the lizard. She crouches down, looking him in the eyes. "I see truth in him, he is a logical being, all of his actions are to benefit his tribe. When we have served our purpose they will eliminate us, but for now, he is correct, we are small and not well protected. He can teach and help us. We must trust him for now. But, i ask one thing, will you take me in Salmor's place. Salmor is needed here, there are people here who can work without me." Masayori stands up and bows, "I will stand by you if you can fulfill that."

2009-01-09, 07:39 PM
Aurell, stunned by the lizard man’s blunt admission, finally finds his tongue. Actually Masayori, I would argue the opposite. Let us not forget that Salmor no longer has a seat among us. The best place for him is with the lizardmen, where he can help to foster ties of friendship, not, looking pointedly at Maekrix, of eventual war. You on the other hand, back to Masayori, are an invaluable resource of knowledge for building our town, which I will remind you we are still in the process of. And besides, now that we know Salmor is thankfully in good, if not entirely conscious, health, my idea from before still stands of making him a Foreign Affairs Ambassador. If he does well with our newly found neighbors, he may just be the perfect candidate. I think we should have him stay there as long as they will keep him, and then we can nominate him for such a position upon seeing the results of his time there. If then you still wish to spend some time among them, I think that would be an excellent idea.

Now to Maekrix, And I would ask that you reconsider such a hostile manner. If your tribe really is so bloodthirsty as to attack us for even venturing onto this coast, I would ask you to instead explain to them all the benefits of allying with us. Perhaps if they see that we can help them in numerous ways, be it aid in battle, magical assistance, or even a voice in the wider world, perhaps they will be more likely to except a long-term peace. The desire for battle is not a trait inherent in any being, it is only the result of misunderstandings and misplaced anger. Do your people not live peacefully in your tribe, amongst themselves? Do you not forego war with other members of your kind to accomplish higher goals? What if, instead of joining with us to fight your oppressors and this dangerous jungle, you instead join us to fight against intolerance, hatred, and chaos? Your people can be more than a simple stereotype; I believe that with all my heart. Will you believe it too? Aurell ends with a gentle smile.

2009-01-09, 11:24 PM
Maekrix hisses, humored by Aurell's last comment.

"Your easy lives obviously blind you to what necessities some must take to survive. The only reason I was born was because my mother cunningly poisoned my father's first mate into infertility. I am the hereditary leader of my tribe, but only through multiple poisons and assasinations do I keep my post. As of right now, I am plotting on the best time to kill my latest rival. I tell you this, not to seek some sort of glory or seed distrust on our dealings, for these actions are not your way. I am just explaining to you that any peace in my tribe can only last as long as the strongest amoung them demands it. My tribe follow me out of fear and respect, not loyalty. So when you ask if we live 'peacefully among ourselves,' the answer is no. Most would kill me in an instance, just to take my place."

Maekrix then hisses much more aggresively at Masayonori.

"And you! Stand up and do not treat me like a child before I sink my teeth into your throat. I am known for keeping my rage and anger in check, compared to most my kin, but I am a chieftian, and do not take requests from underlings!"

Maekrix turns away again, as if Masayonori wasn't even there.

"Now then, does the mistress accept Salmor's agreed terms? If so, I would like to be on with it. Prehaps after you are all finished bickering 'The Peaceful One' can show me around, I am very interested to study those structures."

2009-01-10, 12:44 AM
"hmm, your kami is very presumtuous lizard." Standing, masayori moves back to his place. "Well then, I hand this to all of you, I have nothing more to say to a corrupted kami."

2009-01-10, 07:28 PM
"Excuse me, you will not be studying anything, and I do not believe we should harbor your spy either. We have no proof that Salmor is alive, just the word of a creature that just openly threatened all of us with war. You want to take the reptile on a tour so it can plot the razing of all our structures? If these are the terms, release the men outside and take your reptile with you, we shall survive without."

2009-01-10, 08:07 PM
Now Zukan, says Aurell in a kindly voice, as one would speak to a small child, I know this has been a harsh and exhausting day for you, but please try to restrain your impulses! You think he should not see our structures? I think he should, to see the wonders of advanced building techniques. A modern house compared to a cave is a wondrous thing to behold, and I would be glad to show him how one is made. You fear his lieutenant, you fear a spy? If we reject his spy now, he will undoubtedly send others to watch in secret from the jungle; I for one fear what they could learn from spying from beyond our walls, not what they can learn from inside them. Outside, all they will learn is our fear and intolerance; inside, they may learn of our kindness and strength. You worry about Salmor, you distrust their reassurance of his health? He has already said he intends to destroy us all; why lie about one man? Certainly not to gain our trust; he has stated openly his intent towards us. If we must not trust him, then I would prefer we do it with benevolence and hospitality, not your vehement racism. I can see that Aureon is not with you today; mayhap you should keep silent until you have something constructive to add?

Turns to Ir’Colo, Now, Councilor Ir’Colo, because our new ally has made this a matter of public safety, it is up to you to decide. Personally, I believe it to be an excellent idea, partly for the reasons I have mentioned; so again, how will you decide on this matter?

2009-01-12, 04:47 PM
The countess chuckles softly when Maekrix accuses everyone of having easy lives. After Aurell turns to her she ponders for a moment before speaking.
"All of you have made valid points now I believe we may reach a compromise." She says as she pulls a scroll from out of her dress. "This is a scroll of a hero's feast. This will create a magical duplication of the best food you have ever had along with granting everyone benifical magical effects. I agree to a treaty and of your trading of men. I would however advise you that the reason Salimor is in haven in the first place is because of his ability to instigate feelings of hostility to the ruling class and that you would be better served taking another in his place. Now with that said I will be using this scroll tomorrow evening. You and your people are invited and Salimor and your other guest Will also be coming. There you and Aurell can hammer out the more legal aspects of our treaty and we can all begin to strengthen our positions in the grand scheme of things. Now if you don't mind it has become very late. I expect to see you and your men tomorrow evening and not a moment before."
The countess stands and bows to everyone before exiting the building closely followed by her servant.

2009-01-12, 07:10 PM
Maekrix rises restlessly out of his chair, and streches his tail and looks to Ir'Colo.

"It is settled then, but as the respective leaders of our tribes, I would require that I deal with you personally on our peace. Not one of your servents. I will lead my people away and return with the nameless one tomarrow. These talks have taken to many hours. I will now go and leave until tomarrow, but first 'the peacful one' will give me the tour he promised."

He looks at Aurell for a moment, and if there is nothing else to say from anyone, he leaves.

2009-01-12, 08:12 PM
A silence falls as the small lizard man leaves, slightly uncomfortable. Aurell nervously resumes his usual smile, and speaks. Well then, I suppose I shall show him around. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t reveal any defense secrets or anything, and I will keep doing as you suggested before they arrived, Councilor Ir’Colo. Besides, I doubt I know enough about such tactical matters to know a trench from a latrine. Speaking of which, it certainly has been a busy first day for you, Councilor, but you knew it would be when you took the position. Let us prey that you will continue to act so wisely, for many years to come. With that, Aurell lets himself out.

2009-01-12, 09:09 PM
Masayori walks out of the tent, out of Haven, and walks to a near tree. She kneels and bows to the tree, prays to the kami, and stands. She prays to the kami inside of her for strength and patience, and punches the tree, felling it with all of her strength. A sigh of relief escapes her as if a great burden has lifted off her soldiers.

She then returns to Haven and tries to find Chris for a very special project.

2009-01-14, 03:26 PM
After Maekrix finishes his conversation with Aurell, he moves his tribe out, back to his camp.

2009-01-14, 03:32 PM
After Maekrix finishes his conversation with Aurell, he moves his tribe out, back to his camp.

I post on my cellphone alot, sometimes it gets screwy, sorry for the repeat post

2009-01-14, 08:12 PM
Aurell-Zukan-Masaori-Haven camp, The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

The rest of the night pass uneventfully. The next morning is a beautiful day but just a tad chilly. The camp seems a much happier place with the prisoners having been returned and preparations of a feast under way. It seems the Countess has canceled all other projects in favor of tonights festivities. Chris has put together crude bows and targets while a stage is being built in the center of town.

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

When you get back to camp one of the men you left behind says how Quabil convinced two of the others to join him. THey say how he spouted something about the destroyer of giants and haunted drams as they left further inland. They also tell you that your special prisoner is finally coming to.

You awaken to one of your men tending to your wounds in the purple darkness of the lizard-mens' cave. A quick glance around shows you two things. The first is that the rest of your men have gone. The second your head is gravely damaged and moving it seems to be a bad idea.

2009-01-14, 09:30 PM
"Wakesee wakesee!"

Maekrix not too gently kicks Salmor's leg not too gently to make sure he is waking up. He looked like he may have a concussion and if he fell back asleep, he may not wake up again.

"We needs you ready to go back to your tribe, time to gets better and have big party put together by yours master."

Seeing Salmor awake, Maekrix finds one of Mesheek.

*"Mesheek, go to the ruins as an emessary. We need to speak with their cheif. Try to set up a meeting between him and I, tell him I have been spying on the humans, and have inside information that he would want to know. That way I can start putting our master plan into motion. Also, if you see Quabil, please kill him."

Maekrix then hands Mesheek his poisoned dagger.

*Translated from Draconic

2009-01-20, 11:21 PM
Aurell wakes early from his meditation, and takes a moment to enjoy the first signs of the sunrise. The blood-red image causes him to turn away. He quickly goes about his duties, holding only a short sermon. He does make sure to impress upon his flock the importance of being friendly but wary of their visitors, and to not get too drunk. How shall they beat the lizardmen at the games if they are too drunk to be a challenge?

After the sermon, Aurell goes back to his shelter, and enters a trance-like state. Not to sleep, but to learn. For there are many things he needs to know.

Cast Lore of the Gods, +10 to all Knowledge checks

What do I know about the black dragon to the north, or at least black dragons in general?

How can we best use the trenches the Countess has dug to aid us?

What other fortifications will we need to protect ourselves for the attack?

Where can we find some stone in this area, enough to build houses?

Who is “Il-Lashtavar”?

Who is the Servant, how long has he served the Countess Ir’Colo?

What sort of things has the Countess done, both with her power as nobility and as a mage?

Who is “Il-Lashtavar”?

What sort of customs and traditions do the lizardmen of this area have?

What are the strengths, weaknesses, characteristics and abilities of lizardmen?

What type of lizardman is the Chieftain? I.E. What is a poison dusk?

What is the motto of the Ir’Colo family?

Reduce time limit of Lore of Gods for special uses

Who is “Il-Lashtavar”?

Retry any failed Knowledge check, in order of being asked but only once per, -2 if Knowledge Psionics

Several minutes later, Aurell smiles and gets up. Time to help set up the festival. As he goes about, helping where he can, he finds and informs Masayori and Zukan to meet him in one of the unfinished houses at a certain time. When the lizardmen arrive with Salmor, at an appropriate time he will bring Salmor and they will all discuss important matters. So they should meet with him at the house at that time.

So, when Salmor arrives and I lead him off, just do a quick post saying you have joined us at the unfinished house. When you both are there, I’ll go over everything. You really do need to hear all this.

2009-01-20, 11:56 PM
Masayori gives chris her orders for the day, making sure that she realizes we will be starting the barracks TOMORROW. She then proceeds to the house that Aurell indicated and waited, kneeling.

2009-01-21, 12:41 AM
Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
It appears as if you have hit your prisoner a little too hard causing a gout of blood to spill out of his once again unconscious mouth. Mesheek leaves in a hurry seeing how this new development might leave you upset. The rest of your tribe look at you as if you did something obviously stupid and that you should be the one to fix the dieing man after breaking him and chasing away the tribes magic user not four hours ago.

2009-01-21, 08:44 PM
Zukzan tears himself away from the frantic festivities formulating around him and enters the predetermined home at the accepted time. He then takes a seat on the left hand of Masayori.

2009-01-25, 12:37 AM

Maekrix curses under his breath.


He points to the fat human.

"Better stay close to your boss. He sleepy now, dangerous for him to go sleepy while hurt like that!"

Maekrix leaves the humans be. Obviously unfit for travel. He then grabs two poisen dusks and two other lizard-folk.

*"Guard the humans. Let no one else go near them, especially Quabil. They are our key to glory."

He then departs with his entrouge to Haven, walking around the longer way, as to enter via the lake.

*translated from draconic

2009-01-26, 07:25 PM
Aurell-Zukan-Masaori-Haven camp, The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"My pardons councilors but the lizardfolk have arrived." A one armed monk says as he pokes his head into the house. A scaled hand drops onto his shoulder and you see the monks mussels tense up to attack.

"More'n just lizard folk are here mate." Says the owner of the scaled hand. As he enters the room you see he's a human with some sort of monster's hand grafted onto himself. "Cap'n Reginald Darkheart at your service. The wind favored us nearly entire trip so we're here a touch early. 'Course looks like we came just in time to enjoy your festivities." He smiles and a gold tooth shines unnaturally brightly at you. "Just give the word and me and my men will start unloading the supplies onto the beach."

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

You lead your tribe through the lake and into Haven. Everyone but a single person seems to be preoccupied setting up some sort of training grounds perhaps to stage battles to thin both of your tribes. The one who sees you seems to be an elf and walks up to you. "Have you seen my badgers they should have come home last night. They weren't even in any of the big holes the mean lady had us dig to look for them. I'd be ever so grateful if you used your magic lizard people tracking to help me find them. HURRY UP AND FIND MY BABIES!"
The towns folk look around to the yelling and when they see you all seem to flock around your tribe. For some reason they all seem to be trying to grasp the hands of your people. They are talking of greetings and archery and it is hard to translate. Some of your men begin reaching for their weapons in the chaos.

2009-01-26, 09:46 PM
Aurell, among the crowd of people here to greet the lizardfolk, notices them reaching for weapons, obviously in response to the understandably excited crowd. He shouts to make himself clear, Alright everyone, back up, don’t crowd them. Give them some room to breath. Please, everyone, behind me, let’s do this nice and formal.

As the people back off, Aurell takes a moment to placate Chris. Now Chris, have you considered they might have gone to live in the wild? Perhaps they are right now snacking on some good food themselves. Why, I bet that’s why they have forgotten to come back to you. Don’t worry about them, and go help with the preparations for the festivities.

Aurell leaves Chris no matter how he replies and moves to the front of the crowd. He spots the Chieftain near the front, and stands in front of him. A quick bow, then Sir Chieftain, it is excellent to see you. Allow me to teach you a little of our culture. When I extend my hand like this, does so you do the same and grasp it. Then we shake them up and down. It is a way to greet friends, or Aurell gives a quick smile to assess the strength of the other. We call it shaking hands. Aurell hopes that the Chief will shake hands with him, and that the other lizardfolk will quickly grasp the concept and the meaning.

Whether or not the Chieftain shakes, Aurell continues. Now, the feast will be a little later. As for right now, we have planned several activities to pass the day comfortably, games and stories to further introduce our culture to you. Please, tell your men to relax and enjoy themselves. I should hope they do not need their weapons here, but they are of course allowed to carry them.

Now then, where is Salmor? I have not seen him for quite a while, and it would be good to catch up. Did he go by another route? Aurell scans the lizardfolk, but cannot see Salmor among the crowd.

2009-01-27, 01:21 PM
Masayori proceed to follow the one-armed monk out of the tent. "If there is any way you can keep your supplies on the ship for just a day or two. I think it will be best for all of you to move in once the idiotic festivities are done." Masayori begins looking for Chris while walking with the unknown monk. "But enough on the current things, what about you? What took apart your arm? Where did you train?"

2009-01-29, 09:33 PM
Maekrix seems not to particularlly care about any customs or traditions.

"You were just the one I was looking for, come with me imediatly! The Nameless One is sick and must have magical healing. If you truly posess the magic, you will acompany me and my companions back to my throne. If live sacrifice is needed, use one of your own. No lizardfolk would give his life for a human."

Maekrix walks off through the town towards the forest, beaconing The Peacefull One to follow.

2009-01-29, 10:05 PM
Oh my, of course, give me a moment to get my things and then we will be on our way! Aurell rushes back to his bed, grabs his meager healing kit, stuffs a few pages of parchment from an inner pocket of his robes into a small mostly-empty bag nailed to a post that has the word “Suggestions” on it, and runs back to where the lizardfolk are. He tells one of the men still milling about to report that he is Heading out to heal Salmor to first the Countess and then the other Councilors, and finally follows the impatient poison dusk into the woods, alone unless someone offers to come with. Will you be leaving any of your men here, Chieftain? The villagers have been looking forward to this impromptu festival, and it would be a shame for us to delay the start of it.

2009-01-29, 11:59 PM
"My men are hungry, and there are too many young children around for me to safely leave them here alone. Also, they won't play your fighting games anyway. They are true warriors and only hunt prey, and then only to kill. Besides, only an idiot would send less that four into the jungle alone."

Maekrix turns to his companions.

"Arytiss, tah munthrek spical!"

Maekrix then bears his teath at the villagers and lets out a hissing growl, and then runs off into the jungle in a pack, with Aurell in the middle.

2009-01-30, 06:10 AM
Masaori-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"I apologize for my rudeness. I am known as Grestin Lain and I trained with the my uncle and other members of my extended family in the Whispering Woods of Aundair. After my rather brief education I was sent west to fight Eldeen separatists by mingling in with the townsfolk and striking when they least expected to be hit. As for my arm.. Well lets just say that if I would have remembered my manners and properly introduced myself to you when we first met I could have given you a proper hand shake. You know I have seen you move do all warforged have such grace in their movements or have you been formally trained? Please forgive my ignorance but you are the first warforged I have met and the only advice I was ever given when dealing with your kind is that warforged are not dissimilar to the living dead. "

Zukan-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"Well Mr.Gnome..." Darkheart starts then checks to make all of the rest of the town leaders are out of earshot. "You're Zukan right? In charge of all of the sovereigns of the city right mate? Well I got a proposition for you. Ya see me an' my boys are treasure hunters of sorts and we're very good at our jobs but sometimes we get a hard time from local authorities caus' we're not so good on filling out of our paperwork, savy? So I says to me men that I'm sure our new friends in Haven would love to helps us out and it won't like we'd be doing it for free. You just give us some papers whenever we come round saying we bought all our stuff from here all nice and legal like and we give you all the proper taxes on it then next time we're inspected we won't have any problem with government types saying we stole our cargo. Now if you choose to help us out here my friend not only will you be earning a bit of gold but you will have my sword on your side in case the jungle takes a turn for the nasty. And trust you me it can. "He lifts his hand to emphisize his point.
" No need to decide now. Let's just take us a little walk to my ship and you can inspect your cargo and sample some of my spirits as you mull it over." The captain reaches into his jacket and pulls out a small black bejeweled case of Karnathi cigars and offers you one as he lights his with his monsterous hand.

2009-01-30, 10:37 PM
"No, Captain, I do believe I need to decide now. I greatly appriciate your offer but do not desire the succor you descirbe. Be sure I will remember the gesture though. And as you have obviously checked we are alone so allow me to speak frankly, I and the city state of Haven will not abide to piracy. This is an absolute, but I am not an uncompromising man, you and you men are welcome to take up your...treasure hunting as privateers of Haven. You will only strike those ships that I deem enemies of this state, your official title will be head of the Shipmasters Guild and you will report directly to me. As your vocation will be a matter of 'trading' and all vessals 'merchant ships' there will be no need to inform any other councilmember or citizen of your activities.

And now, having thought it over, I would very much like to inspect the ships Captain, specifically your armanant and the sturdiness of your hull."

2009-02-01, 03:14 PM
"Unfortunately most of us are not graceful in the least. I was trained in a secret temple of ShinTao near Thrane. I was trained like a human was, and was expected to be able to keep up with them in my studies. I had forgotten about you, I am sorry. ... I would like to ask you a fairly personal question, would you like to have a new arm? I know someone here who can give you an arm that could perform even better than your previous one did."

2009-02-05, 09:45 PM
Zukan-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Cap'n Darkheart leads you to his ship and his men row you both aboard where he then leads you to the cargo hold. "Here we are mate. Everything ya might need ta survive until our shipment next month. He hands you a list and encourages you to make sure it is all there.

1 anvil
1 set of Dwarvencraft Mining tools
1 crate of corn seed
1 box of spell components
10 suits of studded leather
5 longspears
5 shortspears
1 eversoaking sponge
3 eternal wands of fireball
1 crate of flawed onyx gems
5 indentured warforged
1 crate of javilins
4 kegs of ale
1 keg of wine
5 boxes of karrnathi cigars
9 sacks of flower
1 create of salt
4 karrnathi skeletons
2 skeletal warhorses
1 alchemical lab
1 crate of books
5 boxes of nails
50 spools of thread
2 looms

If I could just get you ta sign here we'll be getten all of this port side for ya. Then perhaps we be getting to talking about yer enemies of the state.

Masaori-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"A new arm you say." Grestin says in deep thought while staring into space. "I was always taugh that strenght must come from within and true power comes from the harmoney of body and soul, but during the war..." A flash of determination crosses his face. "Madam Warforged I accept your gracious offer and will use the rest of my life in your debt." Grestin drops to one knee in a formal bow.

"Excuse me ma'am" A young elven lady says as she comes up to you. The priest said to tell you and the other councilors that he is returning to the lizardfolk's camp to heal Mr.Salimor.

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Before you reach your camp the you reconize the mell of a fresh kill. As you approach tou see one of the men you left behined disembowled at the enterence. It looks like he used his last ounce of strength to write something in his own blod. "Quabil" When you go inside The scene is much the same. The heads of two of your gaurds have been so violently twisted that they have come full circle, facing forward in their deaths. The humans are nowhere to be seen and an odd glowing pattern is glowing on the wall. It appears to be a mass of draconic letters all scrawled atop of each other so none may know their meaning.

2009-02-05, 10:16 PM
"Ahh, thank you elf." Masayori points to a house next to the house the councilors are meeting in, "Sir, if you would please wait outside of that house i will be out the minute we are done and we shall find Chris together and offer her the job of making you a new arm."

2009-02-06, 12:11 AM
Zukzan casually glances over the cargo, holding off on signing as he checks the cargo.

I am just going to take a ten on the search check if that is ok, if not then i do not perform an actual search.

Are the sailors armed already? Or are the studded leather, spears and javelins extra?

Zukzan begins muttering to himself as he takes in the whole ship. *In gnomish* "Gifts for each, well each left, cannot appear sycophantic. I suppose I could claim gnomish tradition."

He turns to Captain Drake hand and in common says "A most impressive hull Captain, most impressive. I think you and I are going to hold great power in Haven, great power indeed. I'll sign, and you can begin unloading but I have some stipulations. The Dwarvencraft Mining tools and the anvil are to go to the Dwarf in Salmor's guard. Make sure the messenger conveys my deepest appreciation for his valiance and honor. Send Aurell the elf the books, with my regards. And Masayori will get the nails, thread, and loom. Speaking of which the Warforged and skeletons shall remain on board until I say otherwise. I have no idea how the Warforged councilor or the Elf cleric would react to such things. Send the box of spell components to our dear Countess, with my wish for her reign to be long and memorable. I shall take a wand for myself if you don't mind captain. The rest I leave up to you.

Oh," Handing the signed document of the cargo list back to the captain "this is a secure document for guild masters and my eyes only. I would also like a crew list, I will allow the dust to settle on this busy day before we begin the discussion of the State's enemies."

He gives a smile, it has a mask like quality and does not match his lustful eyes as he glances once more to the weapons.

"Keep the weapons and armor on board."

2009-02-06, 03:43 AM
Zukan-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

The captain gladly helps you find exactly where everything is stored and even takes out of the crate so you can inspect the quantity if you request. Also I thought you were just after the weapons that he brought to the town. The crew and captain are all armed to the teeth with arms of at least masterwork quality.

"How the loot is divided is your bag my friend I'm just a humble package boy. With your signature in hand I find the details of my cargo slipping from me memory." The captain says with a smile as he slips the manifest into his cloak. "As for the exact list of my crew it will be a bit prickly. Ya see I don't know the names of half me crew meself. Seeings how half of them don't know how to write their name and the other lot are on the run from someone or another. What I can tell you is that we are fifteen strong and all of me men 'ill fight ta the death if the gold is good."

The privateers begin the long process of getting the cargo ashore. The captain excuses himself from your presence once you are off his boat and goes to grab a bottle of wine before returning to Haven.

2009-02-06, 11:53 PM

Maekrix imitates the human gesture as he casually walks over to his gutted companion and smears over the bloody name.

"Obviously not everyone appriciates our new aliance. Perhaps it would be best for me to kill you, Peaceful One, and find a new tribe to start over with."

Maekrix wraps his tail around himself and strokes it staring at the draconic rune.

"Scholar, what magic is in those letters? We have to solve that puzzle, and then go back to your home and begin a war party! We must strike the creatures hiding in the ruins to the west. They have now taken lives from both of our people, and it is time to destroy them."

Maekrix steps back to let the human examine the letters and dips his claws in the blood of his disembowled brethren, making two parellel streeks across each of Maekrix cheeks. A sign of the war to come.

2009-02-07, 03:26 AM
Magic? Aurell frowns, tilts his head to the side, staring at the runes from a good distance. Why, I don’t believe they hold any magic, other than to glow and stay there on the wall. It looks like a message, and from the language features and consonant clusters, I would say Draconic. Now it seems much more … jumbled then regular text, but still, can you make any of it out? Aurell looks to the Chieftain, smirks a little at the “war paint”, then continues on, wearing his “awkward” face. Of course, you do know Draconic, right? I am sorry if I may have offended you, I just assumed you knew your own language. But of course I can’t assume to know you and your past, perhaps you never learned? Aurell stares back at the writing, again tilting his head. Still, this is quite strange. Why leave a message that no one can read? With the writing all on top of itself like that, I doubt even a boon from the gods would allow me, or anyone else for that matter, to read it at all. Do you know why an attacker would do such a thing? Aurell muses, then comes to a horrible conclusion. Unless, a trap of some sort … sir Chieftain, would you please have your men stand back? Perhaps even leave the cave altogether? If the Chieftain does so, Aurell will stand as far back as possible, as far as he can get and still hit it, and then throw a rock at the wall marking.

2009-02-08, 05:44 AM
Aurell-Lizardfolk camp, The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

As you inspect the glyphs there is movement out of the corner of your eyes. When you turn your head you find yourself not in the lizard folk's cave but upon a great battlefield.
Thousands of tentacled nightmares that should not be are ripping their way into reality meeting great goblinoid heroes. Blasts of magic coming from both sides leave spots in your eyes as the battle rages before you.
One particular hobgoblin catches your eye. He is tall and his fur is silvered with age. In his hand is a staff pulsating with the power contained within. He is standing upon a great stone ziggurat and chanting words that thrum with power. A flock of birds appear behind him off in the distance. As they come closer you realize they are not birds but great black dragons each bigger than the last. With incredible speed they land before the wizened hobgoblin and bow. Their eyes seething with hatred for the man who obviously commands them. With a wave of his hand The dragons take flight and begin flooding the battlefield with their acidic breath instantly liquefying friend and foe alike.
Right as you are to be engulfed you find yourself staring up at the lizard men in their cave. Each time you shut your eyes a flicker of memory from some ancient battle jumps to mind then immediately vanishes. Looking over you see one of the smaller lizard folk with his back against the wall unconscious covered in a thin layer of dust and three of the biggest kyber dragonshards you have ever seen in your life. Now that you are looking the walls are packed with them. A kings fortune close enough to touch.

Maekrix-Lizardfolk Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
The priest collapses as he looks at the symbol on your wall. After a few minutes of just waiting for him to wake up one of your poison dusk brothers attempts to kick him awake. Instead of the expected result as soon as his foot made contact with the elf a bolt of brilliant energy blew into your follower and slamming him into the far wall knocking debris and a few of your light crystals onto him. He is obviously still breathing.
THe clerics mouth begins to move and in a deafening hollow voice that is clearly not his own he begins to speak. "To take the crown of the west a new alliance it to be born, a dragon must be slain and the staff of the last ruler must be wielded. Old enemies shall rise, new darkness shall be born and the south shall become the domain of the flies. A thirteenth, a new empire, a great king, an old bridge. Death for all who fight and fighters of death rejoice."
Suddenly you see the cleric wake up startled.

2009-02-08, 11:55 PM
Well, this one's a monster, it took me over an hour to write, hope you enjoy .. the drama!

By the Host! What in the world was that? Aurell immediately begins pawing through his robes, looking for a piece of paper to record the images still burned into his retinas. He looks up, not finding anything, then spots the bewildered Chieftain. Excited, Oh, did you witness that? Excellent, what happened? Did I glow, or float, or perhaps disappear? Did I say anything, make strange noises, speak like someone you know? Oh this is so exciting! Wait a minute, something dawns upon Aurell, this wasn't here before, wasn’t it? So whoever attacked here did this, which means it wasn’t a true seer vision, just magic viewing. Aurell looks disheartened; he looks from the Chief to his men, notices the poison dusk on the floor. Oh my, did I do that? My, whatever that was certainly had some strong defensive enchantments built in. He looks fine, allow me to … Sees the stones fallen next to the unconscious dusk, By all the Host and the Six, what do you have there? That’s … looks around, they’re everywhere! Aurell is worried now, visibly so. Oh no, this is a most dire problem, most dire indeed. A collection of this size is too much, we couldn’t sell all of it without attracting treasure hunters and thieves and more terrible things … oh my, this is very bad. Do you know what you have here, Chieftain? Looks to him, worry plain, speaks before he could answer. You have trouble. You have more trouble than even you can handle. Picks up a dragonshard, stares at it with wonder and a little fear, These stones which give your cave light are a great danger to us all. Come, I must speak with you privately.

Leads the Chieftain out of the cave and a little ways away from the cave, out of hearing of the other lizardmen. My people … the land where I am from values these stones very highly. A horde of this size could make you very, very rich. I trust you can see the problem there. If it were discovered that you had these stones, many would come here to take them from you. All creatures hold greed in their hearts, for all creatures hold a little of the evil of the Six in their hearts. This amount of stones, I should say Dragonshards, would bring great and powerful men from near and far, all to steal them and live comfortable for the rest of their lives. They would kill you and your men as easily as you could kill me. For this fortune, the faraway kings of this world would come to kill you. Aurell leans in, conspiratorially. You want to become rich, sir Chieftain? Very, very rich? If I take this dragonshard, shows the one he picked up in the cave, and show it to my people, and we send it overseas, men will come here and work for us. They will work for us because we have these stones, and quite possibly many more buried in the rock. You will of course have the most money, but my people will not settle for nothing either. Without us, without me, you would never have learned of them anyway. You will have to trust us, and we will have to trust the messenger, and the messenger will have to trust the Houses, and the Houses will have to trust themselves. But if it all works, we will all be very rich. House Denith will protect us from thieves, House Tharashk will give us money for what we mine. I am sorry to say that your cave will no longer work as a home, but how would you like to live in a castle?

2009-02-12, 01:53 PM
"Hmmm... how interesti ng."

Maekrix flicks his tounge back and forth, pondering what this means.

"Obviously these rocks have no real value, except for what your foolish kind gives them. And there is much more I would want a cave to be full of. I'm not sure you explain things very well, but it sounds like I can buy soft-skins with these stones, and although soft-skins are no great at battle, they can over run with enough numbers. I will get rid of these nusiances befor they cause too much issue. Tell me, how many men could I purchase with all of these stones. With them and my few tribe members left, we may be enough to wipe out our. If I can buy at least twenty of you, that could just about do it. Then, if I spend them all quickly, we won't't have to wotty about protecting them, because there won't be any left to protect. I will stay here and guard my hoard. You must go quickly and buy people for me, promising precious rocks. You may have one yourself too. I donnot know of the 'castle,' but I would rather buy fighters than a new cave."

Maekrix starts to walk back to his cave.

"Oh, if you reveal to anyone, especially the mistress, the extent of my wealth, I will personally kill you in the most painful manner possible."

2009-02-12, 09:13 PM
Aurell stares in astonishment at the turning lizardman. He’s supposed to be a genius, yet doesn’t know what a castle is? Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. You’re joking, right? You seem like a smart one, so I will try to explain this. A castle is much like the ruined fort your violent brethren control, only larger, grander and not ruined. The number of men you could hire with the entirety of those stones is numbered in the thousands, not the tens. Aurell takes a few steps towards the lizardman, and in a violent whisper that still carries across to the pausing Chieftain, Consider the most expensive item you own or have seen: perhaps a magic staff inherited from a father or a rival, perhaps a jewel-studded sword on the back of a leader. With this amount of money, you could buy hundreds and hundreds of those items to arm your tribe with, and still have money left over. We are not talking about a mere pittance here!

With a pitying expression, And what will you do, scrape what stones you can from the walls? By the looks of it, what you have is a mine. These stones on the surface are only the beginning, just a fraction of what is visible. There is very likely a whole vein there, just waiting to be tapped. To find them all, we must dig and dig and dig, with tools that my people have and can use. Your cave is about to get inhospitable and a lot bigger, unless you just decide to give up on taking them out at all.

Resolved, So, here is what I am going to do. I am going to go back to my people. I will tell them of the attack, of the disappearance of poor Salmor. I will tell them that, because some of your own were killed, you are planning to go to war with that tribe. I will suggest that we aid you, but I do not think they will feel obliged. Especially since you and us have not yet formed a treaty, something I would remind you we were going to do today. Then I will send this nugget by secret mail to someone I trust back in our land, who will then send men to protect the stones and diggers to get them. From that, a large amount of wealth will be acquired.

Sternly, Here is what I suggest you do, Sir Chieftain. I suggest you come with me, and bring your people. I suggest you sign a treaty, binding, if only temporarily, our two peoples together. I suggest you wait until warriors from my home come, because those warriors will be more than enough for your petty revenge. I suggest that you stay near us until those men arrive, because from the looks of it your tribe is not very favored by the other tribes currently.

Worrying, partly to himself, And if whomever created that magic message did not realize what these stones are, then they will be safe until then. The only worry now is if Salmor realized what they are, and tells them what I have told you. But … he has a strong heart, and surely realizes his safest plan is to wait for us to rescue him, rather than tempting fate by offering to broker the stones for them. If he does, we are all doomed; but if not, you will have all the revenge you desire. And a castle, and magic weapons for all your tribe, and anything else you desire.

Turn to leave, look back, So, will you stay here, or come back with me? They expect you and your tribe there, they are waiting for our return. Come, eat some good food, sign a treaty, learn more about my people. All that I have learned about your “Il’Lashtavar” is there, written down in a report for you to read. I will only tell you what I have learned there, not here. And trust me, it is quite astounding. Look towards the forest, Or, go to the fort for revenge. Go and die there, if you wish. Aurell waits for a response.

2009-02-16, 09:32 PM

Maekrix starts to speak, then stops again. Then he says,

"I think I begin to understand what power these rocks hold. Peaceful One, you are wise in these manners and have good council. I will do as you advise and eventually raise this army to mutual benefit for the both of us. I feel that I can trust you, and promise your loyalty will be bought generously. I wish that we could become... it is hard to translate... Brothers. For, with your wisdom and my cunning we can find both of our goals met."

Maekrix takes his dagger and wipes it on the ground, until it loses its brightly colored tip, he then licks it the end.

"As a chieftain, I can induct any into my tribe. You are now a member of clan Weatonan, and I shall also make you my Isthasy."

Maekrix motions for Aurell to kneel down, and when he does, he pierces his left ear. He then pulls out one of the bones pierced through his right ear and fits it into the new hole.

"Lash reiver, teshka sevaunt.
We are now my Isthasy, and you shall be known as Martivir. Now, let's go back and talk of this treaty, and the Il'lashtavar."

Maekrix takes his remnants of his tribe back to Haven.

sorry bout the late post, whenever I go to submit it, the websites been crashing

2009-02-21, 02:05 AM
Aurell-Haven camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
As you return to the camp you see the Countess slapping a roguish looking man holding a bottle of wine in a hand obviously once belonging to a aquatic humanoid of some sort. Rubbing his reddened face tenderly he walks over to you. "You must be master Aurell." He walks over to you holding out his normal hand for you to shake. "Captain Darkheart, I'm an acquaintance of your brothers. Helped him..." <Clears his threat.> "move a few things of his." Darkheart says with a wink. "Now then since it seems all the beautiful lassies are too stuck up for a privite tour of me ship" Darkheart gives a friendly leer at the countess who seems to be yelling at the lizard chieftain in draconic. "hows about you and me down this nice bottle of wine and swap stories of Mennev?"
Darkheart glances over at the countess as she throws something to the ground and moves his hands to the hilt of his weapon.

Maekrix-Haven Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
As you make it bact to haven you see the countess slap a man thing with a claw arm. <Humans can do that?> She comes marching up to you in an obviously foul mood.
*"You!" She shouts in perfect draconic. "When I say bring me our men back that you have taken prisoner you damn better do it! And on time not three hours late to a magical dinner that is worth more gold than your life is worth!" Your tribemates take an instinctive couple steps back either out of fear from her or your retort you are unsure. "And after all we have done for you you send your pathetic little warriors to try and rally your other insignificant little polluted dragon whelps to kill my investments!" The countess reaches an impossible amount of her arm into a tiny silk purse and tosses something at your feat. You look down and see Mesheek's head looking up at you with dead eyes filled with abject terror. Your men look to you for guidance as their hands slip closer to their weapons.

Zukan-Haven Camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
Arriving a few minutes after Captain Darkheart you make it back to haven just in time to see him get slapped across the face by the Countess. The Captain then goes on to talk to Aurell as the countess starts screaming at the lizardmen in Draconic. Come Mr.Gnome boss man you're missing all da fun." Shag the massive half orc says as he attempts to scoop you up and carry you on his shoulders. "Da wrestling's gonna start soon and Shag going to take first place." Looking over you see the oddity that is Chris dragging your fellow warforged councilor over to the countess.

Masayori-Haven Camp-he 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
"Masayori, Masayori, Masayori, Masayori, Masayori, Masayori, Masayori! The bad lizardman who stole my badgers is back and he's brought the boring man back with him. Lets go!" Before you realize whats going on you are being dragged by Chris and the surprisingly strong living doll to where the Countess is tossing the head of a dead lizard man to the Cheiftans feet. The other lizardmen look to their chieftain as they slowly reach for their weapons.

2009-02-21, 02:15 AM
"Baka shomino. Alright, someone explain what happened here... in Common." Masayori begins to refocus her internal chi, preparing for the fight that is likely to come.

2009-02-23, 12:23 PM
Aurell shakes Darkheart’s hand warmly, then turns to watch the unfolding confrontation. It would be nice if she would at least yell at him in Common; although, now that Aurell is seemingly part of the tribe, he really must learn Draconic some time. As he watches the spectacle, he speaks to the Captain without turning his head. Wonderful, a friend of my brother is always good to meet. You must be well-traveled indeed to have worked for him, and capable as well. Customs officials can be such a burden, yes? And I would assume you are the one who has been hired to bring supplies to our little community? Aurell turns to consider the Captain carefully, then turns back and says nonchalantly, You know, I recently discovered something of a oddity here that I would like to send to my brother. I need a second opinion on it, and someone discreet who could get it to him. But, I also require some time to prepare a letter for him explaining my situation, and who knows if I will find time this evening, what with the festivities. So I must ask, will you be leaving this evening, or tomorrow good Captain?

2009-02-23, 07:36 PM
Maekrix calmly picks up Mesheek's head and then adresses the lady in perfect common.

"I would apreciate it if you were to try and act less barbaric, we are a civilized race after all. I understand that you are a female, and are prone to irational outbursts, especially during certain phases of the moon."

In draconic Maekrix tells his tribesmen something akin to "it's that time of the month" and casually hisses at the humor, encouraging his tribes men to join in the laughter.

"Now then, the rational males have some diplomacy to discuss. When you calm down, perhaps you may join us."

He then looks over to Martivir, holding Mesheek's head.

"Ho, Martivir, I didn't know it was common practice in your society to behead those in your way who annoy you, I would have much more power here by now if I knew that was acceptable."

2009-02-23, 07:38 PM
"Someone tell me, what the hell happened here! In a language i can understand! Or a deadly monster descend upon all of your blasted mortal bodies!"

2009-02-23, 07:57 PM
"Why isn't it obvious? Apperently your female murdered one of my tribesmen in a fit of rage, claiming he was out to get her or something. I figured I would deal with her murder later and inact a deadly assasination on her, something I though you all would look down on. But I guess there truly is no just society."

2009-02-23, 08:08 PM
Aurell glances at the explosive warforged, unsure why such a calm individual would be acting so crazed. Then to Maekrix, Well, good Chieftain, it seems she was not annoyed at the dead one in your hands, but rather full-on angry. It seems she didn’t like that he was going to inform your fellow lizardmen at the fort of our town’s position, and to convince them to attack us. A bad idea of course, seeing as none of us want them attacking and destroying our village, not when we are so close to such a mutually-beneficial treaty. Yet another plot of whoever Quabil is, I suppose. It’s a good thing she stopped him, in the end. Perhaps you should congratulate her hunting prowess, instead of making fun of her wrath, a dangerous course of action I would assume.

Turns to Zukan, and speaking in a slightly archaic Gnomish that Masayori should be able to hear, Well, it seems things have been rather exciting while I was gone. I hope your day has gone well too. Gesturing to Captain Darkheart, Have you met with our supply merchant yet? He is here to unload all our requested supplies it seems, and I would assume he would need to talk to you about that.

2009-02-23, 08:13 PM
The warforged begins to tense and shake. She stares straight at the liazardman leader in the eyes as if she was about to rip off his head, voil it, and feed the soup to his tribe (willingly or otherwise). She speaks in a deep voice dripping with acid, "I DO NOT KNOW WHO IN THINE BLOODY HELLISH CAVES YOU ARE! YOU ARE A BEAST WHOM I KNOW NAUGHT ABOUT!" She stops shaking, but is still very tense. She is obviously more calm now and begins to speak in her usual voice, but is strained in the effort, "Aurell, you were with the lizard, so you would not know. The duchess is too swayed by emotion. Chris, what happened here."

2009-02-23, 08:23 PM
"That bad man stole my badgers!" Chris yells pointing at Maekrix. "Creepy man" Points at the Countess' servant who is next to a building partially concealed in shadow. "Killed the bad mans friend who was going to get the other lizard people to come get us."

2009-02-23, 08:27 PM
"So, you are saying that the lizardmen brandished weapons?"

2009-02-23, 08:51 PM
Zukzan allows himself to be scooped up onto Shag's back. Keeping a straight posture and stern face, he gives an occasional magnanimous wave to any onlooker at the ridiculous sight. His manner is that of a mounted knight on parade.

As he approaches the excitement, his face brightens as he hears the gnomish from Aurell. He responds in contemporary gnomish.

"It is good to see you back from your jungle excursion, can I pray that Salmor is simply resting in a nearby hut unharmed?

My day has been most enlightening, I have already supervised the unloading of supplies. And drafted the dear Captain into the current rank of Shipmaster, I intend to impose a 60% incentive goods tax to convince any independent sailors to join the guild. So they may benefit from his expertise and wealth of navigational knowledge. I can tell from this pandemonium that the Lizardfolk are the center of attention, care to fill me in?"

2009-02-23, 09:24 PM
Aurell’s smile weakens at the mention of Salmor. Again in a slightly old form of Gnomish, Sadly, our friend seems to be missing. After I was escorted to the Chieftain’s sturdy cave home, we found that it had been attacked. Bloody lizardfolk corpses littered the ground, yet there was no clue of what happened to poor Salmor. I fear the worst but hope for the best; may the Host guide him back to us.

Waving at the scene, As for this, I know quite a bit. It seems that the one of the good Chieftain’s men was on his way to inform the lizardfolk at the ruined fort of our location, in order to convince them to attack us. One of my purposes in going to the cave, other than to save the life of Salmor, was to convince the Chieftain to send his best hunters to capture that lizardman, but it seems the job was done quite capably by the Countess and her Servant, however gruesomely. And so we have the scene before us, in all its yelling and anger.

His usual smile returning, Oh, and as to the Captain and his supplies, it is good to hear. I must inform you that he is a family friend, and so I trust him quite highly. You have my blessings in appointing him to such a position, not that you need any such from me. I would worry though that such a traveling man would not be able to take on the duties of Shipmaster as I understand them. Would he not have to stay in town then, instead of on the high seas as I would guess his pleasure?

2009-02-23, 09:34 PM
"Yes I had already considered his wandering nature, my hope was that he would take on our budding sailors to train them on those long journeys. The offer of position was merely to entice him to make Haven a regular port."

Switching to common.

"The gods are with Salmor," he smiles confidently "I believe him to be too stubborn to die. Perhaps I should investigate the commotion, do not worry friend, I will simmer not boil." He ends with a wicked flash of a smile and taps Shag on the top of the head.

"Let's go check out those lizards Shag."

2009-02-23, 09:57 PM
Aurell smiles and nods in affirmation at that last bit of Gnomish, then upon hearing the quip in Common laughs out loud. Excellent wit, sir Mounted Knight. In fact, I think I shall join you. Turns to Captain Darkheart, Can you please see my later about your time of departure? Turns back to Zukan, and follows him over to the Lizardfolk. Perhaps the sight of the humongous smiling Shag and a fellow tribe-member will convince them to take their hands from their weapons. When he gets close enough, he speaks quietly to Maekrix. Sir Chieftain, I believe if you apologize to the Lady she will forgive you, and we can get this feast under way. Aurell smiles, in a way he hopes is conspiratorial.

2009-02-26, 09:37 PM
"Well," Maekrix says to the fuming mistress. "It looks like no one is particularly concerned for the murder you had committed, but do be wary of your impending assassination.

Zexenuma krathin!"

Maekrix has hi tribe stand ready with there weapons ready, reading for an attempt on his life from the female. He then takes Mesheek's head under his arm and catches up to Martivir.

"We will not be eating at the feast. There is too much worry for poison, and would dishonor Mesheek to eat from the one who killed him. In that case, we will finish this business quickly so as to get on to the more important matters. There will be time later to enact revenge."

2009-02-26, 09:50 PM
"had? pah, i control no such things in Haven. Had indeed," Masayori says to nobondy in particular. She then turns toward chris and says, "Come chris, walk with me." Walking away she asks chris, "so, are all of your badgers gone?"

2009-02-26, 11:08 PM
Aurell frowns slightly, but nods. He steps in close to the Chieftain, as close as is proper, and speaks in low tones so that only he can hear. I can understand your hesitation about supping with us now, even as I wish you would trust us. But treaty negotiations are fine too, and perhaps we can have the feast some other time instead, perhaps when we sign the treaty. I will understand if you do not wish to do that today. Now, if you will please wait for me over there, motioning towards the patch of ground where he conducts morning prayer, I will be with you shortly. I must gather paper and quill from my supplies. And, on a personal note, I am very sorry about the death of your tribesman, of our tribesman. I must confess that I discovered recently through divining magic of my gods that you had sent him out to notify the other tribes of our presence. The vision, as it concluded, showed signs of horrible fighting and devastation. One of the reasons I went with you this morning was to convince you to call him back, to stop such horrors. But it seems now that the Countess also discovered your order, and took the matter into her own hands. I am sorry that it happened, but also glad that such carnage was stopped before it began, even if it meant the life of one who is now of my own. Aurell sighs, then continues. Now, I will meet you shortly to be about this thing we must do.

As the five Lizardmen walk towards the prayer grounds, all that remains of a once mighty tribe, Aurell looks carefully at them. They are so naïve, so careless of the wider world. Yet for them, these forests are the only world they have presumably ever known, and for all its dangers and mysteries it is still their home. They know nothing of art, literature, culture and peace; and everything of war, bloodshed, slaughter and death. But perhaps they can learn, as Aurell once did.

Aurell turns towards the remaining crowd, and tries to summon a Councilor-like tone to his voice. Well, that seems to be all the excitement for today. I don’t think they will be joining us in the festivities we had planned. Please treat the day as a free one, and enjoy yourselves. And remember that the laws as I have posted come into full effect tomorrow, and that everyone needs to start signing up for work with the Councilors or an appointed Proxy. I don’t believe I currently need anyone right now, but I am sure Councilor Masayori, Zukan or Ir’Colo do. As things are just starting, there will of course be a grace period for finding work, to allow for the admittedly haphazard way these laws are coming into affect, but hopefully it will not take too long for a schedule to assert itself. Now then, Councilors, a moment please.

Once the common populace has all wandered off to their own pursuits, and Aurell does wait for them all to leave, Aurell angrily turns towards Countess Ir’Colo. Please do not do such hasty things in the future. I know I impressed upon you the worry of the situation, but that didn’t mean you had to go and have the creature killed. Couldn’t your Servant have detained him at least, or “persuaded” him to come back? You were appointed as Defense Councilor to defend us, not start a battle with the only tribe around who seem the least bit friendly. Your actions certainly saved our hides, but the method was not above reproach. Now, I will be heading off to negotiate the treaty. I don’t believe he will still want you present for that, so you are free to do as you will. If either of you, Aurell looks at Zukan who is now seated on the ground where his mount deposited him, would like me to try to put any additional points into the treaty, please tell me now. Otherwise, it will be the usual affair of promises not to attack and trade agreements. Aurell waits for an answer.

2009-02-27, 03:43 PM
Aurell, Zukan and Masayori-Haven camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar
Chris takes a deep breath as if about to explain a lot to Masayori when Aurell calls the councilors over. Chris shrugs and runs after shiny that caught her eye.

"As your defense councilor I say we just finish them off now." The countess says. "The only reason I even suggested an alliance with those barbarians is to buy time for Darkheart to come. Now, I suggest we give the good pirate some gold and have him take these beasts out of our hair. He doesn't even have to kill them. Maybe just send them to Droam where monsters deserve to live. They would be among their own kind then. Plus I didn't spend a fortune on experimental warforged and elite Karrnathi Skeletons just to be at the mercy of some bottom feeding kobolod rejects. You made me in charge of defense so I shall say this as your leader, We must kill those lizard folk before they kill us." Se looks around for a moment. "Where is that idoit anyhow, we should have all our supplies unloaded by now. I bet he hasn't even started yet."

2009-02-27, 07:11 PM
"First of all, NO! We can not kill them, they are valuable allies. do YOU know what those jungles consist of countess, if you can safely lead us in those damned woods then i partially agree with you. besides that, they are hunters and gatherers, they know the local beasts and how to kill them, gut them, flay them, and cook them. We DO NOT! Second of all, why the hell did you buy ZOMBIES and experimental WARFORGED! MY kind!"

2009-02-27, 07:26 PM
Aurell nods in agreement with Masayori. Such a bold action would be highly illogical from our standpoint, Defense Councilor. We may have more magic then them, we may have better soldiers then them, but this is not a situation where military might is advisable to use except as a threat. I agree that we need to impress upon the Chieftain of our power, because currently he certainly views us as insignificant. As tactically relevant as that situation may sometimes be, there are other times when the opponent must know you hold the power. I had hoped that the festivities for today would help impress him of that fact, but your brutish actions have soured any chance of that today. Do you realize you could have just kept the head a secret? No, this is not the time for military force, this is the time for politics. As the good Infrastructure Councilor has pointed out, there are things in that forest that we do not want to deal with alone. First, there are the lizardmen at the ruined fort, who the Chieftain could speak on our behalf for if such a dire situation arose that we had to deal with them. Secondly, there are even greater dangers much farther to the north, which I believe I have already impressed upon you, and which again the Chieftain may be best as an envoy in case it is required. Thirdly, there are the wild beasts of the forest itself, which his people have dealt with for years. All in all, such a rash action would surely be our eventual doom.

So, if there is nothing that anyone wishes to put into the treaty, then I will be going? Aurell again waits for a response, so he can be on his way to the impatient Chieftain.

2009-02-27, 07:57 PM
Aurell, Zukan and Masayori-Haven camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

"First of all warforged." The countess says with disdain. "There are competent guides for hire that haven't openly told me that they're going to assassinate me. We won't find one that has lived in this particular patch of land but I'm sure the fact that they won't kill us will be worth a transition period to scout out the near by terrain. Second I did not buy zombies. These are highly intelligent and well trained loyal Karrnathi Skelletons who hail from my lands and have pledged their service to me for all eternity. Patriots that have died in the service of The Most Honorable and Merciful King Kaius the Third. Elite members of the Karrnathi military who can survive any conditions without need of sustenance or rest. Why do you think I brought them!? So we don't have to rely on idiots like Salimor and untrained peasants for our survival. As for the warforged I must have taken a temporary lapse of sanity when I chose to purchase them as recent experiences have shown them to be as close minded and foolish as the idiot countries they were built to protect."

"As for why the priest has suddenly fallen in love with the feral Lizardfolk I believe I see the cause." she says pointing to the new bone earing Aurell is sporting.

2009-02-27, 08:39 PM
Those competent guides will also want to assassinate you I would wager, if you were to kill one of their family members. Not that a guide would even be useful in this situation. We are dealing with Lizardfolk, and these particular ones are more xenophobic than usual. Unless you can find a competent and trustworthy Lizardman guide, I think we would still have a problem. Really, someone from the region is the only important requirement in this situation, such as the Chieftain I again must point out. Or, perhaps, someone who had gained the trust of some tribe, and now wears a marking that identifies him to all other Lizardfolk as being an honorary tribal member. Sort of like I do. Aurell smiles with pleasure, then hastily says, Not that I would ever suggest myself as a guide, I am not competent in that respect in the least; but still, it counts for something that you have me around, no? Aurell smiles again, and fingers the earring. I do enjoy having it, I must admit, and it is a great honor to have been bestowed it, even if it was more a political move on the Chieftains part then out of respect. But still, at least he is playing that game, unlike you and your murderous Servant. No disrespect for your watchful guardian, Aurell says louder, knowing the Servant will be near enough to hear it. Such skill is valuable too, of course.

As for the Undead and the Warforged, I don’t know what to say. Both have been tools of war, that is true; and you are the duly-appointed Defense Councilor. I would imagine you bought them with personal savings, which you are of course free to do. Still, it shows a certain lack of tact that is becoming more and more pronounced. And I believe that Masayori, gesturing to the fuming warforged, would like to ask that you treat them with the utmost respect as they work off their indentured status. I shall have to examine the laws so far for a way to handle that status, seeing as we may not yet have a way for them to do so, something I am sure you were well aware of when you purchased them.

2009-02-28, 12:51 AM
"Those monsters are just as horrible as your king. How long has he lived? And you do not find that at all disconcerting?! As for my kin, I shall personally see that they are treated as equals and NOT as I once was! Aurell, do you have any need of me, I have business to attend to with a mental brother of mine."

2009-02-28, 01:31 AM
Aurell looks nervously around at the mention of this. Well, um, I can, um, neither confirm nor deny that there is any oddity to the age of King Kaius the III. Indeed, his official birthday puts him at quite a healthy age, may he rule benevolently. Aurell makes shushing motions towards Masayori as she turns to leave.

Turning to the others, Well, with that I believe it is high time that I meet up with the Chieftain. Aurell looks down at the grinning Zukan. If you have anything for me, please notify me at the earliest convenience. To both the remaining Councilors, Of course, all Councilors will be included in the signing process, which may need to happen at a later date. But hopefully things can get settled today, am I right? Aurell smiles awkwardly. So, I shall be off.

Aurell walks to his meditation area quickly, grabs several sheets of paper and his best quill, and after checking that no one is around, grabs two sheets of parchment from his Suggestions bag. He then makes his way to the holy grounds, the perfect place to write a treaty.

When he arrives, he silently hands the two pieces of parchment to the Cheiftain, and begins drafting what he has been considering in the back of his mind for the past several hours.

I have pm’ed the two sheets to you Galteland, as well as the first draft of the Treaty. If Maekrix has any question on the Report, go ahead and ask. Aurell will show you the Treaty after you have done so, or at least commented. Everyone else, I will show you the Report later.

2009-02-28, 12:54 PM
Masayori leads Chris off to find the one-armed monk, a bit later, still in the place he was tld to say in she finds him, introduces chris, and asks him once again if he would like new arm saying, "If you truly would like a replacement for your appendage please tell me and Chris here can make you one."

2009-03-10, 05:38 PM
Still grinning Zukzan watches the other two councilors off, giving a slight wave and a curt nod to each of them.

He turns to the countess, his grin adopting a somewhat mischievous quality, or is it malevolent?

"The reptiles have no mind for currency your majesty, if Aurell connives them into exclusively trading with us; they will prove more useful alive then dead. A protective tariff will swell our coffers as we bilk them out of resources at little to no cost. It was wise of you not to tip your hand of our possession of the skeletons, your majesty. They could easily be used for raiding and assassination missions that would be easily untraceable."

He drops the grin, and starts to massage the face muscles unused to so much activity, "With your pardon Milady, Good night."

With that he returns to his hut, suppressing the grin with a well used mantra.

2009-03-11, 01:43 AM
Masayori-Haven camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

Chris whistles for her homonculus and not log after her tiny construct comes out of a hut carrying a huge iron trunk in one of its doll like hands. Chris flips open the lid and begins taking measurements off the monk. First his other arm. Then his back. Then Chris takes out a strange tool and measures the diameter of the monks head and legs. The monk opens his mouth about to ask you a question when Chris finishes and closes his tools back in the chest with a loud thud. "All right," Chris says as the doll moves the trunk back into the hut. "I think considering the circumstances we should just give up on this model and build a brand new one. Now given our current supply I'll have to cut some corners on the ascetics but I'm sure you'll understand. Now lets get a mold of your face. Dolly get me the hot wax!" THe monk looks to you with a silent plea for help.

2009-03-11, 05:55 PM
"Would you like a new arm or not? If you would, then i think this is the only way."

2009-03-14, 11:59 PM
Masayori-Haven camp-The 4th of Therendor of 998th Year of the Kingdom of Galifar

The monk sighs and says, "Thank you but no. I shall live my life as fully as possible under my own strength and just hope the Sovereigns have blessed me with enough to protect this village and the people who dwell with in it.

2009-03-16, 08:34 PM
"Chris, put your stuff away. He does not want a new arm." Masayori turns away from the two when Chris actually stops and walks back to the hut where the councilors were to meet. She kneels and begins to pray as it has been another stressful day.