View Full Version : Burn After Reading

2008-12-12, 01:06 AM
I just went out and saw the new Coen brothers movie, Burn After Reading. My first impression was waiting for the story to start, before realizing that it already had. It made very little sense, was bizarre in every way, and was completely hilarious. Has anybody else seen it? What do you think?

2008-12-12, 01:22 AM
I haven't yet seen it, but you just described the experience of watching every Coen Brothers movie for me so far, so I look forward to seeing it soon.

If nothing else, they flaunt convention. Actually, they don't flaunt convention, they act like they're from a planet where convention was never invented.

2008-12-12, 02:11 AM
Has anybody else seen it? What do you think?

I do remember seeing that in theater a few weeks(months?) ago. I remember sitting there and watching it, waiting for the comedy to start. I was almost to the point where I was going to grab my friend(who was also watching), and walk out of the theater.
Are you sure? it's a major spoiler...The trainer got shot in the head.
and suddenly it was freaking hilarious. If the movie had been that funny throughout the whole thing, then it would have been one of my favorite comedy movies of all time. I can honestly say, that I have never before seen any movie pull such a complete 180 in quality, in fact, I've never seen a movie come close to that. As it was, it was just a pretty good movie. A rather strange comedy, but really funny none the less.

2008-12-12, 02:18 AM
The ending dialog was the best in the whole movie. I spent the whole movie wondering what the entire point of the movie was...And then the last lines...Funniest of the whole movie;

CIA Superior: What did we learn, Palmer?
Palmer: I don't know, sir.
CIA Superior: I don't {censored} know either. I guess we learned not to do it again.
Palmer: Yes, sir.
CIA Superior: I'm {censored} if I know what we did.
Palmer: Yes, sir, it's, uh, hard to say

2008-12-12, 12:40 PM
My observation (and this is a recurring feature of several Coen bros. films) is that it's set up as a type of movie and then screws with the audience's expectations. This one is presented as a screwball spy flick and the main characters act like that's what they're in, but the rest of the movie operates more realisticly.

I enjoyed it. :smallsmile:

Edit - Oh, and I can't think of anybody right off the top of my head that does comedic crazy eyes (http://www.entertainmentwallpaper.com/images/desktops/movie/burn_after_reading01.jpg) better than George Clooney.

2008-12-12, 12:45 PM
I frickin' loved it: random and erratic, with a laughs, and an unexpected end. Loved it.

2008-12-12, 12:46 PM
Am I the only one who thought this thread will be about books so horrible you can't help but burn them after you read them?

2008-12-12, 12:47 PM
Am I the only one who thought this thread will be about books so horrible you can't help but burn them after you read them?

No. I'm sorely disappointed.

2008-12-12, 03:09 PM
Since nobody else is doing it, I want to throw in my support for this grossly underappreciated film. All the casting decisions were brilliant. George Clooney as the wannabe-stud manchild, Brad Pitt as a simpleton.... it's brilliant as a comedy, and as a commentary on the warped and self-important worldview so many Americans (IMO) possess in the 21st Century. Everything in the film--the shots, the soundtrack--reflect these characters' belief that they are at the center of Great and Important Things, when in reality the plot is utterly banal.

Also, guy who didn't like the first half: how did you not think the opening scene was funny?

Steve: Osbourne, let's be frank. You have a drinking problem.
Osbourne: Oh, **** you, Steve, you're a Mormon. To you, everyone has a drinking problem!

2008-12-12, 04:49 PM
I liked it.

And even if it wasn't so very funny, it had Sledge Hammer in the CIA.

On a slightly related note, anyone else feel it was a movie the Coens made entirely to amuse themselves, and if anyone else liked it, it would just be a tiny bonus?

2008-12-12, 05:17 PM
I liked it. As others, when I watched it is spent a good chunk of the movie feeling slightly confused and wondering when the funny would start. Then I got the joke, as it were. Very, very entertaining once you stop assuming anything about the movie. The two CIA guys really put the icing on the cake, and the last scene ends the film with an awesome touch.

In other news, Brad Pitt shows (again) that he´s a damn fine actor, and Clooney is great too.

2008-12-12, 11:30 PM
Funniest movie I've seen in a while, aside from Tropic Thunder. The story is a bit abrupt though. The best part of the movie was the closet, I laughed so hard.

2008-12-13, 01:20 AM
Had a great time with the movie. Started off a bit slow and I did admit I was getting sleepy until...


The story then smacks you in the face, telling you this is where the chaos starts and chitlins go outta control.

Brad Pitt's role as that dumb preppy gym trainer is hilarious, especially with his pathetic attempts at blackmail.

2008-12-13, 05:00 AM
Also, guy who didn't like the first half: how did you not think the opening scene was funny?

Steve: Osbourne, let's be frank. You have a drinking problem.
Osbourne: Oh, **** you, Steve, you're a Mormon. To you, everyone has a drinking problem!

I'm not sure, but the entire first half of the movie did not resonate with me. Before(as previous poster said) the "BANG," it was well on its way to being the worst movie I had seen in several years. After the "BANG" it was headed well in another direction, and, while not one of my favorite movies, it was still a good movie. Maybe it was the filming style of the opening scene, or the how the movie appeared to be set up to be a mediocre comedy spy flick for the first half, but I really don't even remember that part of the movie getting so much as a smirk from me with maybe one or two exceptions(and they still were not laughs).

Overall, I must admit, I have never had a movie play so much with expectations(especially while watching the movie!), and I left the theater pleasantly surprised. That movie may have been a work of genius, but it was definitely the work of a madman, and I doubt shall see any movie like it for many years to come.

2008-12-13, 09:49 AM
I liked it. As soon as I understood the movie was a comedy composed of tragic misunderstandings without anything solid in the middle, I just started enjoying it. It also fits (albeit in a very satirical manner) with my impression of how the intelligence-gathering buisness actually works, as opposed to how it tends to work in movies.

Overall, I must admit, I have never had a movie play so much with expectations(especially while watching the movie!), and I left the theater pleasantly surprised. That movie may have been a work of genius, but it was definitely the work of a madman, and I doubt shall see any movie like it for many years to come.You haven't seen much of the Cohen brothers, I gather? :smallsmile:

Mauve Shirt
2008-12-13, 10:02 AM
It was funny at times, but it never went anywhere and was really unsatisfying.