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View Full Version : WINNERS of the Monumental City Contest!

Grey Watcher
2005-08-16, 12:41 AM
At long last, it is my pleasure to announce (at long last, all of) the winners!

Best Overall City: Gorshakarum, the Bloody Spiked Shield (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11206738 47), by Premier (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =Premier)
Best Adventure Hooks: Arlinfort (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11222734 80), by snow cheetah (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =snow_cheetah)
Most Original or Wondrous City: Illithihumana (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11202749 62), by The Demented One (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =The_Demented_One)
Most Playable City: Garrith's Rest (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11203650 06), by Gorbash Kazdar (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =Gorbash_Kazdar)
Best Monument: Incenderius (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11202660 10), by The Glyphstone (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =The_Glyphstone)
Best Vacation Spot: Garrith's Rest (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11203650 06), by Gorbash Kazdar (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =Gorbash_Kazdar)
Grey Watcher's Personal Pick: Rainbow Falls, City of Springs, World Port (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11221376 79), by BlueMagus (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=viewprofile;username =BlueMagus)

Congratulations to all the winners!

2005-08-16, 01:55 AM
Go Gorbash! So far, that's the only one I voted for that won. But I have hope for the last two catagories (GW's pick not counting, since we can't influence that one).

Edit: Congrats to everyone that entered, and good job to everyone that won. There was a lot of very enjoyable reads in these pages, so thanks for that.

2005-08-16, 02:22 AM
I feel like I am at the oscars or something and they just panned to all of us that are trying to stifle our crushing dispair... ;D

Seriously, congrats to the winners and hopefully we can see who else wins the tied categories or even just leave them as a tie if it is just too brutal to sort out!

2005-08-16, 05:32 AM
In keeping with modern notions of interactivity, non-linearity and verisimilitude, let me provide you with this meta-content prize acceptance speech. I'll provide you with a list of optional things I would possibly mention in the speech, and you can all pick which items you want to hear, as well as imagine the exact words for yourselves. This way, everyone gets his or her own personalized version of my prize acceptance speech. Here goes:

1, Thank everyone who voted for me.

2, Thank everyone who voted, whether for me or for someone else.

3, Thank all other entrants for entering and making this an exciting contest, sportsmanship, Olympic spirit, etc. etc.

4, Wave around the Best Overall prize and scream "You've been pwned, biatches!"

5, Thank the organizers.

6, F*ck the organizers, it's not about prizes and competitions, it's about unregulated content creation and artistic expression. Information wants to be free! Power to the people!

7, Crack some joke, possibly something about D&D or Monty Python.

7, Let me mention entries A, B and C, which are at least as deserving of the Best Overall award as mine, if not more. (Fill in entry names as you please.)

8, Rub it in how the old editions guy snatched the prize from the 3rd. ed. kiddies.

9, Brief and light intellectual wankery about A, the semiotic/cultural/sociological role of roleplaying in modern society, B, the nature and dynamics of free content creation and information flow in modern society and its ramifications vis-á-vis roleplaying games, C, the role of roleplaying games in the framework of anthropology, art and cultural history, D, other. (Choose one or several.)

10, Humorous/endearing/snappy finishing line.

The Glyphstone
2005-08-16, 06:53 AM
Hey, Sweet! I did come out with something after all. Thanks to all you voted for me!

At least 1, maybe two of my picks won a prize - Illithumania was definitely the most original, and I think I chose Arlinfort for best adventure hooks. My bet for Monument had been on Gorshakarum, since each (was there 3?) was an entire adventure hook in itself. It won best overall though, even better.

2005-08-16, 10:43 AM
Congratulations. I'm a little disappointed I didn't win anything, but the people have spoken.

2005-08-16, 01:24 PM
Good job to everyone! Winners and runners up alike. Remember once the threads are unlocked to tell everyone on their city just what you liked and thought needed polishing. I for one look forward to some advice.

2005-08-16, 03:40 PM
Congrats to everyone... Im just Hoping I got voted on in something

The Demented One
2005-08-16, 05:14 PM
Wow...never expected to win on my first try. Good job to everyone who participated.

2005-08-17, 12:09 AM
So out of curiosity, will the total number of votes be posted at any time? I'm just curious if anybody even voted for my project or my picks, and it would also give a good example of how much each project won by (for instance, was it a near tie in some cases, or a landslide?).

I suppose it means more work for the contest runners, but I'd be interested in seeing if I even got a single vote :)

Grey Watcher
2005-08-17, 02:02 PM
There were a total of 26 ballots, so here they are.

Best Overall:
Arlinfort: 2
Derednic: 2
Eternal Grace: 1
Gorshakarum: 5
Incenderius 2:
Kheimurgan: 1
Laketon: 1
Lascorem: 1
Nautili: 4
Nocta: 1
Zycoriath: 1
1 Abstention

Best Adventure Hooks:
Alzeit: 1
Arlinfort: 3
Branzenport: 1
Copperclaw: 2
Derednic: 1
Eledinas: 2
Gal-Deshret: 1
Garrith's Rest: 2
Godsfall: 1
Gorshakarum: 1
Incenderius: 2
Kheimurgan: 1
Lascorem: 3
Luvul: 1
Nocera Hatra: 1
Rif'Slar: 1
2 Abstentions
Grobash and I cast tie breaking votes in favor of Arlinfort

Most Original or Wondrous:
Alzeit: 1
Arlinfort: 1
Derednic: 1
Estamaris: 1
Eternal Grace: 2
Garrith's Rest: 1
Glerith: 2
Godsfall: 2
Gorshakarum: 1
Illithihumana: 5
Incenderius: 2
Jekyllhyde: 1
Nautili: 3
Nocta: 1
Rif'Slar: 1
1 Abstention

Most Playable:
Aicyd: 1
Arlinfort: 2
Copperclaw: 2
Derednic: 1
Gal-Deshret: 1
Garrith's Rest: 5
Glerith: 1
Godsfall: 1
Gorshakarum: 1
Grundistad: 1
Ikonus: 1
Jekyllhyde: 1
Lascorem: 1
Luvul: 3
Nautili: 1
Zeitlich: 1
Zycoriath: 1
1 Abstention

Best Monument:
Alzeit: 1
Arlinfort: 1
Clifftown: 1
Dragon's Nest: 1
Eledinas: 1
Estamaris: 1
Eternal Grace: 1
Garrith's Rest: 2
Godsfall: 1
Gorshakarum: 2
Incenderius: 2
Ithal Sibil: 2
Karista: 1
Lascorem: 1
Nautili: 1
Nokarr: 1
Rainbow Falls: 1
Rhiannarth: 1
Xoralin: 1
Zeitlich: 1
2 Abstentions
Gorbash and I cast tiebreaking votes, one for Gorshakarum, the other for Incenderius. To break this second tie, we turned to another available moderator, who voted for Incenderius.

Best Vacation Spot:
Aicyd: 1
Garrith's Rest: 4
Godsfall: 1
Gorshakarum: 1
Grundistad: 2
Gulumair: 1
Ikonus: 1
Incenderius: 1
Ithal Sibil: 1
Nautili: 1
Nocta: 1
Rainbow Falls: 1
Rif'Slar: 2
Zeitlich: 1
Zycoriath: 3
4 Abstentions

2005-08-17, 03:43 PM
My signature says it all, to that person (or persons) that voted for me, you are a SAINT (or saints as the case may be). At least I know that SOMEONE liked what I did ;D

2005-08-17, 05:58 PM
wow...if I'd voted myself instead of Gorby that last one, I woulda won it...damn..

2005-08-17, 09:58 PM
hi hi

I think everyone has a right to feel good about their cities, I had a very tough time deciding which cities to vote for, and a lot of them were either very close, or had something great about them that simply wasn't one of the categories being judged.

2005-08-18, 01:51 PM
I didn't vote because I really didn't have enough time these last few weeks to give every entry the attention it deserves, but what I did read was especially good. Some entries were a little long (but hey, nothing wrong with that) but most were very nice.

I'd love to know who voted for me, and whoever was sending out PMs with suggestions, I'd love some feedback on Alziet; link is in my signature.

2005-08-18, 04:54 PM
Yay, I had one vote! Thank you sooooo much! I'm already looking forward to the next contest, but if anyone cares to comment at Dragon's Nest I would greatly appreciate that. ;D Participating is the importatnt thing, not the victory, or so they say.

2005-08-18, 05:26 PM
I bow before the winners, humiliated and broken... :'( (Ha, in your DREAMS! :D )

And thanks to the one person who voted for my city. As I am a genius and therefore can not lose in a fair contest ( :D ), there are three possible reasons for the actual results:

1) It was all a huge scam (right word?)
2) Only 1 person actually read my entry
3) All voters have not good taste


Thank you. ;)

EDIT: And despite my pride, I hope you post honest critic on Nocera Hatra soon, so I may learn and grow better - if that is possible. :D

2005-08-18, 06:26 PM
I don't like when people even jest like that, it makes you look bad, and it's rather sad to see you put down our moderators by saying that they would ever rig the contest like that.

2005-08-18, 09:03 PM
I don't mind jests but it brings up an interesting side note.

We've complimented the participants for all of their creativity and hard work but nary a mention of the folks that put the work in to run the contest.

Thanks to Grey and Gorbash (and any other other mod that I have missed) for running a very cool contest.


2005-08-18, 09:37 PM
Yes, both of them have nearly gone insane from the whole ordeal. Thank you for running the contest, guys, and we look forward to you final decision GW.

2005-08-19, 06:43 AM
:o I tied for Best Adventure Hooks? I feel so loved... well, almost-loved. ;) Thanks and congrats and stuff! Note to self: forget bribing the judges, just bribe one or two ordinary voters...

2005-08-19, 04:12 PM
Yes, thanks to all the folks who invested time and effort into running this contest. :)

@Weiko: Now come on, are you kidding? ´Cause I were, and I think I made it clear enough. If you take ironic jests literally - well, than you do something I dislike, so I think we are even, aren´t we?

2005-08-19, 04:28 PM
*Huddles into a dank corner, accompanied by a bottle of strong cider, and starts bawling "I was robbed! I WAS ROBBED!" stridently and not a little drunkenly*

I suppose that there's still the Personal Pick... nudgenudgewinkwinkpokepokedaggeragainstthroat ;D

Anyway, jokes aside and speaking seriously, congratulations to all of the winners of the various contest categories - your entries patently deserved them! Savour the victory you've earned!

2005-08-19, 10:12 PM
Congratulations to everyone who won! Nice entries.

On a side note, when will the threads be unlocked? I'd like to actually finish my design (didn't get it all up in time). It won't count, but I'd prefer to finish something rather than leave it half done. :)

Grey Watcher
2005-08-20, 01:43 AM
Congratulations to everyone who won! Nice entries.

On a side note, when will the threads be unlocked? I'd like to actually finish my design (didn't get it all up in time). It won't count, but I'd prefer to finish something rather than leave it half done. :)

Basically, I'm still trying to read through them all. Unfortunately, my real life keeps getting in my way. I've been working my way up from the bottom of the list in the Vote thread, and I'm only up to Gal-Deshreet.

2005-08-20, 03:11 AM
Alrighty. Just checkin' ;)

It's probably a good thing I didn't post, as my description dwarfs even Glyph's in length. Not that length is everything. I'm just saying I typed a lot. (Read: Probably too much)

2005-08-21, 08:39 AM
Congratulations Premier, snow cheetah, The Demented One, Gorbash Kadzar and The Glyphstone. I'm going to have to admit I only voted for the Glyphstone out of those, but hey, almost every entry was great so can you really blame me? You all deserve it, congrats!

Hey look, I finished second in most playable city! Must be because of the huge length of my entry. ;D Thanks to all who voted for me (also that one person that appreciated my adventure hooks enough to vote for them)!

This has been a really great contest. I'll probably be going against the majority's opinion here, but I really would prefer another fluffy contest over the monster-thingy they announced. Oh well, maybe I'll join in again in october.

Thanks everyone for making all these great entries.

Grey Watcher
2005-08-22, 12:55 AM
And, at long last, after many hours of reading so many well-done entries, I'm pleased to announce my personal pick! Rainbow Falls, by BlueMagus! Now there's just the last matter of the prize for the personal pick.... :returns to the dank depths of the basement to work:

The Glyphstone
2005-08-22, 06:02 AM
Every single one of these awards were perfectly deserved by their winners. ;D
Except for me, obviously, I was aiming for either Most Playable or Adventure Hook, a bland black tower was just really unoriginal.

I am SO looking forward to the next contest, especially with the increased odds that from here outward there will be many entries, because of the increased popularity.

do threads get unlocked now?

Gorbash Kazdar
2005-08-22, 06:12 AM
Already done, unless I missed one.

The Glyphstone
2005-08-22, 06:32 AM
Eehhh, i'm just not paying attention. :-[

2005-08-22, 10:26 AM
Depending on the time I have, I MIGHT participate in the next one...it took a lot to participate in this one and I didn't get the time I needed to really work on the cities I made, you know?

2005-08-23, 12:59 AM
Not all of the contests are as involved as this one. I'd have to say this is likely the contest with the longest entries there's been, IMO.

The magic items contest didn't take much space at all. I encourage you (and everyone) to participate. I love seeing other people's ideas.

2005-08-23, 01:03 PM
i personally cant wait until the next one.
It will be (hopefully) my first contest entry.

2005-08-25, 10:45 PM
I'm pleased to announce my personal pick! Rainbow Falls, by BlueMagus! Now there's just the last matter of the prize for the personal pick.... :returns to the dank depths of the basement to work:

Prize? I didn't know there were prizes! Hm... about the only thing I'd like is some feedback. Yup, that sure would be nice.

2005-08-27, 10:24 AM
Good job, everybody! I enjoyed entering, so thanks for making the contest! Congradulations to the winners!