View Full Version : A Wicked Interlude (IC)

2008-12-12, 12:37 PM
Ah, Shiz. City of knowledge, city of culture, second only to the Emerald City itself in grandeur and repute in all of Oz. Here, deep thought and laughter flourish side by side, for all--though rumors have begun to be whispered about certain plans by the Wizard.

It is early afternoon, and the square is as busy as ever, crowds rushing through the wide cobbled streets. Throngs of people, Animals and even a few tiktok beings hurry about. On all sides of this, high Bluestone Revival buildings glint slightly in the sunlight from windows set into their mansard roofs, and the center is dominated by a single carved pedestal, now empty of statuary.

It is a perfectly ordinary day in the city. Large things invariably begin small.

2008-12-12, 01:04 PM
It brought back so many memories, didn't it?

He strolled through Shiz one more time, tossing a half-eaten apple from hand to hand and occasionally taking a bite. Oh, there was the library where he had studied for days straight. There was the Tasurke Tavern - first night he had gone in had to be the night of the biggest tavern brawl ever.

He stopped in the main square to throw away the apple core, leaning back against a wall and looking around him one last time. Such a beautiful place it was...

2008-12-12, 04:45 PM
And it is in that square that Samold, called Soul Singer, is earning his keep as best he can by singing moving, beautiful, bittersweet songs in that rich baritone voice of his . . . . occasionally underscored by the bass "Goln" sound of his nearby companion, a dire toad.

Level of performance/ income for the day ...
Gather Information check to get "feel" of audience [roll0]
Failed to make DC 20, so Perform check is not increased by +2.

2008-12-12, 04:49 PM
Actual performance ...
[spoiler] Perform check [roll0][spoiler]

2008-12-12, 04:58 PM
OOC: Sorry to multi-post, but I can't edit a post that had a roll in it previously, to enter in a new roll that was dependent on the last. Rolling attack rolls and damage is one thing, unless it's a critical hit, but this type of rolling leads to different types of rolls.

Also, since his average result (on a 10) would be a 26, the "over time" result would be that he would come to the attention of noble patrons and develop a national reputation.

Income for today:
[roll0] gp for today.

OOC: Kagehime, it came to my attention that I don't have HP's assigned. Is this strictly half, is it rolled and take half if the roll is too low, or what? How's that for an oversight on our parts, eh?

2008-12-12, 06:04 PM
Do you mean, by stats, like constitution and stuff like that?

Bjorn sits in a tavern smoking a briar pipe. He is also eating some meat and biscuits and drinking some ale. And watching all the hustle and bustle happen outside.

2008-12-12, 06:39 PM
Whoops, forgot all about that. Well, you can, yes, take the average half or do the latter. And yes, that's good.

At this moment, a group of college boys, uniforms in some disarray, come around the corner laughing and talking amongst themselves, glancing over their shoulders at a group of girls from the other hall, pausing on the corner just outside the tavern and near the bard. They're discussing something fairly amusing, it would seem.

2008-12-12, 07:28 PM
Hit points ...

1st: 6+2 = 8
2nd: [roll0]
3rd: [roll1]
4th: [roll2]
5th: [roll3]
6th: [roll4]
Wow, how's that for a nearly perfect average? 38 it is, then.

2008-12-15, 03:02 PM
Boqura scowls at the young hooligans messing about, before striding over to listen to the young musician. He smiles and taps his foot to the beat, waiting until most of the crowd about the young man has dispersed.

When all have gone, Boqura steps forward and smiles. "I must say, you're quite the talented young man. Where'd you learn to play like that?"

2008-12-15, 04:51 PM
Description ...
The figure standing before you appears to be a young Quadling male, aged around 20 years old, with nut brown skin, medium dark-brown hair, and emerald green eyes. He is short (5'6") and barrel-chested (165 lb). His features are exceedingly handsome, if rough and Quadling-ish, and he betrays a relatively peaceable demeanor.

He wears a suit of gleaming breastplate. At his neck is a long strip of scarlet cloth with what appears to be arcane sigils and mystic designs in gold filigree. His cloak, which wraps almost imperiously around him, is a find hunter green with gold filigree trim on the outside, with a soft, dove gray on the inside. The remainder of his clothing is neither that of student or entertainer, but the rugged clothing of an explorer.

And oh, yeah, he appears to have a dire toad as a pet.

The young man picks up his hat and takes his earnings for the day and puts them in his pouch before putting his cap on his head. He looks to the stranger standing in front of him and nods his head in gratitude.

"It comes from creatures stirring in my heart," he says . "And I play only my voice. Even my songs have little in them of play."

2008-12-16, 05:16 PM
The tall Munchkinlander before you is a young man, somewhere in his early twenties but carrying himself with maturity and gravity beyond his age. He has pale skin - too many nights indoors, obviously - and spikey wild white hair brushed back from his face, two light brown eyes dominating his face. His features are slightly feminine, but his smile is handsome.

He is wearing a dark blue suit, with a very bright blue leather duster above that. Other than his ornate rapier with a strange-looking hilt and a signet ring - a symbol of nobility - the only decoration he has is a strange necklace hanging on his chest - a golden ring with a triangle in its center, with five cones hanging down from the ring.

Boqura smiles at the young Quadling, then frowns when he sees very few coins in the young boy's hat. "I say, have you had lunch today? I appreciated your music, and I would be happy to break my fast with you..."

2008-12-16, 05:36 PM
The singer hides his shock that this man before him should so pooh-pooh the fine take he got today . . . his money was nearly gone, but several golden coins gleamed in his hat for a day's work well done! Oh, well, this is a noble.

Samold nods his head and smiles simply at the well-tended gentleman. He points to himself and says, "Soul Singer" and then to the nearly man-sized toad and says "Goln" (a name more of onomatopeia than a simple pronunciation). He holds out his hand as if to say, "Lead the way."

2008-12-16, 05:46 PM
Boqura looks around the square, trying to remember the best eateries about Shiz. "Ah - is there any place that you would prefer to eat? It's been a while since I've been back to Shiz, and I can't for the life of me remember the best places to eat!"

2008-12-16, 05:49 PM
Gather Information check ... assume he has been here long enough to get at least the basics.

2008-12-16, 05:53 PM
[That didn't work. Try again ...
Gather Info: [roll0]

Obviously, this doesn't mean he doesn't know where to go ... so much as he chooses a common place that is comfortable for him, but otherwise - in its earthiness - would be out of place for this nobleman. Besides, they let him keep his toad outside. :smallredface:]

The singer looks at the nobleman and gestures with his head as to say, "Follow me."

2008-12-16, 06:06 PM
OOC: Um, drum-and-bass's tavern? :smallbiggrin:

Boqura follows the young singer, across the square to a dingy tavern. He shrugs - if this is where the singer wants to eat, he'll be happy to oblige.

2008-12-16, 06:28 PM
(OOC: I'm going to assume for the sake of convenience that it is the same tavern, as it's right there, and the check failed.)

The tavern--well, really it's more like a bar, as those in the city are a little more upscale than rural ones--is not terribly crowded, despite the rush outside. There's a few occupants lounging around on stools, including a Bear, while a bored-looking waitress wanders around with drinks. There are restrooms in the back, stairs up to one side marked private, and the actual bar to one's right, going in.

2008-12-16, 06:38 PM
The bear eyes the two men-folk entering the tavern but tries not to provoke anything.

2008-12-16, 06:55 PM
[If the Bear is new here, scratch the appropriate part, minus the friendly greeting - which happens whether he knows him or not.]

Soul Singer walks in to his second home. And is instantly greeted, though not mobbed (out of the man's already feeling claustrophobic here) personally, by all manner of "home team" fans and well-wishers. There are already people asking him if he will sing "after dinner." (Again, they know his habits well enough that none rate him to sing immediately; that he likes to relax from a non-school day of plying his trade on the streets of Shiz.)

"Soul, is that a new patron?" someone calls out, almost ... mocking(?) to the well-dressed gentleman following Soul Singer. It seems that others have sought to patronize or court his favors in the past.

Soul Singer just shrugs his shoulders and smiles. He greets everyone equally, and is a friend to Animals, though his greetings are usually just a hand/pawshake and a warm smile. It seems for a man who sings for a living, he is not very vocal and quite humble.

To the Bear, he casts his typical winning smile. Either it is a wordless greeting, a dance of head and mouth that they have played countless times; or it is a new event. Either way, his demeanor is as kind to a new face as to an old one.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

He guides his most recent patron to a table that seems to already be conspiciously cleared in the otherwise table-limited room.

2008-12-16, 06:57 PM
The bear lifts up a mug of ale to the man. He then goes back to smoking his pipe and drinking.

He was already in the tavern when you came in

2008-12-16, 07:04 PM
Boqura shyly signals over the waitress, taking several moments before the waitress actually notices him. When she finally comes over, he coughs politely. "Ah... are there any menus in this establishment?"

2008-12-16, 07:07 PM
Soul Singer breaks into a smile and faces downwards to his table so as not to offend his host. A menu? "Choices - three usually, mabe four on a good night, yes; menu, no," he thinks to himself.

2008-12-21, 09:44 PM
"Ah, is there any choice in food and drink in this establishment?" Boqura isn't very good at attracting attention...

2008-12-21, 10:24 PM
Soul Singer looks at Boqura, then raises his hand to get the attention of Carella, the tavern wench. With his left hand he gestures to himself with three fingers, and to Boqura he points with "rabbit ears" (pointer and middle finger) over his head. She raises a tankard, and he uses his pointer finger on his left hand, swinging it in a mild circle to show that this "choice" is for himself and the stranger.

[Note: Meal #2 is a simple small hen (though not fancy enough to be a "game" hen) stuffed with some grape leaves, coriander, breading, and olives; topped with tarragon and a side of a leek and potato soup with a roll and whipped butter. Whatever it is from night-to-night, Meal #2 is always the higher-class of the three meals.]

Meal #3 is a sumptuous (for a lower middle class tavern, that is) mix of garden greens on simple rice with a cold cucumber-yogurt soup on the side. Roll with whipped butter. No meat. Meal #3 is always a vegetarian dish that was initially created for Animal/animal lovers like Soul Singer that don't like cooked meat if they can help it. Enough Bohemians like Soul Singer visit this establishment (thus his reputation and acceptance despite background) for this to have been made necessary.

Meal #1, if you must know, is always "simple faire" and is little more than a simple meat, potato, and vegetable stew with thick beans. Surprisingly good, though there are "off days." Roll with whipped butter.

Showing any of your fingers over your head means you want a small hunk of cheese with your meal. You get what they got.

Drink #1 is a simple house wine. A bit tangy for the cultured palate, but still has tanins you can chew.]

2008-12-25, 05:47 AM
I am at work, and I can't find the OOC thread. Just finished getting off the "Santa Watch" ...

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

EDIT (Jan 5, 2009): Well, looks like a great idea ... both character and campaign ... gets scrapped. Oh, well. :smallsigh:

If this ever makes weigh again under its own power, PM me please. I am going through my subscriptions and deleting "dead thread" like this one.

2009-01-16, 06:13 PM
OOC: Yep. What losthole31 said. If this ever starts running again, don't hesitate to call PM me, I'd love to keep playing.

Bore da.

2009-01-19, 05:39 PM
Plugging back in to set up the subscription again ...