View Full Version : Web comic censorship

2008-12-12, 12:57 PM
Ok I have been accussed of shamelessly promoting my comic ( one thread about my comic and a couple of links in another thread that my girlfriend started about comics she liked) Both of those threads were locked because my comic was deemed to adult although nothing was said about links to mature comics SMBC and Cyannide & happiness. We have over 160 comics only 6 have nudity of any kind and that's just breasts. ONE comic out of 160 portrays a monstrous vagina with teeth and tentacles. Is this why we were banded because of a couple of comics? OOTS has lots of adult themes cursing and more. I don't think the majority of people reading these forums are little kids quite the opposite. The vast majority are adults! A warning that this thread is for mature audiences should suffice. I wont mention my comic or put up any threads but I think the level of censorship on this forum is certainly overboard. Do others agree? Have you seen other examples of free speech being squashed by the mods? Will this thread survive or will it to be censored? I just find it hard to believe that a fellow comic creator would be in favor of this level of censorship.

2008-12-12, 01:16 PM
I doubt it is so much the content as the obnoxious number of plugs you have been posting. Really, people get the point, and they'll check out your comic if they're interested. Multiple threads and who knows how many points start to get on the nerves, and it really has reached spam levels.

Roland St. Jude
2008-12-12, 01:43 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: First, thread moved to Board Issues. Second, if you have a problem with a specific instance of moderation, please PM the moderator who took the action. They will certainly discuss the issue with you, privately. To the extent possible, they can communicate what rule-compliant means exist for accomplishing your goals. If you are not satisfied with the response, you can PM WampaX, our Forum Guru and Overmod/Reptomammal-in-Chief.

We don't discuss specific instances of moderation publicly. Generally though, this board prohibits graphic sexuality and violence and does not permit "NSFW" or "mature content" warnings to avoid application of that rule. The level is generally described as PG-13, though that is only a rough guideline. I'd say more about the frequency/characteristics of posts and links, but I don't want to get into the specifics of this instance of moderation. Suffice it to say that while we permit links to original artistic content, there are limitations on both content and manner of such posts (as set forth in the Forum Rules).

I'm reluctant to lock this thread and be accused of censorship, but standard practice is to refer you to the moderator who took the action and lock the thread. No one can answer your questions about the Forum Rules and their specific application to you as effectively and we're not inclined to hold referenda on whether a given poster did or didn't violate the rules.