View Full Version : +5 Icy burst bow to stay?

2008-12-12, 02:40 PM
I direct movies, and if this was a movie, the icy thing would get old fast. I mean, eventually it will get in the way. You guys think shell get rid of it and get an even better bow, but normal?

2008-12-12, 02:44 PM
until she runs into somthing that immune to (or even gets healed by) cold damage, not very likely. if The Giant has modified rules so that it actually encases targets in ice- only bad thing will be inability to pickpocket them.

2008-12-12, 02:49 PM
Yeah, but then he'll have to draw that all the time.

Evil DM Mark3
2008-12-12, 02:51 PM
But you realise it only encased on the burst killing someone. So he has to do this if a 20 kills a person.

IE not often.

2008-12-12, 02:51 PM
One in twenty shots, or whenver its most narratively appropiate. Not all that common- Roy's green glow on his weapon might be similar- could be a Homebrew X Burst weapon (positive energy?)

2008-12-12, 02:51 PM
ahh but thats my point. say sabine has resistance to ice? I personally think shes a demon, so if she has resistance to ice then she needs to get rid of it. Im saying that im not a D and D player, so will cold iron stack?

2008-12-12, 02:56 PM
it only matters, metalwise, what the arrow is. Magic +es don't stack though: +5 bow and +5 arrows don't become + 10 effect.

at +5 bow, thats more important than the bonus damage. Until they run into white dragons and the like if story goes on past Girard's gate to Kraagors.

Devils and demons alike are moderately resistant to cold. Some (ice devils, for example) are immune.

the icy bonus damage won't see much use, but the magic of the bow and the cold iron/silver arrows will work fine.

2008-12-12, 03:00 PM
yeah. a FIRE bow would be cool though. Like you know the effect rich does for meteor swarm? That would be cool if that was her arrow and it little people on fire...i suppose not. Its just i think the ice thing will get monoounous. i can see her in some room with nale and sabine, all alone, and her arrows do nothing. Just me being paranoid, probably

Evil DM Mark3
2008-12-12, 03:03 PM
Problem with fire arrows is that Fire is the very weakest type of energy.

2008-12-12, 03:06 PM
Energy Aura from Magic Item Compendium is pretty nice- you can pick your energy from all five every time you speak command.

Not a burst weapon though.

4th ed rules make metals magic item properties- you could have a Cold Iron weapon, or an Adamantine weapon, but it would have to be magical. and no more damage reduction anyway- different reasons to take them. Sadly, no multiple properties.

But Stickverse runs on 3.5 rules, mostly.

2008-12-12, 03:06 PM
ahh but thats my point. say sabine has resistance to ice? I personally think shes a demon, so if she has resistance to ice then she needs to get rid of it. Im saying that im not a D and D player, so will cold iron stack?
So Sabine wouldn't take the extra cold damage. So what? The Icy Burst ability adds extra damage, and only the extra damage is cold. Anything that resists cold damage still takes the rest of the damage normally. Unless the target actually benefits from being hit by cold it is at worst equal to a normal +5 bow, and is significantly better the vast majority of the time.

Special material stuff like cold iron arrows is an entirely separate thing and, though I don't think it's quite the right term for this, does stack. Cold iron would only affect the non-cold damage, though, but Icy Burst doesn't reduce that amount at all.

As for getting a normal-but-better bow, +5 is the best you can get before epic levels. The only way to get something better would be to add on other special abilities.

2008-12-12, 03:07 PM
Energy Aura from Magic Item Compendium is pretty nice- you can pick your energy from all five every time you speak command.

Not a burst weapon though.

4th ed rules make metals magic item properties- you could have a Cold Iron weapon, or an Adamantine weapon, but it would have to be magical. and no more damage reduction anyway- different reasons to take them. Sadly, no multiple properties.

But Stickverse runs on 3.5 rules, mostly.

i dont know what you just said

2008-12-12, 03:09 PM
i can see her in some room with nale and sabine, all alone, and her arrows do nothing
Cold resistance would only negate the bonus cold damage, it would still be a perfectly functional +5 bow doing full normal damage for a +5 bow.

2008-12-12, 03:11 PM
Burst weapons do bonus damage on a really good hit (when you roll a 20) Energy Aura is more like an ordinary flaming, shock, corrosive, etc weapon- does a small amount of extra damage on every hit. but in this case, you can pick your choice of energy.

in 3.5, you could have, say, a Cold Iron Flaming Sword. But in 4th, because Cold Iron is now a property, like Flaming, you can't- one property per item.

2008-12-12, 03:12 PM
*sigh...i need to start playing dungeons and dragons...:smallfrown:

2008-12-12, 03:14 PM
3.5 ed changed to 4th ed recently- doesn't affect Stick universe which is sticking to 3.5. There is an online free SRD which can be handy for learning the rules.

2008-12-12, 03:17 PM
3.5 ed changed to 4th ed recently- doesn't affect Stick universe which is sticking to 3.5. There is an online free SRD which can be handy for learning the rules.

thanks ill check it out

2008-12-12, 03:23 PM
while some Stick jokes are based on rules (not always, but nearly always, used correctly) most aren't- character humour, alignment references that could apply through multiple editions of D&D, etc.

rules knowledge helps with some jokes, but comic can be enjoyed without in-depth knowledge of D&D.

2008-12-12, 03:25 PM
while some Stick jokes are based on rules (not always, but nearly always, used correctly) most aren't- character humour, alignment references that could apply through multiple editions of D&D, etc.

rules knowledge helps with some jokes, but comic can be enjoyed without in-depth knowledge of D&D.
well, my only knowledge of D and D is neverwinter nights. I also read dragonlance. i get alotg of the humor, and the initiative, but when people are saying well obviousl;y the bow has 320dasjd*(D^ damage and when used on a demon of 17 years of age from the afc west with a fire arrow cominned with melfs acid arrow, it does 8d20 damage

2008-12-12, 03:36 PM
Neverwinter is 3.0- some, but not all, of the rules from 3.0 are still valid in 3.5.

One of the biggest changes was from Damage Reduction/+1 or higher, to Damage reduction/Good, Cold Iron, Magic, etc.

so, in last edition when Sabine, had she appeared in a prequel book, might have had DR 15/+1, now, she might have Dr 10/Cold Iron.

(in 1st OOTS strip, converts to 3.5)

2008-12-12, 03:37 PM
Neverwinter is 3.0- some, but not all, of the rules from 3.0 are still valid in 3.5.

One of the biggest changes was from Damage Reduction/+1 or higher, to Damage reduction/Good, Cold Iron, Magic, etc.

so, in last edition when Sabine, had she appeared in a prequel book, might have had DR 15/+1, now, she might have Dr 10/Cold Iron.

(in 1st OOTS strip, converts to 3.5)

see you lost me again.

2008-12-12, 03:41 PM
in 3.0 (and Neverwinter), magic wepons need to be high level to overcome damage reduction.

in 3.5, they need to be made of the right material, or Good aligned (by being holy, say) Or, in some cases, just magic.

A very few creatures have DR/Epic (weapon must be a +6 weapon or higher, and properties like flaming don't count- must be the enhancement bonus)

2008-12-12, 04:03 PM
well thanks for all your help

2008-12-12, 04:09 PM
I think it'll stay. We'd just continue to see the ice effects but without the comments by the people dying. Random NPC's don't normally get last words, I think it'll simply go back to that when the cold humour is over.

2008-12-12, 04:11 PM
I liked "this be a prequel you fool! we're still under 3.0 rules!" line by Durkon in Origin of PCs. oddly, SoD doesn't stick to 3.0. even when being attacked by a druid in dragon form, Xykon shrugs it off-

a 3.0 lich couldn't do that, because Damage Reduction/+1 doesn't protect you from dragon claws- ability to overcome Magic Damage Reduction is a supernatural ability, and shapechange gives you supernatural abiliites of the creature.

a 3.5 lich, however, gets DR 15/Magic and Bludgeoning- protecting it from dragon claws.

Not tail or wings though.

2008-12-12, 04:38 PM
One in twenty shots, or whenver its most narratively appropiate. Not all that common- Roy's green glow on his weapon might be similar- could be a Homebrew X Burst weapon (positive energy?)

Roy's has a +5 Starmetal Greatsword of Undead Bane (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0297.html).

2008-12-12, 04:41 PM
"deadly green energy that is particularly harmful to undead. In order to counteract this, I recommend-"

Suggests it might not just be undead bane.

David Argall
2008-12-12, 04:42 PM
Since undead are not bothered by cold, there is a good chance that we will see Haley crit Xykon with her cold bow, and do way less damage than she had expected.

Sabin Marcus
2008-12-12, 04:52 PM
"deadly green energy that is particularly harmful to undead. In order to counteract this, I recommend-"

Suggests it might not just be undead bane.

It also doesn't glow for every attack against undead (as we'd expect an undead bane weapon to), and it once glowed when Roy was attacking a very much alive Miko. I'm more inclined to think it's some sort of Positive Energy or Holy burst, but I don't know if such traits exist, as I'm only really familiar with core 3.0 and don't recall them from there. Whatever the case, the Azurite swordsmith is clearly ignorant of the sword's true power (or a liar, I guess, but that seems mighty unlikely).

2008-12-12, 05:01 PM
Sacred Burst in Magic Item Compendium might fit.

2008-12-12, 05:08 PM
I think it'll stay. We'd just continue to see the ice effects but without the comments by the people dying. Random NPC's don't normally get last words, I think it'll simply go back to that when the cold humour is over.

thats true. After the 10th guy, you would run out of lines. Elan would need to resort to something like "call haley the exterminator! It appears we have some ICE in the attic!

Berserk Monk
2008-12-12, 05:20 PM
Let's not forget Kraagor's Gate is up in the frozen north. It's assumed the oots will get to all the remaining gates before Xykon is defeated, and the value of a bow that deals cold damage decreases greatly against monsters living in an arctic environment.

2008-12-12, 05:24 PM
the value of it being +5, means that until they find something significantly better for the situation, it will do for most things.

I am not sure how many creatures are actually healed by Cold damage, but it can't be many.

Evil DM Mark3
2008-12-12, 05:37 PM
Let's not forget Kraagor's Gate is up in the frozen north. It's assumed the oots will get to all the remaining gates before Xykon is defeated, and the value of a bow that deals cold damage decreases greatly against monsters living in an arctic environment.And there is a gate in the desert where the reverse logic applies.

2008-12-12, 05:40 PM
unless the desert is volcanic desert, not that many desert creatures will, in fact, be especially vulnerable to cold.

i'd say- weapon energy will be useful for quite a while, and when it ceases to help much, the enhancement bonus will help.

Maybe she should get a magic bludgeoning weapon though- Xykon will be a problem.

2008-12-12, 06:36 PM
It is a good weapon, and canat least be a backup weapon, if they do go to the north.

2008-12-12, 06:41 PM
Since undead are not bothered by cold, there is a good chance that we will see Haley crit Xykon with her cold bow, and do way less damage than she had expected.

Undead are immune to crits.

2008-12-12, 06:43 PM
Mostly. Truedeath crystal in Magic Item compendium fixes that, but is pretty unusual.

2008-12-12, 06:55 PM
Since undead are not bothered by cold, there is a good chance that we will see Haley crit Xykon with her cold bow, and do way less damage than she had expected.

Y'know... I'd have sworn I remembered something like that in reference to undead too, but when I check the SRD it has nothing at all about cold resistance or immunity. Liches as a specific type of undead, on the other hand, are not affected by cold. I'd have sworn that must have changed at some point because I seem to recall skels being immune to shocking grasp and chill touch, back in my early days. Or maybe it was just that Burning Hands was an area effect and I'm retroactively justifying myself subconsciously.

In any case, 2d10+d6 of cold damage on a crit is pretty potent, and even against an opponent with cold resist 20 it's got the potential to add a few points. Axes, bows and scythes are the only weapons really worthwhile for burst anyhow, right? :smallbiggrin:

Incidentally Stu, undead can be critted, it just takes more preparation. Libris Mortis has a very nifty spell for that kind of thing, though it does mean that both positive and negative energy heal them and they can't be turned - which can be problematic. And, umm, I think it's like level 8 or 9. ;)

2008-12-12, 07:05 PM
It also doesn't glow for every attack against undead (as we'd expect an undead bane weapon to), and it once glowed when Roy was attacking a very much alive Miko.

The Blacksmith didn't say that it would only glow when attacking undead, only that "It will occasionally glow with a green energy that is particularly harmful to the undead."

My guess is it glows when Roy is attacking a creature or person he particularly dislikes, and it provides damage bonuses no matter what that creature is. However it provides particularly good damage bonuses vs the undead. (I have no idea if this is possible in traditional D&D rules. I am like many here, only knowledgeable through Bioware etc games.)

What I want to know is why didn't Haley take ALL the Bows that were there. Bows are fairly light (as weapons go) and it looks like most of them were fairly powerful magic weapons. She should have been able to take a lot of them before she hit her encumberance level, worth a lot of cash.

Before anyone talks about story over D&D play, I know.

2008-12-12, 07:05 PM
Almost all specific types of undead are immune to cold, but it's not a general rule. And burst properties can also be useful on rapiers, falchions, and the like, which crit more often.

Renegade Paladin
2008-12-12, 07:17 PM
Undead are immune to crits.
Burst properties activate if there would have been a crit, regardless of immunity.

2008-12-12, 08:27 PM
Hmmm.... in reply to the original post,
:haley:Ah, here we go. This one. This one's mine now.

This suggests that she is at least intent on keeping the thing, even if circumstances force her into otherwise. But still, it's a more powerful longbow than her old one and does extra cold damage on the side. I doubt she'd get rid of it any time soon.

P.S. She got it for free. FOR FREE. She will probably remember that when pondering its worth.:smallamused:

2008-12-12, 08:31 PM
What is the reasoning behind people believing Haley will get rid of a powerful bow? Generally, I think a +5 Bow with ice damage wouldn't be there just for the lulz.

2008-12-12, 08:47 PM
But you realise it only encased on the burst killing someone. So he has to do this if a 20 kills a person.

IE not often.

I'm not sure if that really was a critical, perhaps it happens when someone is sneak attacked.

2008-12-12, 08:52 PM
I'm not sure if that really was a critical, perhaps it happens when someone is sneak attacked.Note the "*burst*" sound effect in that panel.

John Campbell
2008-12-12, 09:12 PM
Devils and demons alike are moderately resistant to cold. Some (ice devils, for example) are immune.
Surprisingly, and rather ridiculously, ice devils aren't immune to cold. They've got only the devil-standard cold resistance 10.

They are, however, immune to fire.

2008-12-12, 09:20 PM
They'll have to pry that bow from Haley's cold dead hands. Of course, there's a good chance that'll happen in the next couple of strips.

2008-12-12, 09:25 PM
They'll have to pry that bow from Haley's cold dead hands. Of course, there's a good chance that'll happen in the next couple of strips.

are you kidding me? 1) haleys a main character, 2) the oracle said elan would live happily ever after, probably with haley, 3) now she has a bow and belkar on her side

2008-12-12, 09:55 PM
are you kidding me? 1) haleys a main character, 2) the oracle said elan would live happily ever after, probably with haley, 3) now she has a bow and belkar on her side

Yeah, how can we seriously expect a main character to die?

That never happens.

Bozzak's 4 or more levels higher than her, Crystal's the same level, Hank's probably not to shabby. Belkar is almost certainly not higher level than Haley. And while Celia could possibly play a part in the battle, as could the cleric of Loki, there still is whatever is left of the guild to consider.

I'm not saying it's impossible for them to make it out alive, but at the moment the odds look a bit stacked against them. And she did specifically make preparations for the eventuality of her death.

2008-12-12, 10:21 PM
at least crystal wont be able to break the bow for the time being +5 bow compared to +4 dagger

Hydro Globus
2008-12-13, 12:43 AM
Burst weapons do bonus damage on a really good hit (when you roll a 20) Energy Aura is more like an ordinary flaming, shock, corrosive, etc weapon- does a small amount of extra damage on every hit. but in this case, you can pick your choice of energy.

in 3.5, you could have, say, a Cold Iron Flaming Sword. But in 4th, because Cold Iron is now a property, like Flaming, you can't- one property per item.

I know, wrong topic, but...
...are you implying that even in 3.5, you can only have one property per item, it's just that Cold Iron isn't a prop?

Evil DM Mark3
2008-12-13, 07:55 AM
I know, wrong topic, but...
...are you implying that even in 3.5, you can only have one property per item, it's just that Cold Iron isn't a prop?Well that is not the case, you can in theory even have the same property twice under certain readings of the rules and so on.

2008-12-13, 10:22 AM
What I want to know is why didn't Haley take ALL the Bows that were there. Bows are fairly light (as weapons go) and it looks like most of them were fairly powerful magic weapons. She should have been able to take a lot of them before she hit her encumberance level, worth a lot of cash.

I'm sure Haley has already calculated the value of everything in Pete's place, down to the half-copper piece. The pink bow alone is worth 98,000 gp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm). When the fight is over, she'll snag everything that isn't nailed down.

Hydro Globus
2008-12-13, 10:33 AM
I'm sure Haley has already calculated the value of everything in Pete's place, down to the half-copper piece. The pink bow alone is worth 98,000 gp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm). When the fight is over, she'll snag everything that isn't nailed down.

...and on fire.

Hydro Globus
2008-12-13, 10:34 AM
Well that is not the case, you can in theory even have the same property twice under certain readings of the rules and so on.

Great! You had me worried there for a sec though...

2008-12-13, 12:16 PM
I can't see why Haley would get rid of a +5 Icy Burst Bow. It's a +7 bonus equivalent bow that would cost 100 000gp on the open market, assuming you can find someone to make one for you at the standard price (50 000gp if you sell it and someone's willing to buy at half price). She's not likely to come across a better bow any time soon.

I also can't see why Haley didn't take the rest of Pete's bows and stash them for resale later. The axiomatic bow has to be at least the equivalent of +3 (+1 bonus minumum, +2 for axiomatic), and is worth a minimum of 18 000gp on the open market, 9000 if you can sell it for half. Who knows, she could have even got 10 000gp worth of crushed diamonds for it :smalltongue: Very un-Haleylike. Maybe she'll go back for them after.

2008-12-13, 12:26 PM
I direct movies, and if this was a movie, the icy thing would get old fast.

I figure it's the sort of thing that will be specifically mentioned only when it's particularly relevant, or particularly amusing, and will otherwise just be part of the background.

Inhuman Bot
2008-12-13, 12:31 PM
I can't see why Haley would get rid of a +5 Icy Burst Bow. It's a +7 bonus equivalent bow that would cost 100 000gp on the open market, assuming you can find someone to make one for you at the standard price (50 000gp if you sell it and someone's willing to buy at half price). She's not likely to come across a better bow any time soon.

I also can't see why Haley didn't take the rest of Pete's bows and stash them for resale later. The axiomatic bow has to be at least the equivalent of +3 (+1 bonus minumum, +2 for axiomatic), and is worth a minimum of 18 000gp on the open market, 9000 if you can sell it for half. Who knows, she could have even got 10 000gp worth of crushed diamonds for it :smalltongue: Very un-Haleylike. Maybe she'll go back for them after.

Why she didn't take the bows?
because, she prefers to be the looter rather then the looted. if she tries to stuff them into her bag of holding during the battle, Bozzak or Crystal could sneak in and cut her down.

2008-12-13, 01:10 PM
In D&D, stuffing stuff into your bag is a free action, unless in combat, or in the presence of a really anal DM. :smalltongue: Since Haley wasn't currently in combat, it seems reasonable to assume she could have done it without the plot requiring her to be stabbed. :smalltongue: I mean hell, she examined each one to determine its magical properties...that takes a few rounds even if they're all labelled...and Bozzok wasn't that far behind. So I'm guessing Rich isn't too anal about such things.

2008-12-13, 01:46 PM
It's a +5 bow, what sane archer wouldn't keep it? The bow will stay until she finds something more powerful.
Let's face it, even if she meets creatures immune to cold damage, it's still a +5 bow, and that counts for a lot.

2008-12-13, 05:48 PM
Agh. I as under the assumption that it would be a normal bow without the ice.damn.I REALLY need to start learning d and d.

2008-12-13, 05:54 PM
Magic bows can have properties stacked on top of the powerful magic. even if the property is switched off (most energy weapons can be switched on and off) its still a very good weapon.

the burst effect on crits can't be switched off though, only the energy damage on every hit.

2008-12-13, 06:20 PM
Agh. I as under the assumption that it would be a normal bow without the ice.damn.I REALLY need to start learning d and d.

in that case just start Here (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/home.html)

2008-12-13, 07:58 PM
I really hope that nothing about Haley's new look is here to stay. A pale pink-ish bow and short hair? C'mon :smallannoyed:

2008-12-13, 08:08 PM
thank you, lord_khaine, for that. and lord zordrath, that is one of the reasons i made this thread. and would anyone mind telling me how far the +X on a weapon can go? Is plus 5 good?

2008-12-13, 08:21 PM
...and on fire.
And if she have time, she'd try to put it off first.

And @hamishspence: A burst property doesn't turn off when you turn off it's base elemental damage? Like, if you turn off Icy for some reason, doesn't it turn off Icy Burst, until you turn Icy on again?

2008-12-13, 08:24 PM
In any sane campaign, that is a game ruled by a DM who knows the conventions and rules of balance of D&D, +5 weapons and armor are the best you can get, the very BEST for any no-epic character (any character of level 20 and under) Normally, you don't get one until the 16-17ish level. There is a strong possibility that the avreage level of the party is 12-13, with Haley being 13-14 giving her constant battles in the resistance.

So yeah, a +5 bow is amazingly awesome at this point. Remember Roy's reaction to his +5 reforged sword? The Greenhilt sword has become very powerfull too. Xykon took decent amount of damage from it in only a few rounds even with his damage reduction of 15 agaisnt slashing weapons (negates 15 points of damage on every hit)

2008-12-13, 08:27 PM
yeah, thanks. thats thge problem with neverwinter nights. I have 12 characters, all level 20, and i barely play it. i spent like 2 hours on my wizard and it has weird and a bunch of other great spells

2008-12-13, 09:38 PM
It's a +5 bow, what sane archer wouldn't keep it? The bow will stay until she finds something more powerful.
Let's face it, even if she meets creatures immune to cold damage, it's still a +5 bow, and that counts for a lot.

My point exactly.:smallsmile:

Hydro Globus
2008-12-14, 01:03 AM
There is a strong possibility that the avreage level of the party is 12-13, with Haley being 13-14 giving her constant battles in the resistance.

Actually (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95005) we pretty much think that Haley is already 15 and Belkar must be at least 16.

EDIT: Okay, not we, I. Sorry. :)

2008-12-14, 05:14 AM
from what I can remember, in the FAQ, only the main energy damage bit (d6 per round) can be switched off, the burst property always works.

2008-12-14, 03:14 PM
Actually (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95005) we pretty much think that Haley is already 15 and Belkar must be at least 16.

EDIT: Okay, not we, I. Sorry. :)

hmm... i dont know. after the dungeon of D, belkar was the farthest behind. but on the other hand that whole "sexy shoeless god of war thing" mustve brought him up...yeah, i would say belkar and haley are at the same level. or around that. i personally think V is the highest level. after the azure city battle, he killed alot of stuff.

Jewel Thief
2008-12-14, 10:40 PM
Belkar didn't get xp for sexy shoeless god of war, remember? anyway, I think the bow will stay - not the biggest fan, no no no, but its been introduced exactly like a powerful new item for a character should be introduced - show off the ultimate extreme of the weapon (encase in ice) before dwindling it back into battle promiscuity.

BIG FAN OF HALEY'S HAIR, BTW!!! She's sooooo super cute now ;) much cuter than before (didn't like the pony tail evah evah evah).

2008-12-14, 10:46 PM
i how so, since otherwise the Giant would be leaving her without a weapon. remember that her old bow was sundered. this seems to me the classic "hero loses weapon, hero finds better weapon" device.

2008-12-14, 10:59 PM
hmm... i dont know. after the dungeon of D, belkar was the farthest behind. but on the other hand that whole "sexy shoeless god of war thing" mustve brought him up...yeah, i would say belkar and haley are at the same level. or around that. i personally think V is the highest level. after the azure city battle, he killed alot of stuff.

Yeah, but XP isn't rewarded based on individual kill count in D&D. Rather a party is awarded XP based on how much of a challenge they overcame together, and each member of the party is given the exact same amount of XP (assuming levels are the same). If levels aren't the same, the lower level members get more XP, as they defeated a tougher challenge as compared to their level. Therefore, it is very likely that everyone got the exact same amount of XP at the Azure City Battle. V is a badass yes, but when she killed that pit fiend with her prismatic spray everyone else at the scene got the experience also.

2008-12-14, 11:50 PM
from what I can remember, in the FAQ, only the main energy damage bit (d6 per round) can be switched off, the burst property always works.

It says that in the weapon property as well. (Well Frost does, and Icy Burst functions as frost with an extra ability, so...)

2008-12-15, 08:21 PM
Yeah, but XP isn't rewarded based on individual kill count in D&D. Rather a party is awarded XP based on how much of a challenge they overcame together, and each member of the party is given the exact same amount of XP (assuming levels are the same). If levels aren't the same, the lower level members get more XP, as they defeated a tougher challenge as compared to their level. Therefore, it is very likely that everyone got the exact same amount of XP at the Azure City Battle. V is a badass yes, but when she killed that pit fiend with her prismatic spray everyone else at the scene got the experience also.

ahh, now i do remember he didnt get Xp. But they were all killing hobgoblins, though not in the same area, so why didnt he get a little bit?

2008-12-15, 10:51 PM
In D&D you can't get XP directly from anything 8 or more Challenge Ratings below you. A typical Hobo is about CR 1, lets give them a few class levels and they're still only about CR 2 or 3, 5 tops. Belkar at this point was about CR 13 or 14, making even 5th level baddies to low a CR rating to give him any XP (this is done because as witnessed creatures that much weaker then you should go down very quickly). However, each member of the Order did undoubtedly get XP at the end of the fight because the entirety of the encounter was far tougher then any of them could have handled and they did contribute significantly. This is representative of another way of giving out XP which is almost entirely up to DM feat.

2008-12-17, 01:34 PM
I can think of one reason why Haley might not want the bow. What damage does it do to the target's belongings? If the target is carrying a potion, for example, the bow might freeze the potion.

Someone mentioned a fire bow. Same applies to a fire bow only more so. Set someone on fire, see their scrolls, potions, and all sorts of other goodies the target is carrying go POOF! That can be a bit disheartening if one lives by looting one's victims.

Still would be useful on something like a purple worm or suchlike that doesn't carry any treasure.


Brian P.

Doug Lampert
2008-12-17, 02:54 PM
at least crystal wont be able to break the bow for the time being +5 bow compared to +4 dagger

That's a 3.0 rule. 3.5 you can sunder a higher + weapon, it simply has more hardness and more HP for the higher +.

2008-12-17, 02:57 PM
actually, its a 3.5 errata (and late 3.5 books) rule- early 3.5 DMG had the old Must Be Higher Plus rule.

Doug Lampert
2008-12-17, 02:57 PM
I can think of one reason why Haley might not want the bow. What damage does it do to the target's belongings? If the target is carrying a potion, for example, the bow might freeze the potion.

Someone mentioned a fire bow. Same applies to a fire bow only more so. Set someone on fire, see their scrolls, potions, and all sorts of other goodies the target is carrying go POOF! That can be a bit disheartening if one lives by looting one's victims.

Still would be useful on something like a purple worm or suchlike that doesn't carry any treasure.


Brian P.It's not an area effect, and there's no save against the damage that someone can roll a 1 on. By the rules it simply CAN NOT harm an item unless that item is specifically hit.


Doug Lampert
2008-12-17, 02:59 PM
actually, its a 3.5 errata (and late 3.5 books) rule- early 3.5 DMG had the old Must Be Higher Plus rule.

Are you sure? I was using a first printing 3.5 DMG when I was running the game, maybe I just got used to the errata over the years, but I thought the rule changed when 3.5 was first printed.

2008-12-17, 03:20 PM
not sure how old my book is (probably fairly early, i bought it only a few months after release at most) but page 222:

"an attacker cannot damage a weapon with an enhancement bonus unless his weapon has an enhancement bonus equal to or higher than it"

Doug Lampert
2008-12-17, 05:03 PM
not sure how old my book is (probably fairly early, i bought it only a few months after release at most) but page 222:

"an attacker cannot damage a weapon with an enhancement bonus unless his weapon has an enhancement bonus equal to or higher than it"

That's interesting. I could have sworn it had changed in the release, but I'll take your word for it. (Books aren't here to check.)

2008-12-24, 09:15 PM
3.5 wha???

2008-12-24, 10:42 PM
I really hope that nothing about Haley's new look is here to stay. A pale pink-ish bow and short hair? C'mon :smallannoyed:

Ha ha. I think its cute. I just dread the neon green boots of speed making a comeback. : )

Happy holidays, everyone! :smallsmile:

2008-12-24, 11:29 PM
I really hope that nothing about Haley's new look is here to stay. A pale pink-ish bow and short hair? C'mon :smallannoyed: So not even women are allowed to wear pink stuff anymore ?

[...] would anyone mind telling me how far the +X on a weapon can go? Is plus 5 good? NWN2 is "limited" to +20, but I think the best you can get in regular D&D is +6 with insane extras like "Vorpal Holy <weapon type> +6 of Slaying <creature type>", and you need to be a greater god to actually create something like that by yourself, i.e. yes, a "ordinary" player is limited to +5.

Actually (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95005) we pretty much think that Haley is already 15 and Belkar must be at least 16.

EDIT: Okay, not we, I. Sorry. :) Hmm Belkar a Ranger11/Barbarian5 ? That would explain some things, indeed.

2008-12-24, 11:36 PM
NWN2 is "limited" to +20, but I think the best you can get in regular D&D is +6 with insane extras like "Vorpal Holy <weapon type> +6 of Slaying <creature type>", and you need to be a greater god to actually create something like that by yourself, i.e. yes, a "ordinary" player is limited to +5.

+5 is the best enhancement bonus (+10 when you add on the abilities) you can get made pre-epic (or free wish cheese), but there technically is no limit to the plusses a magic weapon can have. The price just increases by a very large amount after +5 (+10).

2008-12-25, 09:35 AM
I liked "this be a prequel you fool! we're still under 3.0 rules!" line by Durkon in Origin of PCs. oddly, SoD doesn't stick to 3.0. even when being attacked by a druid in dragon form, Xykon shrugs it off-

a 3.0 lich couldn't do that, because Damage Reduction/+1 doesn't protect you from dragon claws- ability to overcome Magic Damage Reduction is a supernatural ability, and shapechange gives you supernatural abiliites of the creature.
I the druid did turn into a dragon too young to possess DR his attacks couldn't beat DR of other creatures.

Since undead are not bothered by cold, there is a good chance that we will see Haley crit Xykon with her cold bow, and do way less damage than she had expected.
The cold wouldn't work but it also wouldn't be hindering

+5 is the best enhancement bonus (+10 when you add on the abilities) you can get made pre-epic (or free wish cheese), but there technically is no limit to the plusses a magic weapon can have. The price just increases by a very large amount after +5 (+10).
As a pre-epic creator you can't give a direct enhancement of more than +5 and secondary properties up to annother +5 for a total of +10.

Haley's current bow is +7 (+5 direct and +2 from icey burst).

As an epic level creator there is no limit at all. Both the direct enhancement and the secondary properties can be as high as you want