View Full Version : Evolution 6.6 - The Mountain

Emperor Demonking
2008-12-12, 04:56 PM
You were feeling so, incredibly weak when suddenly power started rushing into you. You weren't as powerful as you once were but now you had power. You still knew you couldn't leave the mountain but you could probably create, what's the word, an avatar.

2008-12-12, 05:17 PM

Feeling the surge of power he awoke from his rest. Hmm I'm awake. That means sentients are here and that means they will hunt. I have enough power to make an avatar so I will, but First I will head to my room. He then went to his room, but left the door open. He then created an avatar that was a bipedal humanoid with pointed ears, slanted eyes, and white skin. He also made him have short blond hair on the top of his head with bright blue eyes in its face, the avatar was fit and strong, but also was fit and strong, but also agile. Well it looks good and now I shall bestow my only remaining artefact.He bestowed upon him The Bow of Brian. But I can't let him go out defenseless I must make him something to protect himself and help him hunt.He then set to work on creating armor for his avatar.

Crafts Minor artefact. A Belt that allows the wearer to become invisible. (Too much?)

2008-12-12, 05:20 PM
Mar, Turn 2

The Ocean opened his eyes, and saw the world through its eyes again after all this time.
Ocean? No, I'm more than that. I'm...Yes, I remember again.

Mar regained his conciousness, and shook his head as if waking up from a bad dream.
Dear Me, that hurt like hell... he thought. He looked around to see if any other Immortals were around.
It was quiet on the Mountain, something that sent a shiver down Mar's spine.

Bad Times.

The Ocean Deity decided that he best not spend too much time on this. He had no idea why he was back, but he was going to make sure it wasn't temporary.
No time like the present, right, my friends? Mar said to no one in particular. He took another few moments to pull the fragments of his mind together and then dived down from the mountain, humming some strange words no one but he could hear.

Beyond the sea, beyond the sea,
My heart is gone, far, far from me;
And ever on its track will flee
My thoughts, my dreams, beyond the sea...

2008-12-13, 03:51 AM
Hue, Turn 2

The time had come.

Those groveling mortals had finally returned to the world, and the pieces on the chessboard had finally reset. He could feel power, sweet power, and he knew it was good. He knew he needed more, to fulfill his Destiny of Rulership. '

His cell was dank, it's walls made of seamless metal that refused to even reflect light back towards him: The only source of light was the Piece of the Pool he'd managed to steal to his chamber, so he could still travel the world. It was not worthy of his greatness- no! Not at all worthy of his power, the wretched place. Before, he'd lent all his power to his outer self. Now, while there was still nothing here-

He sent his power out in all direction, and the metal groaned with the force, contorting and denting, pulling back towards him, even. Perfect. He wasn't free- but at least everything wasn't the same. Because everything was different now! He had a new chance at his dreams! And with that thought, he looked down at the world below him, and observed.

The Zaali were strong and smart, powerful in both mind of body, and more than capable of becoming the perfect servants if he played his cards right. But they were too smart to trust to fall to deception: Yes, he would wait, and then make his bid when his pieces were in order. No, he would go after an easier target: primitive warriors of great strength, armed still with the fervor of battle. Yes, they would do nicely, until he could claim the ultimate prize. With that, he sent his Avatar to the scene of bloodshed, to dazzle the primitive halfwits.

And while he waited, he began to shape a sword from a fallen piece of that wretched metal that held him. He would show the Zaali who they should bow down to, oh yes...

Spending the turn crafting a (very) minor artifact: A sword that produces dark flames that absorb light rather than release it; more for effect than for actual combat.

2008-12-13, 08:50 AM
Ark, turn 2

Coming out on the flank of a mountain onto a narrow ledge, it seemed the curtain of Ark's room opened on a nearly empty void with clouds gently dancing around the mountain flank. The young immortal yawns as he stretches and breathes in the fresh wind blowing around the peaks at these heights.

Looking towards the bottom, towards the land, Ark sees dots, things, living their lives below, unaware. The god smiles and observes, taking in features and details about those beings when he suddenly grew bored of simply watching. Knowing by instinct, Ark closes his eye, lifts a finger, and draws a seal into the air in front of him, a rune appearing, hovering in the wind, and a strange avatar assembles itself out of the rock.

"Go and seek those creatures out. And let us teach them new ways."

Researching miracle: + Pollen, Lesser: Will make a particular flower or tree spread its pollen/fruits as if it was spring.

2008-12-13, 03:22 PM
Mar - Back from the First Encounter

A large wave erupted out of nowhere, and Mar was catapulted out of it. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood - unusual for the scholarly Immortal. The God could feel the Mountain buzzing with energy again, and he knew others of his kind were around too, even though the place was still deserted.
Mar looked around.
My residence is gone, too?
He thought disappointed.
He didn't have time for these sort of things, so he quickly formed a simple square shack, and then entered.
The place had a desk, a bookshelf and tons of fish on the wall. There was also a window that looked out onto the sea. (Odd, since behind the shack was solid stone)
The Immortal spent a couple of hours studying a few books, scribbling some notes down, and then hastily ran back out and dived down again.
I'm far too old to be running around like a young Immortal anymore. I should remember to take some time for myself next time. he pondered while falling down again.

Yeah, I'm in a rush. Sorry.
Mar researches a miracle.

2008-12-13, 07:02 PM
As Hue watched the world, he knew that suddenly one of his many long held theories were realized:

The other immortals were idiots.

They were approaching their subjects as equals, not kings! Giving them benefits, not fear! The only way to rule the lower creatures was to Conquer their psyche; the idea that they would respond to anythign else was nothign short of blasphemy.

But more importantly, they had got it into their mind to usurp him.

The Immortal of Hunt, that eternally cursed fool, was trying to approach his subjects! His very own subjects! Admittedly, he hadn't yet conquered the Zaali to his reign, but it was the principle of the matter that mattered.. He had planned their conquring, and the Hunter attempted to take his place as ruler. Well, he had power now, and more of it for the subjugation of the Brutes. He would win this matter. Oh, yes, he would. And he knew just how.

Hue slid forward a pawn on his chestboard, and sat back in his cell, grinning. Quantity was very important thing in the world of games.

Emperor Demonking
2008-12-14, 10:35 AM
Turn 3

* *

2008-12-16, 05:13 PM
Brian, Turn 3

The avatar returned to the room and Brian researched a miracle before leaving his room to go see Umi at his post. He shut the door behind him as he left his room. He floated towards door that ead deep inside the mountain. He opened the door and entered inside. He floated down the unneeded steps. Quickly he saw his long time friend Umi. "Hello Umi how are you you? I sorry that I hadn't visited you sooner, but I was unable to." He finished floating down the steps until he was near Umi.

He researches the miracle Enrage

2008-12-16, 07:04 PM
A twist, a bend, a rip in space, and his avtar had returned to him, motionless and Vigilant. He tweaked it's figure, reforming into something more fitting: A stone figure, hard and cold. Yes, he liked that. It was powerful, and power was a virtue among Kings. He placed his Sword among the Stonebeings hands, and dismmised him to fall back to the wolrd and do his duty. One must be constantly striving for victory, was the key. One must always be moving the pieces, or the time will run out.

The fools in the mortal world did not Understand true power. No order: Only chaos. Chaos- he remembered chaos. He remembered the millenea of chaos on the world below, all stemming from mortal pride. He would have to absolve them of both. Quickly, he began to form his thoughts. He would appoint someone powerful, that was the key, but to makethem Worth the power he needed something else. Something special. The conventional would not do, for the conventional a leader was anything but. No, he could not provide the world with a leader, but he could show them how to Lead.

He moved a knight across the chessboard, and began to form his thoughts. He would gain much happiness from this, oh yes.

Researching Maricle: Call of the Acolytes. Confuses the mind of 4 beasts or two sentients, convincing them to follow him but otherwise diving their minds into insanity. Also note that usually when Hue plays chess, that means that he's researching a maricle.

2008-12-16, 07:17 PM
What does Enrage do? I'm assuming it's a level 1 miracle so couldn't be that powerful

2008-12-16, 08:42 PM
I was thinking increase ferocity with an agility or strenth bonus

2008-12-16, 10:27 PM
With a name like Enrage, I'd think it'd just make them unreasonably mad...

2008-12-17, 06:04 AM
With a name like Enrage, I'd think it'd just make them unreasonably mad...

possibly with a bonus of some sort.

2008-12-17, 04:25 PM
Brian, Turn 4

"Umi if you don't want to talk to me I understand and I will be going." Brian floats back to his room and once again leaves his door open. Well it looks like time to return to the Zaali, but first I'll start to make a swprd for him and give him the belt." He gives his avatar the belt and then starts to work on the artefact until he decides to visit the Zaali. "Time to go my little friend." He sends his avatar down.

Creates Minor Artefact Sword of Brian

2008-12-20, 11:45 AM
Brian, Turn 5

Who should I visit now? He looks into his pool and sees the Poi. They are who I shall visit. He gives the newly made sword to the avatar.Before I go I will want to start making another artefact and I better get started. He thens starts creating the artefact before sending off his avatar.

Did I make him do things that he couldn't have done in that amount of time?
Artefact: Brian's cloak.

2008-12-22, 04:47 AM
Well, that certaintly wouldn't do. A disease? To halt the spread of his tiny subjects? The more he had, the more he gained. He wndered what the correct answer to the situation was- but, for the moment, he would have to take a closer look. Yes, and when he did, he would show them a bit of... favor. Just a bit. One catches more flies with honey and vinegar, as they say.

Call of Gods: One willing creature will be enveloped in light and placed in a confined subplane, where Hue may study them as he wishes. Hopefully, it'll reveal a bit about the nature of the disease. Sorry, no smiting until it won't put population in the negatives!

2008-12-23, 06:21 PM
Brian, Turn 6

He gives his avatar Brian's cloak which allows the wearer to increase or decrease his or her boyency. I shall create an artefact to help the Poi against these beasts. He starts working on the artefact and then returns to the world when he can.

2008-12-28, 05:57 PM
How do we get better artefacts or enhance the ones we have? I plan on changing my bow, but I can't do that until I either increase my artefact level or know I can.
He returns from the planet too his room.Well that spear is done. He gives the spear to his avatar and begins to researches a new miracle. He then returns to the world.

fimeshes the spear of the Poi which can be thrown and has the returning properties.
researches attract animals.

2008-12-30, 01:41 PM
Brian, Turn 8

That research took longer than I thought. He returns to the world.

2008-12-31, 02:41 AM
Umi, Turn8

Umi had spent weeks meticulously carving bones and binding them together to form an armor of sorts. Hours upon hours were spent at the whetstone, carving the ends of the bones to spikes to add yet another weapon to his arsenal, along with the time spent tying each bone to the next, slowly forming a body armor of the macabre sort.

A faint memory came to Umi. Just a while ago, Umi, enraptured in his work, had thought he heard his door open but dismissed it as a trick of his mind. That seemed to be happening all to often after the beginning of his enforced solitude.

Finally, the armor was complete. Well, almost. Umi spoke, more to himself than anyone, "Now to finish this. I have sacrificed hours into this, now to give life to it." Umi pricked his finger with his scythe, flinching slightly, and dabbed the bead of blood onto the armor. The blot of black blood spread, slowly creeping until the bones were as black as the night, and also infused with the very lifeblood of a god.

The armor helps him hide at night and he can pull a bone off to use as a throwing dagger, as well as serving its purpose as strong armor. And I know I have been very late in starting in this game. Sorry about that, I just seem to always have a reluctance to first post somewhere. But I think Umi will be around much more often now. :smallbiggrin:

2009-01-05, 06:36 AM
Brian, Turn 9

Brian returns from the world. He begins working on a major artefact.