View Full Version : Warning: May cause EXTREME mental exhaustion

2008-12-14, 03:52 PM
So with gaining and losing a job in the course of 7 hours of work for reasons too ridiculous to go into here (not to mention off topic for Media Discussion), in the past week, I read the first three Dune books. Just finished the third one last night and the only way I could describe how I felt afterwards is extreme mental exhaustion. Seriously, the depths of this series is so mind boggling it literally gave me a headache.
I guess there's just someting about a 9 year old boy with all the memories and experiences of his ancestors becoming a living god and ruling the trans-galactic empire for 4000 years while he slowly transforms into a gigantic sandworm that causes the head to swim a bit.
I estimate it will take me another week or so to finish the other three books (I know there's more now, but they weren't written by Frank Herbert so I choose to believe they aren't worth reading). We'll see how I feel when I'm done with those too.

2008-12-14, 04:48 PM
There is an important thing to remember concerning the non-Frank Dune books, they include a set of prequels set at the time of the Butlerian Jihad.
If you do decide to read the books set after chapter house, I strongly recommend reading these first (I can't elaborate for spoiler reasons, but trust me its worth it).

Last of all there is a trilogy set just before the first Dune (by Frank's son and another guy), these books are quite good, but won't shed much light on the events in the last two books.

P.S. The other guy (Kevin J. Anderson) has some pretty good work too, although his Saga of the Seven Suns taps more into the aliens vein of Sci-fi.

@V: People disagreeing on the internet?!?! Surely not!

2008-12-14, 05:11 PM
P.S. The other guy (Kevin J. Anderson) has some pretty good work too, although his Saga of the Seven Suns taps more into the aliens vein of Sci-fi.

If I was cruel I would suggest that you repost this on every single Star Wars forum in existance.

Except now that I think of it the only reason I'm able to stand hanging round Star Wars boards is that some of them are actually able to discuss unpopular opinions with straight faces.

The Boyce
2008-12-14, 11:11 PM
I would advise you to stay away from the Non-Frank books, or at least the "prequel" trilogy. Too many loose ends/plot missteps and seems in parts to just be a desperate attempt to throw in stuff from the later books.