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2008-12-16, 10:24 AM
I'm still reading through it, but my only real comment so far is...

2008-12-16, 10:38 AM
What edition is this?

2008-12-16, 10:45 AM
What edition is this?

4th Edition, I think, it's been released recently. I didn't think there's anything worth writing about in 4ed cosmology, but apparently there is.

2008-12-16, 10:48 AM
oooh. Did they put Modrons back in?

2008-12-16, 11:05 AM
oooh. Did they put Modrons back in?

I doubt it. Without the Nine Alignments, the great wheel makes less sense than it should. They've already retconned the Blood War away, so I think Mechanus and Limbo are probably not going to be high on the "update" list.

It's probably going to be something completely different. I do, however, hope that they still include Sigil. That Thaumovictorian city was awesome.

2008-12-16, 11:09 AM
I doubt it.

Then I agree with M0rt. At least 3.5 ed. had incredibly obscure rules for using them. Ah well, back to planescape for me.

2008-12-16, 11:16 AM
4e has Sigil, and a ton of other stuff.

Finished reading it, skipped a bit because of tl;dr and I'm sleepy as hell.


EDIT: Modrons suck.

Mando Knight
2008-12-16, 11:26 AM
I don't have it myself... but I read that there would be Spelljammers?

2008-12-16, 11:28 AM
EDIT: Modrons suck.

How DARE you sir.

2008-12-16, 11:30 AM
I don't have it myself... but I read that there would be Spelljammers?

Yes, they are included as a buyable veichle and there's a paragraph describing what they are and what they do...

2008-12-16, 11:31 AM
How DARE you sir.

We shall duel at dawn. Pistols out, to the death.

2008-12-16, 11:48 AM
Manual of the Planes is one of the fluffier books they've put out for 4e...it contains a lot of information on the new cosmology which by the way is not as different as people claim (just because The Abyss is now a realm in the elemental chaos and the Nine hells is an astral dominion doesn't mean they aren't still there). It also contains a handfull of paragon paths, a few magic items, rituals and such. And yes it also has Spelljamers, Sigil and Graz'zt but no Modrons. It does however have a page about the earlier D&D cosmology and which changes there would be if used it 4th edition (such as making Mechanus unaligned).

2008-12-16, 12:00 PM
We shall duel at dawn. Pistols out, to the death.

I don't think I've ever been awake at dawn. Can it be the crack of noon?

Anyway, you chose weapons so I choose location.

The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus.

Right in the Main Modron stronghold.

After I told them what you said.

To quote Quinton #23, 001101010110010, 100101010 00000000111100010101!

Kurald Galain
2008-12-16, 12:03 PM
To quote Quinton #23, 001101010110010, 100101010 00000000111100010101!

Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!

2008-12-16, 12:03 PM
We shall duel at dawn. Pistols out, to the death.


You sissy. If you're going to duel, do it right.


2008-12-16, 12:14 PM

You sissy. If you're going to duel, do it right.


Don't tell him that - I'm an Englishman. We get racial bonuses to Flintlock Pistol Dueling. Grenades are for unsporting chaps. It's really not cricket.

2008-12-16, 12:22 PM
Manual of the Planes is one of the fluffier books they've put out for 4e...it contains a lot of information on the new cosmology which by the way is not as different as people claim (just because The Abyss is now a realm in the elemental chaos and the Nine hells is an astral dominion doesn't mean they aren't still there). It also contains a handfull of paragon paths, a few magic items, rituals and such. And yes it also has Spelljamers, Sigil and Graz'zt but no Modrons. It does however have a page about the earlier D&D cosmology and which changes there would be if used it 4th edition (such as making Mechanus unaligned).

New PP ? Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me ! Are they shiny ?

Kurald Galain
2008-12-16, 01:00 PM
So, is this book any good for players, or is it mostly a DM resource?

2008-12-16, 01:23 PM
I'd say it's mostly for DMs...of it's 159 pages only the last chapter (around 20 pages) are player resources.

There are 8 new PPs in the book.

Blade of Cedriane (for Eladrin Rangers)
Doomguard Marauder
Knight of Celestia
Malec-Keth Janissary (for swordmages no less)
Shadow Captain
and Soul Guide

So basicaly each class from the PHB gets one (although Warlock and Wizard has to share and the ranger one has an additional requirement of being Eladrin)

2008-12-16, 01:37 PM
I have a question, what does Graz'zt look like? challenging as Orcus or no?

2008-12-16, 01:57 PM
I have a question, what does Graz'zt look like? challenging as Orcus or no?

Well Graz'zt is a level 32 solo controller... probably a bit weaker in direct combat but not much and with an overwhelming domination power Graz'zt can quickly turn a few of your allies against you which is pretty nasty if they are strong enough to go up agains Graz'zt in the first place.

2008-12-16, 02:10 PM

You sissy. If you're going to duel, do it right.


If you're going to duel, use landmines. Or steamrollers.

2008-12-16, 02:14 PM
I have a question, what does Graz'zt look like? challenging as Orcus or no?

Did you just punch out Graz'zt? (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu)

Of course, giving them statistics at all makes them fair game I suppose unless the DM actually cares.

Kurald Galain
2008-12-16, 02:31 PM
Of course, giving them statistics at all makes them fair game
Yes, that's the whole point.

Of course, Orcus was soundly defeated on the Intarwebs days before the actual release of the PHB...

Strongest contender so far, IIRC, is Tiamat.

2008-12-16, 03:28 PM
If you're going to duel, use landmines. Or steamrollers.

Landmines I can get behind. They make a satisfying bang and cause suitable amounts of collateral damage.

However, a duel between steamrollers would devolve into a very slow game of bumper cars. Just no fun.

Other acceptable weapons include but are not limited to zweihander swords, AK-47's, shotguns, shuriken, katana, F-16's, and nukes.

2008-12-16, 03:30 PM
Landmines I can get behind. They make a satisfying bang and cause suitable amounts of collateral damage.

However, a duel between steamrollers would devolve into a very slow game of bumper cars. Just no fun.

Other acceptable weapons include but are not limited to zweihander swords, AK-47's, shotguns, shuriken, katana, F-16's, and nukes.Paranoia Tac-Nuk Hand Grenades. 100 radius, 80 range. The survivor is executed for not using his R&D material.

2008-12-16, 03:45 PM
I'd say it's mostly for DMs...of it's 159 pages only the last chapter (around 20 pages) are player resources.

There are 8 new PPs in the book.

Blade of Cedriane (for Eladrin Rangers)
Doomguard Marauder
Knight of Celestia
Malec-Keth Janissary (for swordmages no less)
Shadow Captain
and Soul Guide

So basicaly each class from the PHB gets one (although Warlock and Wizard has to share and the ranger one has an additional requirement of being Eladrin)

Any way we can get a basic description of these guys? I mean, I'll probably not be buying the book, but I might at least look into it if they're really cool.

2008-12-16, 04:51 PM
What do the Bladeling characters look like?

2008-12-16, 05:44 PM
Yes, that's the whole point.

I care to disagree but that's neither here nor there. I was just wondering how the balance of power is going to be preserved between Graz'zt, Orcus, and Demogorgon who I'm REALLY looking forward to see the statblock for since he's supposed to be the most physically powerful of the Demon Lords.

2008-12-16, 05:50 PM
What do the Bladeling characters look like?

Bladelings aren't avalible as a player race (which is silly, I was hoping they'd carry over at least a few from Planar Handbook), but they look pretty much the same as they did in 3.5

2008-12-16, 07:14 PM
Bladelings aren't avalible as a player race (which is silly, I was hoping they'd carry over at least a few from Planar Handbook), but they look pretty much the same as they did in 3.5

That is a shame

2008-12-16, 07:25 PM
Bladelings aren't avalible as a player race (which is silly, I was hoping they'd carry over at least a few from Planar Handbook), but they look pretty much the same as they did in 3.5

Scratch that, they are statted out for play, it's just tucked inside the monster entry so I missed it.

+2 Dex, +2 Wis, a close burst 1 encounter power that does 1d6 + mod damage, and one racial feat that improves it to close burst 2 and d8s.

2008-12-16, 09:04 PM
Any way we can get a basic description of these guys? I mean, I'll probably not be buying the book, but I might at least look into it if they're really cool.

Blade of Cendriane:
The ancient empire of Cendriane left ruined cities
when it fell long ago, but these remnants are not
the only legacy of the eladrin kingdom. A group of
rangers remains in the service of the lost empire, surviving
in the borderlands of the once-great realm.
You are a descendant of the survivors of Cendriane’s
mysterious cataclysm, or you have been
tutored in the martial secrets of that realm. You
have perfected the use of fey step and the art of
double-wielding longswords. The Cendriane sword
style has pushed you to explore the boundaries of
your heritage and expand upon the eladrins’ innate
magic. This self-knowledge combined with your blade
mastery makes you a transient adversary on the battlefield,
disappearing and reappearing as necessary.

A very teleporty PP, limited to Eladrin rangers.

Doomguard Marauder:
The Doomguard is a nihilistic society of mercenaries,
marauders, and freebooters that troubles the domains
of good and evil alike. As a member of the Doomguard,
you believe the universe is sliding toward
destruction and that everything eventually comes to
an end. The best of the Doomguard are free-willed
revolutionaries who fight to overthrow tyranny and
stifling order; the worst are murderous villains who
revel in destruction.
As a Doomguard Marauder, you possess the traits
of an anarchist. Laws run counter to nature and
deprive mortals of the freedom to choose their fate.
For good or bad, the Doomguard is ever the enemies
of tyranny and government. The society’s members
especially hate devils, and they continuously wage
war against them.

I dunno how to describe this, but they're kinda...bashy I guess?


Your rogue skills are as useful in the planes as in the
world. You might be negotiating with a fomorian king
instead of a tiefling merchant or cracking open a
portal instead of picking a padlock, yet the principles
are the same. You make it your business to locate lost
relics across the planes and to learn the whereabouts
of creatures that don’t want to be found. Your connections
span hundreds of organizations and people, and
you know the locations of scores of portals.

Very mobile, and very goddamned awesome. Gatecrashers make use of lots of teleportation. Only downside is that you need to pick up Arcana somehow.

Knight of Celestia:
As a knight of Celestia, you are an icon of virtue,
championing the causes of Celestia and doing battle
with those that seek its ruin. Although you retain
devotion to your own deity, you also enjoy the favor of
the gods that dwell in Celestia. You advance the agendas
of the deities of Celestia in addition to that of your
patron deity.
When you use your knight of Celestia powers, a
flickering flame appears above your head, displaying
the blessing the gods have bestowed upon you.

No real comment about this one, but it seems really divine challenge focused, and defendery. I'm inclined to like it.

Malec-Keth Janissaey:
Malec-Keth janissaries are products of the elite
arcane and military practices taught in the Tower
of Malec-Keth, a war-magic academy in the City of
Brass. Highly disciplined and rigorously trained,
Malec-Keth janissaries have a fighting style demonstrative
of their mastery of mind and body. They learn
offensive and defensive techniques to protect their
wards, and they also study music, art, and language.
Many Malec-Keth janissaries are servants to powerful
masters, both humanoid and elemental. Proud
and loyal, janissaries are single-minded in defense of
their allies and masters. They favor a modest appearance;
the only distinguishing mark a janissary bears
is the tattoo of single blue flame on the brow that
declares him or her a graduate of Malec-Keth. Those
who wear the mark of Malec-Keth are known far and
wide among the elemental realms for their determination
and deadly skill with spell and blade.
Many powerful lords and ladies favor janissaries as
bodyguards for their defensive abilities. Other Malec-
Keth janissaries owe allegiance to no master, preferring
to use their training to further their own ambitions.

I have no idea what this path is about mechanics wise. Bit of teleporting, and the level 20 daily is awesomesauce.

Exploration is in your blood, but the world doesn’t
hold your interest. Instead, you enjoy the myriad
wonders of the planes. You have extensive knowledge
of the planes, and your ability to find portals and traverse
dimensions is unrivaled.

Nothing to say much, there's an excerpt on the WotC site that's free I believe. Very fun PP.

Shadow Captain:
Not all heroic warriors walk in the light. As a shadow
captain, you know there is strength to be found in
darkness. Among the lost souls, you gain the power
to command shadows. Spirits carry out your wishes
on the battlefield, and those forces are strong and

No real clue about this, completely.

Soul Guide:
You are a beacon in the darkness, one who reveals
the way, and a guardian of the dead. Through your
holy works, you ensure that the souls of the dead
move on, free of fear and remorse, and unimpeded by
sinister entities that would use them for dark deeds.
You harbor a special hatred for undead, seeing them
as perversions of the natural order.
Visions of past lives—leftover fragments from those
you have saved—haunt your dreams. Although the
sights are unsettling, they renew your commitment
to guard the souls from the dangers lurking between
this world and the next.
When you use your soul guide powers, ephemeral
bits of soul materialize and swirl about you.


And that's it. I'm afraid any more would be telling too much.

What do the Bladeling characters look like?

Butt ugly, for one. And their racial encounter is siiiiiiiick.

2008-12-16, 11:50 PM
Yes, that's the whole point.

Of course, Orcus was soundly defeated on the Intarwebs days before the actual release of the PHB...

Strongest contender so far, IIRC, is Tiamat.

Don't tell me these things, I'm in an epic PbP 4e which is literally a bunch of 30th-level characters vs Tiamat. I have a Paladin of Kord. I'm basically praying the taclord hits with his power that grants his INT mod to melee attacks, so I hit on 9+ as opposed to 18+. On the upside, the axe is vorpal and he takes a beating like no-one else.

2008-12-17, 12:24 AM
This book appears absolutely worthless, and in a few cases insulting to me.
Each plane is rather lightly touched upon, and heavily simplified from the thicker earlier editions. The Sigil was documented little, except the basic structure.
Most of the planar information and setting material I would rather take the much juicier older editions books for and reapply them.
The paragon isn't of much interest.
For the monster stats, having Dispater (note, not the Aspect, that has a separate and much weaker stat block) be a level 28 Solo bugged me. Having a Lord of the nine be weaker than certain ancient dragons, something that has always been described traditionally as 'small' in comparison to what hell should offer, feels off. A couple pit fiends posing a serious threat to a lord feels even more off.
I have not gotten to items yet, ran out of time (can only read the book at work).

2008-12-17, 12:50 AM
Is there a lot about the Elemental Chaos? More archons or other elemental creatures statted as monsters?

*crosses fingers*

2008-12-17, 01:18 AM
For the monster stats, having Dispater (note, not the Aspect, that has a separate and much weaker stat block) be a level 28 Solo bugged me. Having a Lord of the nine be weaker than certain ancient dragons, something that has always been described traditionally as 'small' in comparison to what hell should offer, feels off. A couple pit fiends posing a serious threat to a lord feels even more off.
I have not gotten to items yet, ran out of time (can only read the book at work).

I don't know. Dispater has traditionally ruled not through power, but being one paranoid bastard. It seems kind of fitting that he should be relatively weak for such a high powered place.

2008-12-17, 01:44 AM
This book appears absolutely worthless, and in a few cases insulting to me.
Each plane is rather lightly touched upon, and heavily simplified from the thicker earlier editions. The Sigil was documented little, except the basic structure.

As someone who couldn't care less for the old fluff (Probably not the new either, in fairness), I think I prefer it that way.

2008-12-17, 03:00 AM
Is there a lot about the Elemental Chaos? More archons or other elemental creatures statted as monsters?

*crosses fingers*

Only Archon I see are Air Archons. They come in two flavors, Zephyrhaunts which are level 16 Lurkers, and Tempestblades which are level 18 Skirmishers.

2008-12-17, 04:35 AM
Paranoia Tac-Nuk Hand Grenades. 100 radius, 80 range. The survivor is executed for not using his R&D material.

Gamma World Torc Grenades. :smallwink:

*set off, drop at own feet, survive*

2008-12-17, 07:01 PM
Does MotP perhaps have stats for Djinnies, Marids, Dao and Janni?

2008-12-17, 08:20 PM
Does MotP perhaps have stats for Djinnies, Marids, Dao and Janni?

Sadly no, well, for those that care about Marids and Dao, the 'other genies'. Actually, I didn't even see Djinnies mentioned at all. Near as I can tell Efreets are the only genies in existence, or at least the only ones mentioned so far.

Can anyone tell me why Bladelings have so much traction by the way? Do people really like playing these guys? Though, having seen the 4e version I bet more people will for the mechanical reasons alone. But still, the fluff, and the silliness of being a dude (or dudette) covered in spikes... it just doesn't grab me.

2008-12-17, 08:56 PM
Sadly no, well, for those that care about Marids and Dao, the 'other genies'. Actually, I didn't even see Djinnies mentioned at all. Near as I can tell Efreets are the only genies in existence, or at least the only ones mentioned so far.

Can anyone tell me why Bladelings have so much traction by the way? Do people really like playing these guys? Though, having seen the 4e version I bet more people will for the mechanical reasons alone. But still, the fluff, and the silliness of being a dude (or dudette) covered in spikes... it just doesn't grab me.

Who knows when we will next see the Genies show up again, or if at all =\

I like to make cheesy characters to insult my DM with

2008-12-17, 08:59 PM
Bladelings aren't avalible as a player race (which is silly, I was hoping they'd carry over at least a few from Planar Handbook), but they look pretty much the same as they did in 3.5

Also, are Djinn, Marid, Jann and/or Dao in the book?

2008-12-17, 09:19 PM
Also, are Djinn, Marid, Jann and/or Dao in the book?

This was already answered

Sadly no, well, for those that care about Marids and Dao, the 'other genies'. Actually, I didn't even see Djinnies mentioned at all. Near as I can tell Efreets are the only genies in existence, or at least the only ones mentioned so far.

2008-12-17, 09:21 PM
Paranoia Tac-Nuk Hand Grenades. 100 radius, 80 range. The survivor is executed for not using his R&D material.

Dammit! How dare you get to this thread before I notice it!

2008-12-17, 10:42 PM
I was able to score this today. In the end, I'll rank it slightly above the Forgotten Realm Campaign Guide -- not bad, but not for what I paid for it. I did get some things from this I'm going to use in my campaign world (the goblin kingdom in the Feywild in particular has possibilities for my campaign world), but I still don't feel I got my money's worth.

I'll also continue my complain/whine about the art quality dipping into "I can paint too Daddy!" levels for some pieces.

2008-12-17, 11:47 PM
I'll also continue my complain/whine about the art quality dipping into "I can paint too Daddy!" levels for some pieces.

For the most part, I thought this was much, much better than Martial Power. I only saw one piece of re-used art (Malec-Keth Janissary reused something from Sandstorm, I believe), and the only thing that stuck out to me as not matching 4e's general art style and being a bit poor was the opener to Chapter Six. I was actually downright impressed with a few of the chapter openers, especially The Feywild and Planar Characters.

2008-12-18, 10:44 PM
I thumbed through this at the bookstore today and I only have one thing to say.

... Grazz't isn't wearing his provocative little cod-piece hangy... thingy! This is a travesty and something I won't stand for! :smallfurious:

2008-12-18, 10:56 PM
I thumbed through this at the bookstore today and I only have one thing to say.

... Drazz't isn't wearing his provocative little cod-piece hangy... thingy! This is a travesty and something I won't stand for! :smallfurious:

I think you meant Graz'zt. But your point stands. The Six-fingered Prince would NEVER leave home without his provocative little cod-piece hangy thingy.

Graz'zt is totally my Chaotic Evil hero. As in, I'm not Chaotic Evil at all, but if I was, I'd be Chaotic Evil like Graz'zt.

2008-12-18, 11:54 PM
I think you meant Graz'zt. But your point stands. The Six-fingered Prince would NEVER leave home without his provocative little cod-piece hangy thingy.

Graz'zt is totally my Chaotic Evil hero. As in, I'm not Chaotic Evil at all, but if I was, I'd be Chaotic Evil like Graz'zt.

Yes I did, It was an awful typo, I'll go rectify that. I'm sure he has it on, but he's wearing a stupid like, ankle length loin cloth to cover it.

2008-12-19, 12:53 AM
Don't tell me these things, I'm in an epic PbP 4e which is literally a bunch of 30th-level characters vs Tiamat. I have a Paladin of Kord. I'm basically praying the taclord hits with his power that grants his INT mod to melee attacks, so I hit on 9+ as opposed to 18+. On the upside, the axe is vorpal and he takes a beating like no-one else.

Hope is what you need. How many characters do you have?

Can anyone tell me why Bladelings have so much traction by the way? Do people really like playing these guys? Though, having seen the 4e version I bet more people will for the mechanical reasons alone. But still, the fluff, and the silliness of being a dude (or dudette) covered in spikes... it just doesn't grab me.

From what I could tell from what WotC said before 4e was released, a big part of the "traction" equation is how unique you are. And being covered in spikes is... pretty unique...

Also keep in mind, there are only so many monsters you can make into PC races without LA, which doesn't exist anymore.

I think one reason all the different types of djinnis/genies/robinwilliamses got left out is because they aren't evil. Like, at all. And when you can't define something as evil, or at least as something to fight, then it doesn't need stats in 4e. And since WotC is, again, trying to keep stuff streamlined, they probably came up with this cool idea for an efreeti city, put efreeti in, and said, "ok, do we really need these 8 other different genies?" and somebody else replied "Christ, man, we cut the elves down to 3! I'm surprised we got to put in dwarves! We don't need more than one type of 'djinn.'"

2008-12-19, 02:30 AM
Yes I did, It was an awful typo, I'll go rectify that. I'm sure he has it on, but he's wearing a stupid like, ankle length loin cloth to cover it.

I'm sure nobody wants to see a chaotic evil creature of doom(I have no idea what he is) without any sort of pants-like wear.

2008-12-19, 04:56 AM
I'm sure nobody wants to see a chaotic evil creature of doom(I have no idea what he is) without any sort of pants-like wear.

I'm pretty sure if it was female and hot people wouldn't mind the lack of pants. Of course then that'd be a perfect weapon.

2008-12-19, 05:05 AM
I'm pretty sure if it was female and hot people wouldn't mind the lack of pants.

Sexist innit?

2008-12-19, 05:24 AM
Sexist innit?


Yeah it is, really. Can't really do anything about it unless you completely omit all mention of it.

2008-12-19, 05:29 AM

Hence why I tend to play female characters, somehow it's less of an issue when the guy hitting on your character is doing so pretending to be a woman... :smallconfused:

2008-12-19, 08:33 AM
I get a feeling that I already know the answer, but are there any Good-aligned outsiders in this book?

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-12-19, 09:44 AM
I'm sure nobody wants to see a chaotic evil creature of doom(I have no idea what he is) without any sort of pants-like wear.

The drow don't even have a word for pants in their language!

2008-12-19, 09:51 AM
I get a feeling that I already know the answer, but are there any Good-aligned outsiders in this book?

Technically Bladelings are good, but their Alignment says Any, so...

Keepers and Korreds are Unaligned.

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-12-19, 09:58 AM
Bladelings? Good? That's not how I know them. In Neverwinter Nights 2, they looked thoroughly evil. Here's a sampling of their lines:

"No place to run this time Kalach-Cha. That which you have stolen, hand it over, and we will let you live."

"Hand the shard over, or we will take it from your corpse!"

"FOOL! I shall enjoy killing you!"

"Fight, you pathetic thralls! KILL THEM ALL!"

That don't sound very good to me.

2008-12-19, 10:03 AM
Bladelings? Good? That's not how I know them. In Neverwinter Nights 2, they looked thoroughly evil. Here's a sampling of their lines:

"No place to run this time Kalach-Cha. That which you have stolen, hand it over, and we will let you live."

"Hand the shard over, or we will take it from your corpse!"

"FOOL! I shall enjoy killing you!"

"Fight, you pathetic thralls! KILL THEM ALL!"

That don't sound very good to me.Well, Miko was Good her entire life, so...

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-12-19, 10:33 AM
Yeah, but these bladelings were working for the Githyanki. They slaughtered countless innocents trying to get that shard for their githyanki masters.

2008-12-19, 11:11 AM
Nah, Bladelings certainly never were good in the older editions. Planescape described them as xenophobic, warmongering and constantly fighting everyone not bladeling.

2008-12-19, 01:42 PM
Nah, Bladelings certainly never were good in the older editions. Planescape described them as xenophobic, warmongering and constantly fighting everyone not bladeling.That doesn't make them evil, it makes them refluffed paladins.

2008-12-19, 04:12 PM
Bladelings from Archeron were capital-G Good? Lawful Neutral I can see, but fluffed-up-pally-Good?

That's news to me.

Anyways, I've recently picked up the 4ed MoP and it made me much less hostile towards 4th edition as a whole.

It thankfully at least mentioned the Great Wheel Cosmology (and if I DM a game I'll KEEP my soddin ALIGNMENTS and include number 10 Unaligned thank-you-very-much WOTC!) and gives me basic material to use and help flesh out what I may need. Not as much material as I wanted, but seeing as how I got it at 10% discount, I'm not complaining too much.

I wanted to see the Genasi in the MoP, unfortunately they're only mentioned. Apparently, they're not allowed to be offered up as an option outside of Faerun (memo to me and any whom I may play side-by-side with, in those blasted final Forgotten Realms campaigns, it took an Epic party making bloody Supernal-Epic effort, but we SAVED Mystra! Eat THAT CYRIC :smallyuk:).

I'm pleased with the Gatecrasher and Planeshifter paths. For those wandering how to go about getting trained in Arcana for Gatecrasher I recommend Arcane Initiate feat. That's what my personal Rogue-Mage is doing!

Saint's and Proxies! The Gatecrasher has a VERY fun trick to use that's essentially Impromptu Sneak Attack Plus!

Now if I only knew what was in the Martial Powers book...

Other opinions I may have are already stated by various above posters. Good luck shifting to see which ones I agree with! :smallsmile: