View Full Version : Morrowiind

2008-12-16, 11:42 AM
I had forgotten how good this game was.

It started out with me replaying (modded) Oblivion, making a wizard and abusing the chain-spell trick - it's not really fun to play one otherwise, in my opinion.

Focusing almost completely on Destruction and Restoration reminded me how those skills were almost useless for characters who weren't dedicated mages in Morrowind - and how overwhelmingly useful alteration was for thieves and mysticism was for everyone.

Cue re-installation, a couple of graphics mods, and a new leveling system. I've tried Morrowind with mods a couple of times in the past, but I never got far past Seyda Neen. Well, this time I'm Grandmaster of the Morag Tong/Hlaalu/Thieves/Mages/Fighters guilds, plus Nerevarine. I think I'll start Tribunal now, and I'll probably make a new character for the Legion/Cult/Bloodmoon/Redoran.

Reminiscences? Thoughts? Questions? Suggestions? I'd like to incorporate a few more mods but whenever I use big ones my game tends to crash.

P.S. Of all the broken artifacts, I'd say the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide and the Fists of Randagulf are the most so - super-useful enchantments, stupidly high armor levels, and not especially hard to get (with a scroll of Ekash's Lock-Splitter and a potion of levitation, at least)? Yes, please.

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-12-16, 04:13 PM
My brother and I still love this game. I'd get back into it if I could find the CD-ROM so I could reinstall it.:smallfrown:

2008-12-16, 04:21 PM
Yeah, this game is good, even though playing a pure mage is a pain. You can make it work, sure, but a new player is almost guaranteed to be frustrated. Can you explain the "chain-spell trick"? There are some mods to make playing a mage easier, such as mana regeneration. The game gets much better after modding the hell out of it, anyway.

2008-12-16, 04:44 PM
What mods do you use? Suddenly I feel like to play it again.

2008-12-16, 05:07 PM
Can you explain the "chain-spell trick"? .

Just create a spell that deals you 1 damage then heals 1 hp. Then cast it. A lot.

WHAM tons of xp.

2008-12-16, 05:16 PM
I think he means the 'weakness spell' chain, using the loophole that spells with different effect stack. So you could use 'weakness against fire and/or magic 100%' then 'weakness against fire and/or magic 50 %' and after a few chain, blast it with attack spell for massive damage.

2008-12-16, 06:57 PM
There is also an exploit I found (and I bet other people found too) where if you find a skill trainer that teaches one of your primary skills up to 100, you can have him train you even if that skill is already 100. You don't go past 100 but you can level up that way.

Did this with a thief. All my stats were 100, I had over 1000hp, and was over lv100. Also had a LOT of artifacts and glass armor. I tried to kill him so many times I lost track. Then my motherboard got fried in a thunderstorm and I lost EVERYTHING.

2008-12-16, 07:10 PM
Focusing almost completely on Destruction and Restoration reminded me how those skills were almost useless for characters who weren't dedicated mages in Morrowind*jawdrop*

Draint Int 100 on self for 1 sec: Sleep Int is for the weak. Do not combo with Fortify Int.

Ah Morrowind, how I adored thee... I miss using the Windform scroll. Nothing like a high-speed flight across the island to give a fantasy setting a new sense of wonder. Anyone who wants to join the Tribunal Temple ought to stock up on those by the way for that Vow of Silence Trek.

Also, the chain effect doesn't need to be different values, just different spells. My Breton Mage had a pair of custom spells for Weakness to Fire and Weakness to Magic all at 100%. They were called Left Hook and Right Hook.

2008-12-16, 07:21 PM
Ah Morrowind, how I adored thee... I miss using the Windform scroll. Nothing like a high-speed flight across the island to give a fantasy setting a new sense of wonder. Anyone who wants to join the Tribunal Temple ought to stock up on those by the way for that Vow of Silence Trek.

Naw, all you need to do is get to the shrine by conventional means, Mark, make your way back to Vivec, take the quest, Recall, click the shrine, and you're done. No Windform required.

Too bad I learned about this one AFTER I did the Silence Trek by the means the game suggested. Water Walk was my friend for that one.

2008-12-16, 07:22 PM
I've tried to play Morrowind again. Many times. I can't. I just can't, I've done EVERYTHING in that game. My argonian is level 79, and he's the leader of everything except the temple and House Redoran. Yeah, I don't know how I got to be the master of Telvanni and Hlaalu.

I used to love this game, but I just can't play it anymore. Its very hard for me to not have full glass armor, Skullsplitter, and the fists of randagalf at level 3. I wish Oblivion was even half as good as Morrowind.:smalltongue:

I'm gonna try again.

And this time... I'm gonna play it right. No... really... I have the willpower...:smalleek:

2008-12-16, 07:33 PM
Naw, all you need to do is get to the shrine by conventional means, Mark, make your way back to Vivec, take the quest, Recall, click the shrine, and you're done. No Windform required.

Too bad I learned about this one AFTER I did the Silence Trek by the means the game suggested. Water Walk was my friend for that one.Ah, but that's nowhere near as satisfying as getting to see all the Cliff Racers you would have had to fight under normal circumstances and knowing you'll never have to deal with them.

Starwoof: Have you completed the chain of quests for that Khajit romance, the Twin Lamps, and the various Solstheim quests?

2008-12-16, 07:48 PM
Favorite method of travel:

Boots of blinding speed + a bracer with perma levitation + Khajit's Eye Ring = protagonist airlines, getting to every destination in a matter of minutes.

It was also fun to fly up into the air for a few minutes and drop yourself.

2008-12-16, 08:14 PM
P.S. Of all the broken artifacts, I'd say the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide and the Fists of Randagulf are the most so - super-useful enchantments, stupidly high armor levels, and not especially hard to get (with a scroll of Ekash's Lock-Splitter and a potion of levitation, at least)? Yes, please.

Vampiric Ring for the winz.

Too bad i could never play on the PC. They need to have mods for consoles.

2008-12-16, 08:14 PM
My favorite form of travel is actually the Scrolls of Icarian Flight coupled with permanent Slow Fall...even one point will do. THAT is the only way to see Vvardenfell!:smallbiggrin:

2008-12-16, 11:46 PM
Damn, I miss that game. If only I still had a PC. Personally I was never able to play it modded, for which I am very sad. It got to the point with my thief and fighter where I had several tricked out mansions and had done almost everything in the game. I just would've liked something new and challenging. Did anyone else ever use the saint's cloth invincibility thing?

Inhuman Bot
2008-12-17, 08:46 AM
I have morrowind for the xbox.

It makes me a sad chaos god to not be able to mod it D:

Oblivion is good, but morrowind with mods is probably better then oblivion with mods.

Oh well...

2008-12-17, 08:56 AM
Did anyone else ever use the saint's cloth invincibility thing?
If you're talking about enchanting clothing + jewellery to create 100% constant effect sanctuary then yeah. That just totally broke the game, though. I was running about punching everyone to death and whistling a happy tune. I preferred constant effect chameleon, anyway. :smallcool:

2008-12-17, 09:08 AM
My favorite form of travel is actually the Scrolls of Icarian Flight coupled with permanent Slow Fall...even one point will do. THAT is the only way to see Vvardenfell!:smallbiggrin:

Heh. I preferred a "Jump 100 pts for 3 seconds" and a "Levitate 1 pt for 1 seconds" enchanted items, named Titan's Pants and Ring of Airbraking, respectively.

They were pretty cheap to enchant too.

2008-12-17, 09:40 AM
If you're talking about enchanting clothing + jewellery to create 100% constant effect sanctuary then yeah. That just totally broke the game, though. I was running about punching everyone to death and whistling a happy tune. I preferred constant effect chameleon, anyway. :smallcool:

Huh, never tried that. Then again, my thief eventually got to the point where he could slaughter a room full of ordinators without being detected once. Good times, good times.

2008-12-17, 04:43 PM
This thread has given me a strong urge to play Morrowind again. It's still tied with the original Deus Ex for my favourite PC game of all time.

Too bad I can't erase my memory of it and replay it.
That sheer sense of wonder I experienced when first leaving the Census office and wandering around Seyda Neen, glancing at a map, and suddenly realising how incredibly, incredibly huge this world actually was, is one of the most awesome things I've ever tried in a videogame.

Never really tried many mods, though, and I didn't really play all the way through the expansions. I should still be able to get a couple hundred hours more out of it, at least:smallsmile:

Heh. I preferred a "Jump 100 pts for 3 seconds" and a "Levitate 1 pt for 1 seconds" enchanted items, named Titan's Pants and Ring of Airbraking, respectively.

Hah, I had such a combo too. Only it was a pair of sandals called "The Earthbound's Folly" and of course the "Sash of Suspending" for landings. Dirt cheap/easy to make.

2008-12-17, 04:45 PM
Too bad I can't erase my memory of it and replay it.
That sheer sense of wonder I experienced when first leaving the Census office and wandering around Seyda Neen, glancing at a map, and suddenly realising how incredibly, incredibly huge this world actually was, is one of the most awesome things I've ever tried in a videogame.

Me too. I want to do it again... but I can't.:smallfrown:

I'm still trying to find a way for my Ring of Invisibility to work right.:smalltongue:

2008-12-18, 12:50 AM
Too bad I can't erase my memory of it and replay it.
That sheer sense of wonder I experienced when first leaving the Census office and wandering around Seyda Neen, glancing at a map, and suddenly realising how incredibly, incredibly huge this world actually was, is one of the most awesome things I've ever tried in a videogame.

This. I think I first played it when I was around 9, never having played a lot of PC games before. The sense of wonder just overwhelmed me and it felt so good.

2008-12-18, 03:18 AM
Forget flying...the most fun form of travel is jumping! I modded in a pair of boots that gave something like +250 to Acrobatics--called them Moon Boots because you could get from Balmora to Caldera in 2 jumps using them. Not quite as fun as the scrolls of Icarian Flight, of course, but not half as dangerous either!

2008-12-18, 03:24 AM
Forget flying...the most fun form of travel is jumping! I modded in a pair of boots that gave something like +250 to Acrobatics--called them Moon Boots because you could get from Balmora to Caldera in 2 jumps using them. Not quite as fun as the scrolls of Icarian Flight, of course, but not half as dangerous either!A constant effect Slowfall 1 item combined with a bunch of rings for Jump 100 for 3-5 secs. Trigger a ring, pause, switch to the next ring, trigger, pause, switch, trigger... Then ZOOM!

2008-12-18, 03:47 AM
Wow... Now I really want to play it again, but I have so many other games too play. :(

The game was so easily breakable. Find the spell maker that gave out -skill get that and you can get almost free skill upgrades.

If I play it again ill need to actually work through the game.

2008-12-19, 10:16 PM
It's completely incapatible with Vista, unfortunately.

2008-12-19, 10:26 PM

Ok, now I'm incensed. Seriously. Completely and utterly...and most new computers have drivers incompatible with XP, or so I've been told.

Dacia Brabant
2008-12-19, 11:03 PM
The most useful mod for Morrowind was the one to give the Creeper unlimited wealth for selling stolenacquired goods, but the most important was the mod that erased all Cliff Racers from the game, making it the best game ever by deleting one of the worst monsters ever.

Such a good game. I always wanted to play it without stealing, but...I don't think I'd be able to. That dumb wood elf in the Balmora Mage's Guild is just too easy to rip off. :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-19, 11:09 PM
The most useful mod for Morrowind was the one to give the Creeper unlimited wealth for selling stolenacquired goods, but the most important was the mod that erased all Cliff Racers from the game, making it the best game ever by deleting one of the worst monsters ever.What?! I think they're worth levitation potions. Racer Plumes are one of the two ingredients that allow it.

2008-12-19, 11:15 PM
I loved Morrowind, one of, if not the, best games I've ever played. I've been modding it myself and adding lots of other mods, trying everything I didn't try on my other playthroughs. Oblivion has more capabilities, but the game itself just wasn't as good. Still loads of fun, especially with some good mods.

2008-12-20, 12:26 AM
It's completely incapatible with Vista, unfortunately.

I'm running Vista and have absolutely no problems with it. It may be a driver or version issue, but I haven't had any compatibility problems with any games, even really old ones like Fallout or Arcanum.

2008-12-20, 02:49 AM
Oh the original game. Wandering the land, stumbling across new stories, new adventures, new plots...

Oh the mods. Having a breton mage capable of levelling mountains wandering Deathtrap dungeon in simple robes with a ring that gave a +50 bonus to destruction spells....exploring the 100-level dungeon below the starting village or the continental shelf over the ocean...

Oh the atmosphere...the music..the memories. The first vampire complex...wandering the darkened corridors looking for opponents far stronger than me...and dying, A LOT... getting a suit of obsidian armor...after my final victory...breaking into the Redoran vaults thanks to a certain kitty's tipoff and sitting there, wondering how on EARTH I was going to spend all the money...using teleport spells to bounce around like a mad electron...my first Daedric shrine...

And above all: Realising that the entire plotlines of both the original series and the supplement Tribunal was

All a Xanthanos gambit by one of the Daedra queens to regain control of her people by killing off the four artificial gods that stole her place - although this is never spelled out precisely, it's the end result, isn't it?

Dacia Brabant
2008-12-20, 09:01 AM
What?! I think they're worth levitation potions. Racer Plumes are one of the two ingredients that allow it.

Eh, just get Levitation spells and enchants, better that than having to deal with the most annoying monster ever.

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-12-20, 02:17 PM
Oh the original game. Wandering the land, stumbling across new stories, new adventures, new plots...

Oh the mods. Having a breton mage capable of levelling mountains wandering Deathtrap dungeon in simple robes with a ring that gave a +50 bonus to destruction spells....exploring the 100-level dungeon below the starting village or the continental shelf over the ocean...

Oh the atmosphere...the music..the memories. The first vampire complex...wandering the darkened corridors looking for opponents far stronger than me...and dying, A LOT... getting a suit of obsidian armor...after my final victory...breaking into the Redoran vaults thanks to a certain kitty's tipoff and sitting there, wondering how on EARTH I was going to spend all the money...using teleport spells to bounce around like a mad electron...my first Daedric shrine...

And above all: Realising that the entire plotlines of both the original series and the supplement Tribunal was

All a Xanthanos gambit by one of the Daedra queens to regain control of her people by killing off the four artificial gods that stole her place - although this is never spelled out precisely, it's the end result, isn't it?

Technically whether that's what happens hinges on whether or not you decide to kill Vivec too, though he's restored to mortality by the end of it anyway, and is basically a lame duck god.

2008-12-22, 04:38 PM
my first run-through i got around 160,000 bucks without any mods, expansions, or cheating. man, i stole SO MUCH STUFFZ. to this day though one of my favorite memories was raiding the sh*@ out of the drug farm and selling it all off gradually, a bit at a time. sooo much moon sugar.

i actually spent a while trying to figure out how to use alchemy to convert moon sugar into skooma, but i never did get very far with alchemy. oh well.

2008-12-22, 05:18 PM
I loved this game so much. In fact, I still do. It is number one on my list of favourite games, with Uncle Crassius number one on my list of favourite character from a game. There was so much to do, that I've never actually finished a questline. The closest I came was House Hlaalu, then my hard drive broke, and I lost the save.

I also made a pillow fort.

2008-12-22, 06:24 PM
Once i built a tower out of dwemer pots, cups, and platters. Very fun.

However, there are some problems:

2008-12-22, 07:03 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Drain (skill) exploit!

Drain (skill) 100 for 6 seconds.

Work up skill. Cast it on yourself and train up points. Repeat as necessary for infinite and inexpensive skill levels.

Pretty much the 'I Win' button of Morrowind.

2008-12-22, 07:10 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Drain (skill) exploit!

Drain (skill) 100 for 6 seconds.

Work up skill. Cast it on yourself and train up points. Repeat as necessary for infinite and inexpensive skill levels.

Pretty much the 'I Win' button of Morrowind.

I never used it on my main, but I made characters to screw around with that all the time.

I wish I owned morrowind for PC so I could use mods. T_T

Inhuman Bot
2008-12-22, 10:34 PM
Question: how has this thread lasted this long without someone noting the extra I in the title? :smalltongue:

Also: I've nearly finsihed my objective of building a stairset out of random objects to the top of a random house.
I love this game.:smallbiggrin:

2008-12-23, 12:30 AM
I never used it on my main, but I made characters to screw around with that all the time.

I wish I owned morrowind for PC so I could use mods. T_T

Are you saying it's out for Mac?

2008-12-23, 03:47 AM
Once i built a tower out of dwemer pots, cups, and platters. Very fun.

However, there are some problems:
http://mpg.planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/images/abrodhead/cliffracerswarm.jpg:smalleek:Not a fan of area spells?

2008-12-23, 04:57 AM
Die Fetcher!


Clearly you are an idiot.


Morrowind quotes were the best :)

2008-12-23, 10:24 AM
Ah, Morrowind. I think one of my favorite features was the fact that if you moved someone somewhere (e.g. by dominating them to lead them around), they stayed there when you came back. I moved the mages guild teleporter girl in Caldera and the Creeper to my Telvanni Stronghold that way, and placed them around the undisposable corpse in the basement.

I then put my teleport mark in the middle of the 3. Instantly, it became a true stronghold with a limitless chest, a merchant, and a quick means of transport to other locations.

2008-12-23, 10:52 AM
Just think of what it would be like if you crossed the graphics and combat of Oblivion, with the world and story of Morrowind...

2008-12-23, 01:06 PM
I'm wondering if I should buy this game or not. I really enjoyed oblivion, and I guess I can modify the graphics and stuff with mods... so..?

to the guy above me: It ahs been found that you can actually play morrowind by using the oblivion construction set... I don't remember how, but I know it's possible. but you cant get that mod out, because its a copy right thing.... or... not. found this here link http://morroblivion.com/ looks nice.

The Cats
2009-01-29, 01:22 AM
Love this game.
Just started a new character: Conjuration specialist with illusion for paralyze ( loves me some paralyzing) restoration for improving summons and spear for endurance.

So far I can summon a bonewalker, boost his strength and watch him whack the poo out of helpless NPCs for a good ten seconds. Then I have to cast paralyze again. Good times.

2009-01-29, 01:27 PM
Once i built a tower out of dwemer pots, cups, and platters. Very fun.

I... I think I win...

2009-01-29, 05:03 PM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever encountered a mod to remove cliff racers, or at least make them way less common/annoying?

Dacia Brabant
2009-01-30, 12:55 AM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever encountered a mod to remove cliff racers, or at least make them way less common/annoying?

It's been a while but I think it's called Cliff Racer Extinction or Cliff Racer Eraser. You can always check on Planet Elder Scrolls, there are a few of them out there like that and for good reason--they're horribly annoying, regardless of how useful their plumes are.

2009-01-30, 01:39 AM
I once saw someone enchant a staff that dealt 100 damage to everything within a five-foot radius.

He called it, "Die, Damn Birds".

2009-01-30, 02:10 AM
God, enchants were so abusable tho. There was 100% sanctuary, like 20 HP regeneration with 300 armor (can survive everything at level 1 basically), 100% spell absorption w/sign of atronarch.

Not to mention fortify intelligence x100,000 potions. Or levitate + ranged stuff. Or... many many broken things. But they were fun.

Edit: also, boots of blinding speed + resist magika = bizarrely speedy orcs in heavy armor with heavy weapons.

2009-01-30, 05:16 PM
God, enchants were so abusable tho. There was 100% sanctuary, like 20 HP regeneration with 300 armor (can survive everything at level 1 basically), 100% spell absorption w/sign of atronarch.

Not to mention fortify intelligence x100,000 potions. Or levitate + ranged stuff. Or... many many broken things. But they were fun.

Edit: also, boots of blinding speed + resist magika = bizarrely speedy orcs in heavy armor with heavy weapons.

Don't forget boosting every piece of armor to give you Fortify Heavy Armor. Since the system multiplied from your total armor rating of the last piece of gear, rather than just mashing all of the bonuses together, by putting on each piece of armor one by one (which, happily enough, is the only way to do it anyways) you could end up with an armor rating in the thousands.:smallbiggrin:

2009-02-12, 02:11 AM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever encountered a mod to remove cliff racers, or at least make them way less common/annoying?

I saw one somewhere that made them non-aggro. So you can still kill them for the plumes, but they won't annoy you if you don't want to be bothered.

edit: here it is http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/index.php?name=Downloads&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=1902

2009-02-12, 02:23 AM
You know what I enjoyed using? The custom Conjuration spell that summoned every summonable undead for 60 seconds. I tacked on the Drain 100 Int for 1 sec and called it "Invoke the Host." Solstheim did wonders for it, both for that one magic cloak that adds x2 Int to maximum Magicka and the Summon Bonewolf spell. Almalexia never knew what hit her.

2009-02-12, 10:19 AM
My favorite playthrough was when I made a thief and robbed Vivec blind as my first order of business. Even the House vaults weren't safe from me, though it took a few trips to get all the goodies out.

2009-02-17, 10:04 AM
Btw, has anyone ever defeated the Almalexia's 6 guards (without mods of course)?

2009-02-19, 10:18 AM
Not too hard. Just get high level sneak and then about 60%+ chamelon. Also 60%+ sanctuary and high armor rating makes you nigh-invulnerable. Pick the absorb magicka sign and you're a walking god.