View Full Version : Other forums you go to

2008-12-17, 08:29 AM
What other forums do you visit?

My home base is Deletionquality.net

I highly recommend Dancube.net

I also go to here and gamertonight.net

Cristo Meyers
2008-12-17, 08:32 AM
well...I haven't been back to any of them in the longest time, but:

I started on gamefaqs.com

Then the reapermini.com forum.

Then the Nationstates General forum.

and now I'm here, and you're all stuck with me! :smalltongue:

2008-12-17, 08:35 AM

been there since 2000, though my current registration date shows 2001.

2008-12-17, 08:37 AM

been there since 2000, though my current registration date shows 2001.

Wow. Eight year member. Nice.

2008-12-17, 08:38 AM
None, gitp devours enough time as is.

2008-12-17, 08:41 AM

It's where I go for philosophical/political/religious discussions forbidden in the Playground. I wouldn't recommend Giantitpers to check out the Anachronists' Guild, though, since Taleworlds folks will most likely come off as..."evil", to you.

2008-12-17, 08:42 AM
Wow. Eight year member. Nice.

I was there so long they finally decided I should have a ban hammer.

2008-12-17, 09:36 AM
I used to make maps for Warcraft III so I was a lot on the world editor section of thehelper.net, but now my forum of choice is the picture wars forum (http://www.picture-wars.com/phpBB3/index.php).

2008-12-17, 09:39 AM
My first forum was a spanish-speaker community for Legend of Zelda. then i moved to the Dungeon Crawling inc.forums, to land here.

I also have an account at Myth-weavers, and a lurker on other forums.

2008-12-17, 09:40 AM
TVTropes fora.

Used to have a few more, that's about it.

Oh, and occasionally Atomicthinktank.com.

2008-12-17, 09:41 AM
Pretty much I just creep around the myth-weavers and gameFAQs forums instead of this one.

2008-12-17, 09:44 AM
Other...forums? There are other forums? :smallconfused:

2008-12-17, 09:47 AM
Other...forums? There are other forums? :smallconfused:

Though admittedly, I do have a few other accounts in a few places.

Ego Slayer
2008-12-17, 10:48 AM
Gitp, I'm all yours.

Aren't you lucky... :smallyuk:

2008-12-17, 10:57 AM
i keep up with goings-on at jonathancoulton.com and the scary-go-round forum, but neither of those is quite as active as this here dealie.

2008-12-17, 11:01 AM
I go on Enupnion, my Organisation Forum from my MMORPG, Dragcave, and Valenth forums.

2008-12-17, 11:12 AM
RPGnet; I'm there a lot more than I'm here, though there's a bit of cross-posting.

Very occasionally Total War Center and UKRoleplayers.

Mauve Shirt
2008-12-17, 11:33 AM
Pretty much here and only here. I tried hanging out at the kingdom of loathing forums, but they're a bunch of asses over there. I made an account at TVtropes, but I never use it.

2008-12-17, 11:36 AM
evilgamer.net - pretty specialised, so I doubt many even know it exists.

2008-12-17, 11:37 AM
I used to be a regular on thedarktower.net, then kind of slouched off there after the seventh book in the Dark Tower series came out. I view a few political blogs, and comment there occasionally, but otherwise nothing.

2008-12-17, 11:37 AM
None really. I only really get involved in one forum at a time. I mean, I comment on some blogs but I couldn't name any of the other posters there. I stick with the playground because it's nicer and better moderated than other forums out there. The only times I felt I was being flamed over here were by new posters who were used to a more aggressive netiquette.

The closest thing I use to another forum is metafilter. It considers itself a multiuser blog (and I guess it technically is a blog because the newest posts are on top rather than the post with the most recent reply). What I like about it is that a small moentary donation is required and users are only allowed to post once a week. This keeps the quality of the posts really high. People actually use the search function if they don't want to waste their weekly post.

2008-12-17, 12:17 PM
I mod on Rouseindahouse. (http://www.rouseindahouse.com/) Same name I use here.

Aside from that, it's just social networking sites; Myspace, Facebook etc.

2008-12-17, 01:17 PM
Lost Zombies... erm... yeah, that's about it...
I know i'm a member of SO many others (Lesbotronic, various mac ones, reptiles queensland... numerous ones on flickr) but i'm pretty lazy about posting to one forum, so more than that is just too much effort.

I used to be on another DnD oriented forum but most of the people on it were about 12 and SERIOUSLY racist and homophobic and the admin did jack to police the forum.

2008-12-17, 01:22 PM
I started on WotC and migrated over here. I've posted a couple questions over there since but otherwise this is pretty much my only frequently-visited forum. There's a couple other forums I've posted on infrequently at best as well as a barrage of posting on the WoW forums a few months ago (but to which I haven't returned recently).

There is a LiveJournal community I post on occasionally, but it would be considered forum inappropriate to discuss here.

I use the same username pretty much everywhere, though, so if you see a ghost_warlock somewhere, there's a good chance it's me. :smallsmile:

@VV: Oh, yeah, Myth-Weavers. Forgot about them...use that site for character sheet hosting. I was involved in a CoC PbP game there for a while but it died. I think I have about 20 posts there. :smallamused:

2008-12-17, 01:24 PM
Apart from the GitP, I go to Enworld (rarely) and, mainly, my forum at http://www.exalted.forumfree.net (italian); more, I frequent http://www.teamrooyo.it/forum/ (italian), a yoyo-themed forum. Then I look for infos on many forums, without joining them...

2008-12-17, 01:27 PM
Like ghost_warlock, I started on the WotC forums (as Krugg, but that name was taken here) and then migrated to the Playground. This is basically the only place I post, except for occasionally over at Myth-Weavers (I think I have like 6 posts there) or on the WotC boards every 6+ months. I lurk on ENWorld, though! :smalltongue: I usually go by either this name (rtg0922) or RTGoodman, though there are a few exceptions.

2008-12-17, 01:28 PM
I am active on the Giantitp forums and on the Peta forums. I do however also look at the D&D WotC forums, but I don't have an account there. Other than that I don't regurly visit any other forums. I did follow the 9thwonders forum a few weeks.

2008-12-17, 01:35 PM
GameFAQs. My first excursion to the online world, really. I've been part of a RPG/CF on a dead board there since 2005. I rarely venture outside that specific board of late, but I occasionally go on various sports-related ones. I used to be all over the place, and very active, but I've "slimmed down" so to speak. My claim to fame (sorta) is that I was the first on the Battlefront 2 board to reach 1,000 Endurance medals. Heh.

At various times I've been at wotmania, Portkey, maybe a couple others. I read articles on TVTropes, but have never seen its forums, and have made exactly one contribution. I recently began trawling through the archives of The Dancing Dove, and I lurk a time or two on the forum for Goblins.

2008-12-17, 01:39 PM
I used to go on the WOTC website as Malchius but I just stopped because Giantitp is more universal and it was when the arguments about 4th ED were really starting.

2008-12-17, 01:48 PM
woo a chance to plug my new forum :smallbiggrin:

Well I'll start at the beginning- my introduction to the net was Just Discworld, a DW fan group on MSN groups (R.I.P), then things quieted down as I tried to find a new place where I'd be welcomed... I joined Radio Rivendell (very good fantasy radio stream, perfect as background music for D&D) with very friendly though not very active members, then I created my new Discworld Online (http://s1.zetaboards.com/Discworld_Online) forum, an RP site which is still growing up- less than 10 members and less than a fortnight old atm, then I found my way here :smallbiggrin: I know you're active enough to keep me entertained, and hopefully you're all friendly enough too... And who knows, perhaps you might end up on my group :smallsmile:

I promise I'll stop plugging now...

EDIT: forgot to mention I'm a fan of tvtropes too, though not ocme across the forum yet...

2008-12-17, 01:50 PM
I spend most of my forum time nowadays between here and golfgtiforum.co.uk.

Mando Knight
2008-12-17, 01:51 PM
My main forum is this one... but I've got an account on Myth-Weavers for character sheet purposes, and I look at the SW: TOR official forum occasionally...

2008-12-17, 01:51 PM
None, gitp devours enough time as is.

Ditto. moar textz

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-12-17, 02:03 PM
I used to be addicted to the Yahoo Message Boards... Endless flaming, some of the greatest trolls to ever stalk the internets, and general lawlessness... Good times, good times... :smallbiggrin:

Now they are gone, and there are no places left where you can get involved in such over the top arguments.

I miss pajerla and marine core soldier... cindybin... killtown... Truly awesome trolls.

Now forums either have moderators who keep out the riff-raff, or the forums are strongly riff OR raff, preventing their opposite from getting a foothold on their boards.

late for dinner
2008-12-17, 02:13 PM
I have this thing with loyalty....exe: I wont buy video games from anywhere else except my gamestop that is right by my house. I feel guilty getting from other places. I only shop at Game Depot in Az for my gaming stuff because it's treason to go anywhere else....so these are my forums from now on. I will not stray

hey I just realized I am a Dwarf in the Playground now!! Awesomesauce!!

2008-12-17, 02:39 PM
The only other forum I spend a lot of time on these days is my buddy's Toku/Japanese entertainment site, Henshin Justice (http://henshinjustice.com/). I don't really get into the hobby aspect, but I sure do yap a lot on the Power Chamber forum.

Other than that, I post on Pimptania (http://www.pimptania.com/forums/)an average of once a day, and every once in a while drop by at Myth-Weavers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/).

I'm a lurker on the Dumpshock (http://www.dumpshock.com/)forums, as well as Achewood (http://m.assetbar.com/achewood/home), which is a guaranteed bucket of belly laughs.

Cristo Meyers
2008-12-17, 02:45 PM
Ah, Dumpshock, almost forgot about that one. Lost my taste for it after my group kinda imploded, though.

2008-12-17, 03:44 PM
Well Gitp is my home forum. (Its the best one), but I occasionally go to Mayhem Gaming and this other forum I can't remember the name of. Something about books though.

2008-12-17, 04:09 PM
I used to frequent 40konline.com (a banner on that site is how i found this one), but I made a bit of an ass of myself (due to posting at a young age, 13-15 or so) and so took a break. I never really got back into it.

I also post on a forum I wont list, due to content innapropriate here (psychedelic drugs). If even mentioning that is innapropiate I'll remove it.

Mc. Lovin'
2008-12-17, 05:51 PM
www.steampowered.com (I think that's the adress anyway)

Although I only go there to look at new bleach chapter spoilers. Frankly, I think it's *the* worst forum community out there.

2008-12-17, 09:35 PM
I used to attend the Homestar Runner Wikipedia Forum: http://forum.hrwiki.org/

It was great. I joined in 2005, and there was a wonderful community of people there who all got along, and then one day, internet drama started happening, everybody got really mad at each other and rude, and the admins shut down the off-subject section of the forum (which was where the actual community was) and a group of regulars set up a separate forum sometime over summer, but I didn't keep up with it. I checked it about a week ago and found that the website didn't exist anymore. I was pretty okay with that because I wasn't really a regular anymore, but it pained me to see such a large part of my life drift away.

In between the time that the off-subject was shut down and I stopped going all together, I remembered the forums here, hung out a little, and decided I LOVED IT!:smallbiggrin:

2008-12-18, 05:32 AM
I frequent http://www.dndonlinegames.com/ - a wonderful D&D Play-By-Post forum with a great community. Not only do I frequent it, I'm part of the Staff there.

2009-01-14, 05:06 AM
evilgamer.net - pretty specialised, so I doubt many even know it exists.

Heheh. I'm not on that one, but my husband is. I get called over to appreciate the most smart-arse commentary. My parallel board is dead and not even reanimated.

My home forum is The Pen is Mightier than the Sword (http://www.themightypen.net/) -- a writers' and roleplayers' site* which is dying slowly but graciously. Post your story over there and it's likely I'll be the one to give the in-depth edit.

*but not RPG. I tried to transplant the dice-based PbP style there and it didn't flourish.

2009-01-14, 05:28 AM
rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad on google groups (not a forum, but close enough)
and I spend alot of time on deckserver.net/jol3 which is not a forum, or newsgroup but there's a bit of chatting on there, and lots of gaming.

2009-01-14, 05:39 AM
I occasionally post on an LJ community deemed inappropriate here but other than that and character sheet hosting I'm exclusive to GitP. I've tried branching out a couple times but never really made much leeway or felt compelled to post more than a few times elsewhere. I used to traffic the WotC boards quite a bit before I came here but haven't spent much time there since.

2009-01-14, 05:58 AM
Other...forums? There are other forums? :smallconfused:Unfortunately, yes. And I've been kicked out of 80% of them. :smallannoyed::smallamused:

[I wouldn't DREAM of recommending Forumwarz 'forums', jokingly called FLAMEBAIT, because... eh, when you see them, you'll understand]

2009-01-14, 10:26 AM
I went to RPGnet but I didn't like it. :smallfrown:

A lot of the people there are aggressive, sarcastic, and hyper defensive. No offense to anyone who posts there but the vibe was rather harsh.

I like it here. Much nicer and more friendly. :smallsmile:

The Bushranger
2009-01-14, 11:50 AM
I also have an account at Myth-weavers,
And you've stalked me there, too. :smalleek: :smalltongue:

Hmm, lessee...

Enupnion (http://enupnion.myfastforum.org/)
Myth-Weavers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/)
History, Politics and Current Affairs (http://www.tboverse.us/HPCAFORUM/phpBB3/).

2009-01-14, 12:30 PM
I used to be part of a few forums. My first forum was a PBPRPG forum based on a Salem with a fantasy setting. It closed down due to a guy getting too serious about an IC romance, and saying he'll leave his wife to be with the admin. >> Yeah, I was 12 then.

After that I tried some Star Wars Furry PBPRPG site, but... it was boring, and their work was sub-par. Less than that, even. The funny part was I didn't know what a furry was until after I ditched the site.

Later I joined a few sites. One was an FF7 PBPPRG, and I think the people in it were far too serious for their own good. I got banned for making a joke character. (joined giantitp around this point, but left)

Then I joined Urealms, which I don't regret. It lost its flavour when Rob remade it. Now it's... well, it's boring as hell. Granted, it wasn't very good to begin with. (joined giantitp twice in this time, in the course of 4 months I had two accounts, but ditched them out of WoW calling)

When I left, I left with a small group of individuals. One of which started his own comic. http://twistedsanity.freesmfhosting.com/index.php

At the same time I joined a friend of mine's forum. It's a forum that combines all the FF games into one via merging of worlds plot. They're deciding on what to do right now (move plot forward to after the merging, or let it stay as is for a bit longer) http://ffconvergence.proboards49.com/index.cgi

Oh, and I joined a forum called Secret Spies, and by god is it boring. I just joined it to make fun of the name. SS.

And I don't really frequent any of these any more. I just go to giantitp now since the FF one isn't moving at a speed I'd like, and I don't really like comics. The rest suck.

2009-01-14, 12:57 PM
A lot, actually. I'm on this one the most.

2009-01-14, 04:01 PM
I go to the RPG.net forums, but mostly because the guild I got into on WoW is based from there, I rarely post in unrelated threads.

I used to hang out at the Fantasy Flight Games forum for Arkham Horror. I think I stopped hanging out there at about the same time as I started hanging out here. Just more interesting/varied topics of conversation to be had.

I suppose that makes this the only forum I go to for non-specific reasons, just to generally poke around different discussions.

Berserk Monk
2009-01-15, 10:32 AM
Wait a minute, there are other forums on the web other than just the giant's? This just blew my mind.

2009-01-15, 12:07 PM
I'm a bit tired of forums in general. But I frequent others, even if it's mostly lurking.

There's a local rpg forum, of which I only follow the D&D section. I also read and post at the RPTools forum. Then I go to 4chan because it amuses me (I never set foot on /b/ though, not that there's anything wrong with it).

2009-01-15, 12:13 PM
and sometimes

2009-01-16, 08:49 AM
I occasionally visit the sjgames.com and side7.com forums, but they're not as active as this one.

2009-01-16, 09:45 AM
I'm a member of Project Legilimensia, which is a teeny-tiny (at the moment, it used to be huge) Harry Potter roleplaying forum. I'm also a member of something called MuseBlog, which is a forum for the subscribers of a magazine called Muse. Those are the only places besides GitP that I go to regularly.

2009-01-17, 12:34 AM
www.pbphouse.com --> PBPforum, a little bit of everything, WFRP, MnM, DnD. I'm running two games and I'm in I think 3 more... I spend far to much time there.

My school has some forums (both official and unofficial) i use those a lot. Mostly for debating/getting to know people (its an online school... so I've never actually MET any of my class/schoolmates).

In my lifetime I've visited/joined lots of forums. My first forum was called koaworld.com, it was a WoW/Warcraft Forum that slowly died about the time WoW was released. I was like 12... and I loved that forum. Did my first Role-playing there. :)

www.blpublishing.com had a lot of forums I went to. The BI forum (before it was shut down) had some great members. The Black Library one too. Then they moved to a new URL (the one I linked) and shut down BI and I left...

for a short while I went to the Fantasy Flight games forums (http://new.fantasyflightgames.com/). Mostly for WFRP and Dark Heresy. Good stuff there. Haven't visited in a while... don't have the time. Though it is really fun to read threads about the population desnity of the Empire. :p

Then there was 40kterra.com That is a great website. I left around the time the website crashed (stupid hackers...) and I haven't been back, I'm not sure I want to though... dunno why.

Innis Cabal
2009-01-17, 12:49 AM
Wow no love for Dicefreaks here I see.

2009-01-17, 12:56 AM
I'm a member of Project Legilimensia, which is a teeny-tiny (at the moment, it used to be huge) Harry Potter roleplaying forum. I'm also a member of something called MuseBlog, which is a forum for the subscribers of a magazine called Muse. Those are the only places besides GitP that I go to regularly.

Bonus points for reading Muse. Never visited their forum, but hey, whatever.

This is my primary forum. Got a teensie account I use every now and then On Enupnion, but thats all.

2009-01-17, 01:14 AM
I still go to the LUE board at GameFAQs where I've had an account for almost 8 years. (You can't actually get there anymore though)

I also have an account at an old Armored Core forum called the Raven's Haven where I've been a member of (including parent boards) for about as long.

2009-01-17, 02:12 AM
Used to post quite a bit on a scifi and gaming forum to the point I was a mod, then I got tired of all the political "stuff" that kept coming up so I went into lurking and occasional banhammering, of which lurking I perfected here (ie: I was a pixie for 3 years iirc)

2009-01-17, 02:42 AM
Forum for the webcomic Questionable Content (http://questionablecontent.net/), mainly so I can leech music (they have a thread which is basically music nerds sharing their favourite albums, so it's a non-stop stream of indie music) and get advice about instruments. (Music nerds again!) Also the Dominic Deegan (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/) forums solely to mock it. And the forums for a MUD I used to play called Lusternia (http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php) mainly out of habit.

2009-01-17, 02:06 PM

Uncle Festy
2009-01-17, 10:46 PM
Well, I'm mostly here and occasionally do some stuff on MW.

but now my forum of choice is the picture wars forum (http://www.picture-wars.com/phpBB3/index.php).

Oh, and just joined there.

The Neoclassic
2009-01-17, 10:52 PM
I'm technically a member of other forums, but this is the only one I bother checking any more.

2009-01-20, 03:34 AM
I tend to avoid other forums. It seems that the entire internet except for this one awesome niche right here is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. And really annoying people.

Raiser Blade
2009-01-20, 04:26 AM
I lurk the something awful forums. I blame them for turning me into a neckbearded goon.

2009-01-20, 05:04 AM
I spin by rpg.net from time to time, mostly for the freelancing board and occasionally to pick the brains of people on lesser-known games.

When Nanowrimo is on I read those forums a lot, although I don't post so much.

...and that's about it.