View Full Version : WH40k humor-parody comics, images and more!

2008-12-18, 07:56 PM
All in one single thread for your convenience.:smallbiggrin:


WARNING: don't read while drinking or eating, for risk of ruining your computer!

Everything so wrong... Scroll down for the best stuff.

2008-12-18, 09:48 PM
-What do you call a lasgun with a laser sight? Twin Linked

I am sorry, but I don't think you can take IG mockery to the next level after that. There is no next level.

2008-12-18, 11:56 PM

That one, is freakin amazing on several level at the same time.

2008-12-19, 05:05 AM
The quality of these varies greatly, but some are truly magnificent.

I think I liked this one best: :smallbiggrin:

Chaplain Dedicus and Captain Insubordin go golfing on Ordus Prime. On the first hole, the chaplain shoots and does pretty well, getting just above par. The captain though, shoots way too hard, and blasts the ball all the way across the course, going right through a guardsman.
"Emperor's damnation, I missed!"
"You musn't say the Emperor's name in vain, for He shall strike you down!"
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
So they go to the next hole, and the chaplain shoots and does great, getting a hole in one. The captain again shoots way too hard and blows a hole through a passing rhino.
"Emperor's damnnation, I missed!"
"I told you, you musn't say the Emperor's name in vain, for He shall strike you down!"
"OK ok!"
This goes on for the entire course until the last hole. The chaplain gets par, and the captain again fails, shooting the ball off three trees and hitting his forehead.
"Emperor's damnation, I missed!"
"You shouldn't have said that! He shall strike you down!"
All of a sudden, a huge white light appears, and the chaplain is obliterated. All over Ordus Prime, every living being hears the same words in their head:

2008-12-19, 06:44 AM
The quality of these varies greatly, but some are truly magnificent.

I think I liked this one best: :smallbiggrin:

That's a new take on an extremely old joke involving a catholic priest and his friend. Still a good one nonetheless. I almost shot soft drink out of my nose upon reading the following:

An inquisitor walks into a bar.

2008-12-19, 07:21 AM
Best warhammer 40k joke ever?


2008-12-19, 09:09 AM
10 Reasons Why Eldar Are Better Than Space Marines

#10 - Standard issue armaments.
Bolters fire self-guided rocket-propelled grenades. Shuriken Catapults fire thousands of shurikens. THOUSANDS. OF. SHURIKENS!

#9 - One-Man Vehicles.
Space Marine Bike with wheels, versus a flying Eldar Jetbike. That also shoots shurikens!

#8 - Stylish Hats.
Space Marine: "My helmet is environmentally sealed, and includes 3 different kinds of vision and a comm-radio!"
Striking Scorpian: "My hat can kill you by itself."
Space Marine: "..."
Howling Banshee: "And mine can turn your central nervous system into jelly."
Space Marine: "...I...uh..."
Warlock: "And mine is immune to lascannons."

#7 - Tanks.
Space Marines: "Bring the turbo-charged engines online, and go to Ramming Speed!"
Eldar Falcon Pilot: "Or as we like to call it, 'Are we there yet'?"

#6 - Heavy Support.
Wraithlord: "Armour Value? Immobilised? Weapon Destroyed? What's that?"
Dreadnought: "...Uhh.... You know... it's just... things we have..."

#5 - Anatomy.
Pointy Ears and a lifespan measures in Millenia > A lifespan measured in centuries and a eunuch.

#4 - Close Combat Weapons.
Chainswords < Tank-Killing Boomerang Spears.

#3 - Potential.
One day, if he works really REALLY hard, a Space Marine might grow up to be a Chapter Master and - after he dies - a Dreadnought.
An Eldar, if he slacks off for long enough, can tear open a rift into hell and be assimilated into the greater consciousness of a God. Or he'll just die, in which case he'll STILL be assimilated into the consciousness of a DIFFERENT God. Or into DOZENS of Wraithlord and an artificial planet at the same time.

#2 - Psykers
Mephiston, Lord of Death, can sometimes stop himself from eating people.
Eldran Ulthuan mindraped a Blackstone Fortress. And won.

#1 - Shurikens!
Space Marine: "But we don't have any shu-"
Eldar: "Exactly!"

We could probably do one of these for every race in the game, but for some reason they amuse me :smalltongue:

2008-12-19, 11:00 AM
That's a pretty good compilation of the stuff that /tg/ and the old GW boards have produced. Bookmarked!

A few to add to the pile:
Servants of the Imperium (http://www.infovore.co.uk/comic/index.php) (Alt: Servants of the Imperium (http://www.darkreign40k.com/servants-of-the-imperium/index.php) (first (http://www.darkreign40k.com/servants-of-the-imperium/56.html)))
Order of the Aquila (http://www.darkreign40k.com/order-of-the-aquilia/index.php) (first (http://www.darkreign40k.com/order-of-the-aquilia/order-of-the-aquilia-001-5-never-looked-so-good-2.html))
Dear God-Emperor (http://www.darkreign40k.com/dear-god-emperor/index.php) (first (http://www.darkreign40k.com/dear-god-emperor/dear-god-emperor-1-2.html))
Commissar, Kill That Man (http://cktm.smackjeeves.com/) (first (http://cktm.smackjeeves.com/comics/122267/portable-lascannon/)) - by Onasuma, who posts here! Written before I got a sense of humour! Judging by my comments...
En Guard (http://enguard.smackjeeves.com/comics/) (first (http://enguard.smackjeeves.com/comics/82834/never-trust-the-adjutant/)) by me

Also from that forum:
This thread (http://fok.dow-mods.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=50). Is awesome. I've seen a fair few (radojavor (http://radojavor.deviantart.com/)'s stuff in particular - best damn artist on the internet), but there's loads of good stuff in there.

2008-12-19, 12:56 PM
Also from that forum:
This thread (http://fok.dow-mods.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=50). Is awesome. I've seen a fair few (radojavor (http://radojavor.deviantart.com/)'s stuff in particular - best damn artist on the internet), but there's loads of good stuff in there.

Yes, that thread has some pretty awesome stuff, I just totally forgot to put it, thanks for pointing it out:smallbiggrin:

2008-12-19, 04:04 PM
Turn Signals on a Land Raider (http://tsoalr.com/?p=1)