Robichaux waited, watching the flurry of creation. Islands, deserts, mountains, all boring things to him. He wanted movement, unpredictability. And so, he resolved to have it.

Away from where the other gods were creating, Robichaux created a cloud. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, the cloud began to grow until it covered several miles of ocean in every direction. Still not content, Robichaux darkened it in spots, creating sections of storms. And, for effect, Robichaux made the great mass spin. Parts drifted off, going in whatever direction they pleased, bringing fog, wind, rain, and lightning until they exhausted themselves.

Robichaux was content. He had created a serene maelstrom of clouds, rain, wind, and lightning that would give birth to storms and weather of all kinds. He had brought movement and unpredictability to the world, even if it was only a little.

18 AP=20-2 (Divine Creation: The Eternal Storm)