
Daughter of Olhydra and an unnamed god of water, Al-bala was for a time a favorite of her mother’s because of her power and cunning. It should come as no surprise that this state could not last, and Al-bala and her mother had a falling out. Al-bala had, slowly but surely, drifted away from evil as she aged moving towards untainted and pure Law, and has fled her mother’s territory, declaring herself the Princess of Lawful Water.

Al-bala’s realm is small as yet, and many bloods would challenge her claim to that title. See in their own realm an archomental has enough might to rival a Power and their worshipers can draw spells from them like they were true Powers, but like the mephit dukes of the paraelemental planes that’s just not true about Al-bala. She’s strong, sure, and in an upfront fight might even equal Zaaman-Rul of Fire in power, but she’s not a true archomental or at least not yet. Given time she might get there, just like it seems that Olhydra might become a full-blown Power, and just like if her mother became a Power Al-bala’s possible ascension could wreak untold havoc to the balance of the Planes. Al-bala would have no rival or enemy to keep her in check, and who knows how far she’d push the plane towards Law. Of course this seems unlikely since her betrayal seems to have enraged her mother and made her a very serious enemy. As it is Al-bala is being pushed and hounded across the plane by Olhydra, and has sent ambassadors to Ben-Hadur asking for assistance and offering alliance. Unfortunately for the fledgling archomental, Ben-Hadur’s arrogance and conceit might prove too much for him to accept the promise of alliance choosing to instead rely on his own strength. While Ben-Hadur can continue his haphazard opposition this way, he loses the chance to make a powerful ally and severely weaken Olhydra if he chooses this path.

Al-bala appears as a humanoid woman with fish scales and a fish-like tail. Sea weed grows from her head like hair on a human, and her hands are webbed. From top of her head to the tip of her tail she is 18’ ½” long. Although she has the appearance of a physical body within she is composed of homogenous pure water, her other appearance simply for the benefit of others who view her. It’s known that Al-bala can take the appearance of a nereid, siren, or mermaid as well should she so desire. She carries with her, at all times, her weapon Il’quirion a powerfully enchanted harpoon created just shy of the Saline Sea where energy from Salt seep into the plane. It is capable of creating destructive surges of desiccating energy making it particularly potent against creatures of Elemental Water.