~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena turned her head, allowing Nicos and Theda to commune with one another for now. Her eye looked down at the dagger the man had been forced to leave behind. It might be a bit better suited for her anyways albeit she wouldn't lie she was a tad jealous that Theda had seemed as interested in the sword as herself. Shrugging lightly, she began to kneel down to pick up the dagger before turning to Alakdriirn, shifting her tongue once again to Undercommon before ushering him a command, "Dos pict ol phor ust. Ensure ol zhah sreen'aur whol uns'aa ulu tangis'xta'rl." Her eye remained glaring at Alakdriirn, part of her almost silently daring him to disobey, as she awaited to see if he'd do it or not.

Oh you mean if it's a +X weapon and such? Sorry completely misunderstood that. I'm not sure on it's bonus plus but I do know for sure that most people who try to wield it without the glove make a Will Save. Failure means instantly.... more or less getting disintegrated, I suppose. Your body completely begins to fade, both inside and out so that includes all your organs, muscles, etc. It may as well be the same, if not close enough, to Disintegrate. Tsume can give you those later though.... he's asleep now. Yeah though, we thought you only wanted a description but thank you for the compliment.