I always had the idea of setting a paladin up as the antagonist for my campaign..... When I say antagonist I don't just mean being a religious zealot who sees the PCs as "infidels"..... I want to create a character who could be considered somewhat evil while still maintaining a chivalrous air around him..... incredibly ruthless, suave and cultured.... Of course he's going to be from nobility, so that he'll have a superiority complex, but I also want him coming from a family that is powerful even among noble standings, further inflating his ego. Also a bit of a hypocrite, he doesn't particularly enjoy killing innocents but has no problem with sending his minions forth to do so if it's convenient for him.

He should also have paladin powers....just to be a deconstruction of all that a paladin is. He should be incredibly handsome and charismatic....

I'm having trouble setting up a meeting between the PCs and this villain though......