Quote Originally Posted by Hajih
I think a half-Halfling is included in the Monster Manuel as a sub-race of Halflings. Tall-Folk or something along those lines.
Tallfellows are not half-halflings. They are simply a halfling subrace, as the drow are an elven subrace.

There were three basic subraces of Hobbit, being Harfoots, Stoors and Fallohides. In D&D, these became Hairfoot, Stout, and Tallfellow halflings. The idea was that halflings took on some of the traits of those they lived near. Hairfoot halflings were more like men (and were based most closely on Tolkienesque hobbits), Stouts were more like dwarves, and Tallfellows were more like elves. Hairfoot halflings didn't survive into third, being replaced by lightfoot halflings. Tallfellows and Stouts remain, though the latter were renamed Deep Halflings.