Though some quick navigation produces a vague sketch of the Rhine's course, a few settlements suspected to be nearby and even a major landmark or two, you can't really agree on a more detailed course than "due west", which is the shortest way and not hard to find. Still, a hundred miles, as the eagle flies, over rough terrain, should take a long time on foot, when foraging also has to be done.

After going over your meagure supplies, you set out, the morning sun at your backs. The forest is remarkably calm and peaceful: the mist hangs between the dark trees, so that, together, they block most of the light from reaching the uneven floor, but at least there is not much underbrush. Even the birds seem silent: there is no song, only the occasional cawing of a raven or crow in the distance.

You make good marching speed for an hour or two, even finding small brooks along the way to provide enough clean, fresh water for the march, and things seem to be going well.

Listen checks, please.