Good choice on the able learner feat. Rogues and bards get the best use of it because what are you going to spend with 13 skill points a level... what you aren't good at. My suggestion is go Chameleon PrC you can get it by level 6 going straight rogue. You get 4 less skill points a level but you become almost as good of a straight rogue as if you gone up (in at least sneak attack wise (+1d6 every 3 chameleon levels) and you can become teh ubar jack of all trades, you can become almost as good as a straight fighter/rogue/wizard/cleric in an instant, you get ability boosts which you can change and a bonus feat that you can change every day. The class is too good to not pass up, the only real downside is you loose 4 skill points every level, and some sneak attack but able learner allows you to spend the skill points to aide you on your skill monkeying ways...