Doctor Albert Belmont
Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Profession: Doctor of medicine / Vampire Hunter
Power rating: C
Description: Standing at 5’ 9”, Albert wears his reddish brown hair long. He wears a slightly armored pale red coat, which has a number of pockets and pouches on it. He wears study black boots, designed to assist with climbing walls as well as walking on difficult terrain.
Equipment: Five sets of four silver daggers, six vials of holy water, one stopwatch capable of stopping time for about 3 minutes once, a small medical kit (based on Victorian medicine) 7 bags of gold coins.
Abilities: Albert is a moderately skilled doctor, for his home time period. He is also a successful vampire hunter, skilled in destroying the undead, and navigating very dangerous areas. As a Belmont, he specializes in the use of the whip.
Backstory: Albert was interested in medicine from an early age, however there was the family business that did require a bit of time. After all, you never know when someone is going to revive Dracula again, so he had to train for that. And it was a good thing that he did, as in his 28 year, Dracula was revived, and he had to go and slay the Lord of Darkness. Albert was able to do this feat, and was set on living out the rest of his life, secure in the know that the Vampire Killer is safe in the hands of the main family and looking forward to doing good. Then the Nexus stepped in.