Okay, last post on the Soraka thing. I'll start by saying this: I'm not claiming Soraka has no use. I'm mostly just really tired of you popping in any time any support is mentioned and going, "BUT SORAKA IS 3000% BETTERRRRRR!"

"Just stay behind minions" is NOT a foolproof plan to not being hooked. A good Blitz will be constantly positioning himself such that he can hook through openings or his ADC will CREATE openings. The only way to always remain safely behind your minions is by zoning yourself, in which case Blitz has already won.

Sona's heal IS targettable (it targets itself, but using extremely predictable algorithms). Yes, it's a lot less than Soraka's but it's on ONE THIRD the cooldown. You're really, REALLY underestimating what that means in terms of lane sustain.

I never said proplayers are sheep, non-pro palyers are sheep (especially bronze, silver and low gold). They worry much more about which champion counter which (despite that being bollocks at that level of play) and what champion is played by which pro and who is a fanboy of whom. This sounds condescending, but real all the same (along with everyone yelling "pickorder is sacred! We shoudl worship it as our god!")
Most folks I've run into bronze through gold actually care very little about counterpicks. They just say "It's okay, <champ> OP" or "It's okay, I'm OP on <champ>". I also run into mostly folks who discuss a bit and then revert to pick order in cases where multiple people want the same role, not simply going "PICK ORDER PICK ORDER PICK ORDER". So... I'm really not sure where you're coming from. Your anecdotal evidence is entirely opposed by mine.

True, it is a risk, but only endgame when you have stocked up on (I hope) ruby sightstone and Locket improving your tankiness. It's usually when focus is on carries and bruiser. then you be sneaky.
I can't remember the last support game I've finished with a Locket, even when my team was extremely far ahead and I had tons of objective and assist gold. I find it confusing you feel it's safe to assume you'll end up with one, ESPECIALLY while also claiming to completely outpink your opponent.

Most supports end game with boots, ruby sightstone, philo (or not; it seems to be preference now), and wards. That's it.

I find it insulting that you think I'd just by a pink and not know how to use it to eliminate other wards or at least place it comeptently. If a person can't do this as a support (or ping their carries that they should reposition becuase of blitz in brush) something is done wrong.
I find it insulting you think you can dismiss my points by saying "But I can just pink the bushes and it's fine" when one of Soraka's huge issues is that she's TERRIBLE at all-ins so any decent opposing support can simply prevent you from doing so because you have to walk relatively close to the ward to clear it and then the other team just jumps your face.

Soraka is ranged and despite her low base ad she can annoy forcing leona to either go all-in oir leave the ward be. This is getting very game specific though depending on botlane comp and buys at the start of the game
Actually, for the first ward she can't. Leona insta-kills the first ward put in her bush.

And after that? "Forcing Leona" to all-in? I think you mean LETTING Leona all-in.

to be honest a lot of counterpoints people have brought up are adresssed by wards, positioning and experience, not specifically soraka's kit
And a ton of your points are "I don't care that the other support's kit is way better in this situation, just completely outplay them".

hyperbole much? Leona is one of the few champs that can competently towerdive and gtfo again. It's not done constantly, but I see it done once/twice every game with decent results. Ofcourse she won't dive solo or without carry/jungle support that stands to common sense.
You literally said you ALWAYS expect the Leona to dive at 6-7 when Leona generally SHOULDN'T dive at 6-7, only in specific circumstances. Then you claimed that in the majority of times (which translates to over half the time) the carry won't follow. That means you're expecting the enemy to HUGELY MISPLAY OVER HALF THE TIME and just GIVE YOU KILLS. I'm not employing hyperbole here (though I often do). In this case, I'm straight up responding to what you said.