City Weapon Training while the plus is good, +5 is hardly worth it.

Advanced Maneuvering Is good only for high strength guards.

Maybe just roll the above two together and do a +1 per level bonus?

Bonus Feats looks ok

Unarmed Strike I don't really see the need to toss this in. How often will a guard really punch someone?

Guardian Traits I really, really hate the ''pick from this list''. I know people think it makes a more ''versatile character'', but I think it is dumb.

And a lot of the ''cool powers'' don't help a guard at all. Like sleeping in armor? What guard needs that? The same way guards don't need to move fast.

Fearsome Guardian at 14th level? It's a waste then....this needs to come much early, like 2nd level.

And the guard is lacking some basic guard powers like:

Super Natural Sense Motive

See Though Illusions

Detect Polymorph

Dispel Magic