Overconfident noble bitch. "Yeah, and Myrtenaster has shed more blood in a year than you ever have at your silly little school. You don't learn to fight like it's some dumb ball, you have to live it."

Natsumi moves into a fencing stance while the crowd, now giving them both a wide berth, encircles the pair from about 20 feet out. Confidant and cocky, she smirks as she puts out her wager, sure that the noble will back out of it, but wanting to see her blush. "But since you seem like you need to learn that lesson the hard way, let's make this exciting. After I kick your ass, I get every piece of cloth you're wearing and your armor, and you have to go crying back to daddy naked. Unless you want to apologize and admit defeat now."


Not starting the fight yet, but should I assume we'll be beginning with my next post?