Actually, 50 coins is 1 pound, so it could drag up to 2500 gp (minus container weight).

I always thought 5e Mage Hand can only carry lb, like in previous editions...this opens up new possibilities:

Dragging 50 lb over the ground can detect some traps...maybe not in a kobold lair, where they may calibrated to trigger only when something heavier then kobold steps on them, but it's better to drop 50 lb of stones instead of the the party fighter into a hidden pit full of spikes.

And of course interacting with the object from a distance helps avoiding some traps poison smeared on a doorknob, Indiana Jones style golden idol on a trapped pedestal in the middle of the room (ignoring the fact that thing would weight over 20 kilos if it would be solid gold), spring loaded poisoned needles in a chest...all are lot less dangerous when you stand 30' away.