
Savvius's mechadendite slithered its way across the desk, avoiding the towers of processed organic material and locating the familiar shape of the data slate. Plugging itself in it retracted the slate slowly back to Savvius who began processing the data found within the slate. It is no wonder that Savvius had been summoned for this task, the biologicals may die to a disease but the blessed machine spirits shall continue to advance. It is puzzling why more servitors were not utilized for production upon Wight. Savvius turned his attention to the other acolytes assembled here with him. Their names and faces were know to him, but little beyond that. He made a mental note to assess their skills for better responsibility allocations in future efforts. Savvius broke the silence, his voice slightly muffled by the respirator attached to his face. "Has an initial point of contact been determined upon Wight? A local's assistance in establishing a base of operations and medical examination site could be an efficient use of the native's efforts."


Savvius listened to the sound of the retreating lander, comforted by the sound of motors and the smell of exhaust. Knowing that many of the native dwellers may be uncomfortable by the presence of someone walking the path to ascendancy, Savvius remained silent, standing near his fellow acolytes.