Quote Originally Posted by Ruslan View Post
Yes, this guy is a true Jack of All Trades. Ironically, he has a class feature named Jack of All Trades, which is completely useless, as he has no non-proficient skills ...
Not completely useless remember that Jack of all trades apllies to all ability checks and not just skills. This means it applies to generic checks (like initiative) and tools (which this character is not fully proficient in unless he spends a LOT of money and time to pick them all up).

One less intensive method but yields almost as good results in skill use is rogue11/bard2. You get half prof bonus to all ability checks and treat the minimum roll (yes this checks out by strict RAW and per Sage clarification believe it or not).

Yes the max check will not be quite as high but it will be better in many ways and you will be a very solid character in general.