Quote Originally Posted by Ugganaut View Post
As you know I've been looking at this a lot harder lately, so my initial critique has changed a bit

2. I didn't see it as favoring Dex, more just leveling the playing field without a spell tax. Like a barbarians Unarmored Defense, you can wear armor or not, depending on your build/flavor(although this isn't around Dex). The point being, the barbarian has a feature that he may not use - dealers choice. An Unarmored Defense option that either Str or Dex based characters could use is what I was after(I used 13+Int). Plate armor is restricted to Str 15, so Dex needs something that can level the playing field imo. I think something based on Int would therefore stay neutral.

4. Changed my mind about the group buff aspect, it still fits the Channeling vibe.

5. Not necessarily spells, but effects. I liked the 4e Swordmages shielding ward. If you are using a one-handed weapon, +3 AC, two-handed weapon, +1 AC. The feature adapted to the user. They were also leather armor only. I prefer a class that has the option to build to your playstyle, using a common flavor(sword and spell). So a 4e Swordmage(light armored, Dex, one-handed weapon) could be a valid option, or a big plate wearing, halberd swinging arcane knight.

6. Yes, spell list needs to be limited, we just disagree on what fits combat/exploration

7. Uninspired, I like that term I'm having the same issue.

8. I keep seeing Spellsword as a remake of Swordmage, I think its clouding my judgement The different "Paths" were secondary roles to tanking, and I liked that structure. Channelling is the versatile control option, Aegis of Shielding is a great protection path, and Aegis of Assault was the damage path(usually a two-handed weapon). For that reason, having Shielding and Assault in the same path feels a bit strong.
You've got a good point on the warding part, I liked the old 4e warding ability a lot too. I really wanted to make it work but it's hard to offer a feature geared towards one-handed weapon-no-shield users in a class that overall tries to offer (relatively) equal options for other weapon types. Originally I had my "Sword and Sorcery" fighting style add AC but someone pointed out that makes it strictly better than the "Defense" fighting style, so that was out. The other problem (as I mentioned in your thread) is that adding the swordmage warding ability makes it the class an extremely attractive 1 level dip for wizards. That wasn't a problem the way 4E multiclassing worked, but does prove problematic in 5e.

Aegis of Shielding and Assault might be strong for a single archetype, true. The Stone Sorcerer basically does that too though, so I don't feel too bad.