Macharius picked up much the same information as his officers, in making his rounds, with a few extra pieces added on. The Rogue Traders he spoke with tended to be ambivalent towards Jonell; some thought his focus on colonisation blinded him to better opportunities, but for the most part they agreed he was polite enough company. They chatted a little bit about local rumours, sightings of odd phenomena, that sort of thing. Sarvus Trask was apparently up to his usual tricks, scarpering off to who knows where for no particular reason that anyone could tell. Jonell had started a few new colonies, lately, having happened upon a system full of mineral-rich worlds. While he was doing that, one of the older ones had recieved a visit from Tristan Quinn. The other Rogue Trader had happily set up a small blockade and set about claiming various things on the planet as his.

Anika couldn't be sure, but the hooded thing might have been a Stryxis. It kept its face and hands largely hidden, which made it much harder to tell. It would be a little unusual to see one here, away from the caravans of ships they usually inhabited, but not unheard of. WHatever it was, it no doubt had a number of holes to vanish into if any authorities showed up to question it.

Asking around about Quinn produced only the information that Macharius already had, and the general sentiment that he was successful but not overly popular.