Quote Originally Posted by leogobsin View Post
Q 13 If you take 1 damage of a type that you have resistance to, do you actually take 0 damage? 1 / 2= 0.5, and page 7 of PHB "Whenever you divide a number in the game, round down if you end up with a fraction, even if the fraction is one-half or greater", so that 0.5 would round down to 0, or is there some other rule I'm missing that would make it stay 1 damage?
A 13 There is no minimum damage rule (other than the common sense "you can't do negative damage" one). If something has a minimum, it will say so. Thus, 1 damage with resistance is 0 damage taken.

Source: JC Tweet

Examples of minimums in the text:

* Number of spells prepared (cf cleric, druid, paladin, wizard)
* Number of uses of bardic inspiration