Dorn looks to the group, "Here is what I recommend for us for now, based on what I've seen so far. It can change as we learn each other better."

"Jean, you think you can take point, that's fine. Brother Jaume, you should be next to him in wide areas, or behind him, since you are good at your twirling staff defense, smashing things, and your pretty hardy. If we find ourself in an area with the Tribals, you should not be front rank.

"I will be protecting Lord Hanley next - either side-by-side or with him behind me.

"Akbar, behind Lord Hanley, but leave a five-foot-gap to allow for an ally ease of dropping back, and because you don't need to be close to folks. However, you are behind Lord Hanley so that there is always someone in rear to add a buffer for his Lordship.

"Jean, we should have Javert and Nadya undesignated, or in the rear since they can both fly and Javert has a bird's keen senses.

"How does this plan sound to everyone?"

Spoiler: Overhead View of Marching Order
Here's my illustration of what this means
10-foot-wide or wider ...
Jean + Brother Jaume
Dorn + Lord Hanley
(5' gap)
[[Javert + Nadya]]

Brother Jaume
Lord Hanley
(5' gap)