Quote Originally Posted by Kaptin Keen View Post
Why. Well, because he doesn't even flinch when that first city died. Take if you will a moment to consider the contrast between the reactions of Petey, and ... what his name again? Petey knew, very well, because he was the one killing that city. That's why.
I don't believe that for a second. Petey has always taken safety measures to not become a crazy or malevolent AI. There are issues with manipulation and free will of his human subjects, but Petey doesn't do evil, he has proven that time and again.

If he didn't flinch visibly there, it's probably because he can revive any victims of the attack, and because he was already furiously thinking on countermeasures.

The conversion of Spindle Cities towards Pendulum Rotators probably didn't take too long because he had planned in advance for emergencies like this. I wouldn't put it past him to construct Buuthandis and Dyson Spheres and Matryoshka Brains of his own design. Just in case he needs a place to hide galactic civilization. And if he hadn't done it before the All-Star was revealed, he probably started projects like that when he learned of them. (And he builds quick)