"It's no big deal, really. The place was built to house all of me at once, and now I'm the only Magtok around. I'm going to have a lot of empty rooms for a while. I'm sure I can find at least one bedroom that isn't on the patrol route of that haywire man-eating cyberhorse." Magtok turns a little pale when he mentions the four-legged beast. I guess that's not something he made up just now, then. How dangerous could a mere cyberhorse be, though? Wait, how does he know it's a man-eating cyberhorse? Was it supposed to eat people when he designed it? Has he seen the horse himself, or did he send a dozen NPCs into the ruins offscreen, only for less than three of them to report back, screaming uncontrollably and covered in blood?

"Also, maybe I'm just a cynical jerk, but-" Magtok starts, before shaking his head and taking another swig of his drink. "...no, no, that's exactly it. I'm just a cynical jerk. To get back to what I was going to say, though, what's there to actually like about the Nexus? Honest, serious question. Please tell me, what do we have down here that I've been taking for granted all this time? Gods know I've tried to like this place, but the cynic and the pessimist in me just bury those things in their usual hateful nonsense." Magtok can't manage even an ounce of positivity when it comes to talking about his homeland, but maybe Caelynn's outside perspective can help him remember how to not hate everything, even if only for just a moment.