[Returning from the War]

Zenon narrows his eyes for a moment, then throws his head back and begins to laugh. An instant later, he's surrounded by dozens of small mawspheres, all cackling in their own voices, an awful racket of horrid sounds that persists for some moments before he manages to compose himself, clutching his side. As he quiets down, so do they, before he speaks, an amused grin on his face.

"You have audacity, I'll grant you that. The land -is- worthless after all, but mortal troops tend to lose their morale when they believe they've been thrown to the grinder for nothing. But it will be all the sweeter for them when those fools come to retrieve their friend. I was unsure of this Ilpholin's worth, whether as a hostage or if she could grant access to some sort of force we can use, but now I see. I believe I shall make my own preparations for when the idiots try to come for her. After all, they won't be weak."

With that, he turns and heads back out of the base, the mawspheres all dissolving in his wake. So many plans to make, so little time....