Housing a Cat

Magtok picks the suitcases back up. He'd only set them down for a moment to give his arms a rest; Caelynn's room is down this way. The catgirl will be grateful to find that there's no staircases to be traversed, narrow hallways to pass through, or doorways incapable of fitting that massive cardboard box she's got with her, but it's still probably a bit more walking than she'd prefer.

"Well I'd recommend taking a weapon with you if you plan on checking out the cafeteria. A lot of things down below smell food upstairs, and leave their territories to come up here and try to forage. If it's bigger and/or nastier than you are; just back away and leave it alone. Nothing in there worth getting in a fight over. The bathrooms have been safe so far, but they're a source of water, and there's only one door in or out so I don't like to go in there unarmed, either. The living room's okay, laundry room's secure, and I've managed to clear out a couple of the bedrooms down that way, and I-Oh!" He does a small hop in excitement, spinning in place to face her as he hovers down the hall. If the dopey, overeager grin on his face is anything to go by, I don't think he's even noticed how much trouble Caelynn's had with that box, even though he's turned about and is looking right at her.

"There's a thing I wanted to get your opinion on right after this! I'm working on a sort of of provisional solution to the whole 'no clones, no Magbots' problem. It's still in the prototype phase, and I'll probably get rid of it once I get the clones back, but I think it might help with clearing this place out and dealing with all the spooky doom beasts down below." Oh boy, that sure sounds vaguely alarming, doesn't it?