Awestruck, the guards approaching Rem stop as she raises her hands and unleashes the smallest bit of her power upon them. Tears form at the corners of their eyes, and they drop their weapons, a feeling of beauty and impossible radiance overcoming them. Half smiling, half crying they stand there, pacified.

It's odd. Looking upon them now, they seem almost pathetic to her. Taking them out took no effort whatsoever. And even those who are still yet moving seem oddly sluggish to Rem. Her senses and physical capabilities have been heightened since her ascension, yes, but now is the first time that she really experiences how strongly.

Meanwhile, Millie takes a far more active role in taking down the bandits. A flurry of magical blasts shoots out from her hand, each hitting a hostile target with pinpoint precision, hitting throats, stomachs, and more painful areas for instant knockouts. Even the initial wave of guards that come rushing in through the room's entrance are taken out before they realize what is happening, one blown cleanly out of the way of a strike from Po who proceeds to look rather sheepish. Zu himself is brought down by a single hit to the back, falling to the floor with a loud cry. "GAAAAAH! Mercy! Mercy! I can pay you!"

The sorceress supreme steps out onto the little balcony that opens up the room to the outside, a point from where she can see pretty much the entire compound. What happens next is carnage. Her attacks rain down on a completely unprepared crowd of villains, clearing out almost half of them within mere moments. In a blind confusion, they run around, desperate to regroup.

Then, the compound wall explodes. After Shen easily takes out the single perimeter guard with a controlled shock, leaving the poor man twitching with static electricity, Starislav's punch shatters the stone wall in a location they know to be free from slaves due to their earlier scouting. Both of them come charging, knocking down foes left and right with the sheer force of their advance. In their cages, the groups of slaves scream both in fear at the world seemingly coming down on their heads, and elation at seeing their captors beaten up. Mostly the former, though.

Zu's forces are left devastated. Needless to say, their morale utterly breaks. In a panic, everyone runs to save their own skins.

Some try heading for the slaves, perhaps to take hostages, though luckily Shen and Starislav are in position to intercept them. The poor fools try to rush past them, making them easy targets for whatever rebukes you may wish to inflict upon them.

Rem notices some others heading into the main building, and a quick look down the corridor confirms to her that they are trying to loot the place, taking whatever riches they can take from their master's home before escaping.

Millie meanwhile notices smoke rising from some of the houses the thugs are fleeing past. Fires are seemingly being lit by the frightened rogues, perhaps in an effort to distract you.

Spoiler: OOC
The bandits were forced to make three separate Morale checks this round. They failed two of them. Any attacks made on them while they are panicked like this will be successful, and they will automatically fail any saving throws.

We are still, however, in initiative, at least so long as you care to prevent them from looting, setting fires, taking hostages, or fleeing.