It would largely depend on what you're persuading them to do. Snake oil salesmen, shady used car dealers, and skeevy pickup artists may not use magic to achieve their ends, but they're pretty largely considered to be dirtbags. Rape by deception was mentioned upthread and is a real-life crime that involves no use of force, no use of mind-altering drugs or magic, just the ability to deceive someone and therefore persuade them to do something they don't want to do. Selling someone a used car that you know will die fifty miles off the lot is fraud, making false claims about the efficacy of drugs is likewise criminal. Being more charismatic, persuasive, etc. isn't inherently a bad thing, it's entirely what you do with it.

Charm Person could be used for positive ends, much like Glibness could. You could, with either Glibness or Charm Person, sit down next to a stranger and try to convince them that their excessive gambling is hurting them, their family, their friends, and they should really seek help. With Charm Person, at the end of it, they're going to think "wait, who the hell was that guy and why did I let him talk to me about my life" and with Glibness they're going to think "that guy really had a point." In one case you messed with their mind (frankly I'd consider casting a spell on any targets who didn't explicitly request/allow it to be a hostile action unless it can be proven to be totally benign like mass CLW on an unundead crowd) and violated their autonomy, in the other case you smoothed over the cracks in your personality and speech to lend greater credence to your words.