Love pulls out a chair, looks over the chair, and takes a seat. She hopes they are the right team for the job. A lot of people need saving, and they are counting on the Commander and them.

Love pays attention as the Commander and Sub-Commander move to present the mission briefing. General Ironclaw is a real tough cookie. Murder. Lying. Clever. Cowardly. Strong. He very well may be a flight risk as the battles progress. They need to be ready for his retreat.

She frowns at being informed that the last commander was taken prisoner some time ago. No wonder everypony is on guard. They don't feel secure in their own home. There is too much of that going around lately. Ironclaw must be quite cunning if he felt safe enough to directly attack a military complex. His yellow belly hasn't blunted his aggressive tactics. Commander Wildcat would never hide while he sends others to do his work. How did Ironclaw get enough information to attack the facility? That needs considered.

The predictable pattern made her cautious of a trap. If not at one of these next targets, then somewhere else more unexpected. Love rubs her chin while she looks over the map. "Is there some standard to the size of their attack force?" If the Vedinain military has been losing battles that means the corvids may well be equipped with a decent stock of military-grade weaponry.