Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 5/5

Spoiler: Labels
  • Freak: +0
  • Danger: +0
  • Savior: +1
  • Superior: +1
  • Mundane: +1

Spoiler: Moves
  • [X] I'll Show Them: When you defend someone who doesn’t believe in you, you can always take Influence over them, even on a miss.
  • [X]All The Best Stuff: You’ve compiled access to caches of equipment and weaponry other supers have hidden in the city. When you access a cache, say whose cache it is. If it’s a hero’s, roll + Savior. If it’s a villain’s, roll + Danger. On a hit, you find a tool or intel useful to your situation; the GM will detail. On a 7-9, you leave evidence that you’ve been here. On a miss, you tripped an alarm and they’re coming; prepare to explain yourself.

Arriving late to the party, Ronin's descent provides a wonderful opportunity to show a large splash page detailing just how much destruction had been wrought in the name public safety. Hearing the events cursorily described and actually seeing their aftermath are two different things, and even as she mentally ties the two pictures together she's struck with a mix of being glad that she hadn't been there to be involved with the destruction directly and guilt that she hadn’t been able to help and perhaps keep things from getting this far.

Landing with a crunch of debris under her boots, Ronin straightens and faces Lightbringer; but not without trepidation. This...this is one of the big heroes of the city. One who is taking the fight to her Grandfather and his cronies, and taking it to them hard...and someone who's good opinion could just very well cement her own as a hero.

"Chisei, please monitor Lightbringer's responses and expressions, run them against your social matrix algorithms; let's see if we can figure out what impresses her," she asks of her friend before keying in the armour's external speakers.

”Certainly, Lightbringer,” she replies, glad that the mild uncertainty in her voice, still there since Rhobe's words had hit hard, was ironed out by the armour's vocal modulator. "Coyote and her gang are thieves; artifacts, powers, and other unsavory activities,” she lays out as background. ”She's been gathering a crew lately for something big; most likely this. They were taking hostages in the process of searching for someone; someone who had escaped after already being injured.” She hesitates a moment. ”We weren't able to get to her in time.” Without knowing exactly what was going on, yet, she was reluctant to mention the as-of-yet unexamined device that had been retrieved.

”As well as Coyote, Brujah, and their crew of muscle, there was an unknown water witch who fled before your arrival,” Ronin concludes. She hopes Chisei is having more luck on getting a read on Lightbringer; the woman is coming across as completely inscrutable to her.


Her own fault, of course. ”You did your best. Make a note; see about getting some software for you that can,” she replies.

With Hikari mysteriously absent – not an uncommon occurrence, as it happens – she doesn't hesitate to step in as spokesperson; she only hopes that this doesn't end up backfiring on the team due to her unfairly derived reputation.

Spoiler: CRUNCH
Piercing the Mask with Lightbringer: 4. Filled Potential Track