Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
The thing is,
I think below the avatar state, this might be closer than we think. While aang has all the elements at his command, he tends to be fairly straightforward and simplistic in his attacks, whereas ed if anything, tends to overdo things such as creating vast swarms of rock pillars to smash his target all over the place at once. Plus, ed can do everything with the exact same motion, whether its creating a barrier, or transforming a building into a giant cannon. Aangs bigger moves tend to be slower I think as it takes a lot more motion to create what he is after. With ed its clap hands, slap surface, and do whatever your imagination wants. I think what its really going to come down to though, is similar to toph versus garra, and ed is going to find everything he does coming right back at him due to avatar the last airbender being a magic system they seem to think rules supreme as they wont even let a ninja control his own possessed sand, let alone some punk alchemist crafting something and hurling it at aang.
we have seen multiple times in the show that a bender can "steal" control of bent materials. This was probably best seen in the fight between Katara and Pakku. Now, I won't get into the Garra fight as I'm unfamiliar with Naruto and whether or not he'd have some sort of magic connection to his sand that can reasonably trump Toph's will, but I will say that it is entirely fair for Aang to throw back anything Edward transmutes. Transmutation does not grant any sort of control over a thing after it is created. It's like building a computer program to do what you want and then letting it run on its own. Anyone can come along later and mess with it freely if they know how.