Rene lets Katie walk in and speak to Sarah after his own piece. The reptilian had to hold back a small glimpse of dread at Sarah's words. How one can hold a fascination for something that nearly killed them happens to be beyond him. Psychological and mental trauma is something he knows well but whatever Sarah and Katie went through hadn't been quite as debilitating as his past nightmares.

He bends down on his scaly knees, hunched over as always as his snout points at Katie and Sarah. Quietly he listens to the well-wonderful wisdom from Katie that Rene couldn't come up with. Outside of pure compassion, a trait not valuable at this moment, he's not been the best persuader among the Misfits. Much of the good advice he knows comes from other heroes who've talked to the mad reptilian in the past.

Incidentally, this is one time were said advice comes in handy.

"Sarah?" He speaks up after Katie finishes. "Fred once told me something about Bushido, I think, awhile back." The reptilian lightly rubbed the giant plated scales on his head. "He said that a blade is, and always will be, a blade. No matter how pretty or well-made a sword is, it's designed to cut and kill." ...Wait, this is a bushido thing, right? He might be getting some of the terminology wrong... Well at least he's trying to make a point with it. "So isn't this thing only really here to trap and suck people dry? It doesn't have any use beyond that." The point has to be made that there is nothing good to come from this unholy machine. No sense to use it, no moral right to use it, no support from anyone else to use it.