Arkea steps in and says to Spoon
"Regardless of your story, your reasons, you have defied your rightful punishment by breaking out of the prison meant for you. We are already making exceptions by not putting you to the same punishment as Trombone. Heaven is not given because of the injustices you have suffered, it is given for the good you have done regardless of the things done to you. Money, status or the lack thereof- are not the place of the gods to judge. We create all beings to be born equal- and to die equal. When you die, all that position in society no matter how low or high no longer matter. Everything else is the work of mortals."
She explains.
"All your actions mean is that you join the ones you rage against in Hell along with them. The workings of Nyagato society is a planetary issue, not a universal one as far as punishment is concerned. We will take your blaming of your society as a recommendation to guide Planet Meal to a better civilization, but it does not absolve you of your sins. If a society is truly to blame, then do we not blame Earth's society for making Solitus possible? Should we destroy any civilization that produces even a single villain out of the pressures of those around them? It is up to the God of Destruction to answer such questions, not the Kais."

She answers with a shrug
"Eh, She isn't really an ork, more like some super-soldier thing and not really in contact with the rest of them. We do have an ork but....he's elsewhere. Not sure where and hasn't invented that."
She then answers Magnuses question.
"As for me? My names Pinappla. I'm just a low class saiyan warrior who got lucky enough to be the apprentice to her personal idol. I'm no one special, I just punch things while yelling like any saiyan, Jade's better at actually being a good person."
Spending time with her, Pinappla reflects she used to just look up to Jade just because she had determination and great fighting prowess. But actually training under her, working with her? Now she knew there was far more to her than just that. To be someone like Jade, she needed to be more than just a warrior. She needed to be something....she can't describe it. Its not something simple or easily described. She felt like she was looking at a diamonds single facet and that there were so many other view points one can look at it from and they would all be true, because they all add up to something more than what they see. For some reason, she hopes that everyone was as hard to figure out.

Jade Refera:
I'll never figure out you warrior types. Was Goku the relatively sane one simply because he asked politely?
She telepaths back to Ixil. What is it about the thrill of battle and nearly getting killed that acts as a sirens call to every physically active idiot in the universe? Is it just the awesome factor or something?
"Fool! Justice always prevails! CHAOS SABER WINDS!"
Opening moves like this wouldn't be believable to get hurt by, so she parries and blocks them as normal, her Chaos Sabers spinning and arcing chaotically with rainbow trails that help with the shielding to add to this cosplays incredible defensive power her blades turning the punches aside this way and that in a dazzling display even in these simple movements that smoothly transitions into chaotic arcing swings and slashes back at Ixil in similar gauging movements.