Is the ghoul still upset about Rime telling everypony to get off her? He is so sensitive for a ghoul. A pony would think the years would have given him a thicker coat despite him skin conditions. He shouldn't have even been upset in the first place. She doesn't have to talk to him or his charge! Rime watches the colt zip off then returns her attention to her own business. He is so rude!

Rime studies Golden then looks at her food. She asks, "Is everything alright?" Rime coats her hoof in glowing blue magic and shows it off to Golden. "My apple bombs are great, but I have enchanted them to bring out their essential flavor. Would you like me to do the same for your breakfast?" Rime sips her coffee.

Rime notices the mustachioed stallion, but he isn't her concern.

She says to Roxy. "I can believe that. You apparently slept rather comfortably. Your fur is a great asset to you." Rime thinks. "Are you a bounty hunter? A tough gunslinger looking for paying jobs sounds like a bounty hunter to me. Or, perhaps this is a one-off for you and you have some other aspirations?"