The rest of the trip for Cia is spent alternately drowning herself in alcohol and feeding the fish with the contents of her stomach. A lot of it was probably psychosomatic, but it was something about the rocking of the ship that just made her lose all control over her gut. When the ship finally docked, she was the first one off, collapsing to the ground and hugging herself against it.

It takes her only a few minutes to compose herself, and quickly wolf down some rations now that her belly wasn't being constantly glugged side to side. Shevar at her side, she follows along, much steadier, if a bit pale and wan from the experience with a few shadows under her eyes.

The 'detective' sizes up the half-elf as they're greeted, and slides her arms over her chest while Shevar settles comfortably against her side, seating himself on his haunches.

"Cia, untitled, of no house," she says, putting similar inflections onto her introduction that Ilvaria had. She was well enough to joke and tease, at least.