Pyramid of the Cosmos

Nora was? She just came off as arrogant and apathetic to Jaahlyn. Not that she would ever voice such thoughts however.
But her attitude didn't exactly make her, or the portal she opened, trustworthy. Nora was already putting too much faith in this minion.
She won't stop them from analyzing the portal however. Instead she is going to sit down and start to prepare her own portal near (but not too near considering what happened to Nora's magical text) one of the other doors. AKA, a dead end. "If you excuse me miss Syncope, and I do apologize for the disrespect, but I'm going to try to make my own portal."
The portal she will make will lead to the closest other dead end. Though in this case it will be a one way portal. Things can enter from this side but not the other one just in case there was something dangerous on the other one. It will take roughly ten minutes creating the portal.