The speech given by G'Kar to the council after he's been ordered to leave by Londo is quite possibly the finest piece of acting from Andreas Katsulas in the entire series, and it has some seriously stiff competition there. In fact, everyone in that scene absolutely nails their reactions to what's happening--Londo even has the grace to look rather guilty when G'Kar tells him that, no matter what, the Narn will eventually be free.

Oh, and an interesting point to note: the battle between the Narn fleet and the Shadows is deliberately set up so you never see them both onscreen at the same time, to try and give an impression that the battle is taking place over a vast distance where the ships can't see each other. It doesn't entirely work because of the way the SFX team show the beam strikes on each side--the Shadow beams clearly rotate as they cut through the Narn ships, which wouldn't happen if the firing ship were a long distance away, and when several Narn vessels fire together on a single Shadow ship the beams appear to converge from sharp angles, whereas they'd appear as a single beam at those distances. I guess the latter one is because you'd get people thinking five of the six beams missed their target and the Shadow ships weren't anything like as tough as they should be, but still slightly annoying to my mind.