It didn't require much effort for Loimi to visually trace the wizard's eastward path through the snow. Even without an excess of attention paid to the stranger's parting, the melted path which was quickly filling with snow made following the man a simple task. Whatever manner of magic the spell caster possessed expedited his venture through the frosty field of graves. Despite that, the quickling couldn't begin to identify any marks upon the mage. [Loimi | Perception - Success / Knowledge (Arcane) - Failure / Knowledge (Nature) - Success]

As Varag begun to regather himself and his composure, the conversation was cut short. Lomi grasped his head. It was like two searing hot nails had been driven through his skull. The pale Offworlder staggered away before slumping into a heap. The nameless woman off to the side seemed to regain her senses as the short man suffered his own affliction. [Loimi | Stability Check - Will Save (DC 16) / Stability Break - Fort Save (DC19)]

The overwhelming wave of dizzying pain which had left her frozen finally subsided. Regina didn't know how, but she'd managed to overcome the psychic attack and retain those precious fragments she had taken from the unnatural space. Her eyes drifted to a large grave nearby. Most were weathered or frozen with most of their text rendered illegible. Ganril Mortfield. AR 4166. Mortfield? The name sounded familiar. The sudden appearance of the unusual wizard broke her train of thought. While the man didn't have an exceptionally noticeable accent, but in his Taldane pronunciations was the slight twang of a native Varisian tongue. [Regina | Perception - Success | Linguistics - Success]

Spoiler: Critical Note: Forbidden Knowledge

Knowledge (Forbidden) is one of the most useful unique skills in the game, but also the absolute most dangerous ability a player character can utilize when performed outside of a very specific set of conditions, including the aid of numerous Potentials. Each time a PC attempts to utilize this skill without the protective features of other Potentials, they run a chance of acquiring a 'Corrupted Fate'. These conditions are a form of Curse which can potentially bestow numerous profane and crippling effects, but will in addition alter all quests and objectives the character possesses and can receive - permanently. The effects of a Corrupted Fate can be resolved by discovering and accomplishing the unique conditions associated with it. These conditions are always extremely severe, and may require an entire campaign-length undertaking to complete; stealing precious time which could be spent on other objectives.

Regardless of the result of the %dice in determining if such a status is received, the character receives a number of points of Spite, and possesses a very high chance of incurring a Divergence or critical alteration, which may impose its own unique consequences, depending on the circumstances. The percent of such events occurring caps at 100% upon the third use. A character may only utilize Knowledge (Forbidden) unprotected three times throughout the entity of the game. Upon exceeding this number of uses, the current character is immediately slain after the skill's resolution. This ability kills all iterations of a character simultaneously, but is specific to the identity which activated the ability and does not extend past Reflected Personas. This effect cannot be prevented by any source. Slain character's cannot be returned to life, including from such Potentials as Lesser Immortality.

Spoiler: Status

֍ Mirykys +0 (14,500xp)
HP 37/37
AC 17
⯎ Survival Influence Gained
⯎ Exploration Influence Gained
⯎ Truth Influence Gained
⯎ Wisdom Influence Gained
⯎ Knowledge Influence Gained
⯎ Caution Influence Gained
⯎ Stalking Influence Gained
⯎ Deception Influence Gained
⯎ Trickery Influence Gained
⯎ Battle Influence Gained
⯎ Omens Influence Gained
⯎ Mystery Influence Gained
⯎ Corruption Influence Gained
⯎ Revelation Influence Gained
⯎ Death Influence Gained
⯎ Forbidden Influence Gained
⯎ Cold Influence Gained
⯎ Death Influence Gained
⯎ Realms Influence Gained
⯎ Otherworld Influence Gained
⯎ Reality Influence Gained
⯎ Secrets Influence Gained
⯎ Magic Influence Gained
⯎ Divinity Influence Gained
⯎ Black Influence Gained
⯎ Dreams Influence Gained

⯎ Recovered [Otherworld Quiver]
⯎ Recovered [Unidentified Arrows] x10
⯎ Bonus Experience, Prologue +1,000 (4,100xp)
⯎ Reality Altered +500 (4,600xp)
⯎ Rubedo +400 (5,000xp)
⯎ Lady Black +500 (5,500xp)
⯎ The Inquisition +200 (5,700xp)
⯎ Kaslin Crowe +200 (5,900xp)
⯎ Kas'Llyn'Ryel +300 (6,200xp)
⯎ Ryott Sparrow +300 (6,500xp)

֍ Regina +200 (20,600xp)
HP 53/53
AC 19
⯎ Nobility Influence Gained
⯎ Deception Influence Gained
⯎ Trickery Influence Gained
⯎ Discovery Influence Gained
⯎ Magic Influence Gained
⯎ Secrets Influence Gained
⯎ Knowledge Influence Gained
⯎ Truth Influence Gained
⯎ Tapestry Influence Gained
⯎ Time Influence Gained
⯎ Dimensions Influence Gained
⯎ Fate Influence Gained
⯎ Vision Influence Gained
⯎ Light Influence Gained
⯎ Stability Influence Gained
⯎ Cold Influence Gained
⯎ Worlds Influence Gained
⯎ Death Influence Gained
⯎ Black Influence Gained
⯎ Red Influence Gained
⯎ Reflections Influence Gained
⯎ Darkness Influence Gained
⯎ Stars Influence Gained
⯎ Reality Influence Gained
⯎ Nuisance Influence Gained
⯎ Seeker Influence Gained
⯎ Forbidden Influence Gained

֍ Loimi +100 (10,000xp)
HP 48/48
AC 18
⯎ Cold Influence Gained
⯎ Doom Influence Gained
⯎ Death Influence Gained
⯎ Dimensions Influence Gained
⯎ Planes Influence Gained
⯎ Culture Influence Gained
⯎ Investigation Influence Gained
⯎ Caution Influence Gained
⯎ Chance Influence Gained
⯎ Diligence Influence Gained
⯎ Luck Influence Gained
⯎ Calm Influence Gained
⯎ Purposeful Influence Gained
⯎ Rewarded Influence Gained
⯌ [Acquired] Unidentified, Crystal Coin x1

֍ Varag +100 (9,600xp)
HP 31/31
AC 19
[Displacement] -2 penalty to Stability Checks
⯎ Cold Influence Gained
⯎ Doom Influence Gained
⯎ Death Influence Gained
⯎ Madness Influence Gained
⯎ Stability Influence Gained
⯎ Red Influence Gained
⯎ Veils Influence Gained
⯎ Nuisance Influence Gained
⯎ Forbidden Influence Gained
⯎ Unstable Influence Gained
⯎ Obsession Influence Gained

Spoiler: Influences

Influences represent current knowledge, pursuits, training, experiences and aspirations which are actively effecting or being utilized by a character. These represent various concepts and begin to outline a character's values and path as they grow. Influences which are not used regularly are lost, but can be gained again once a character begins pursuing an avenue related towards that field or concept. Influences determine a character's growth in many ways, including experience points they earn and which Potentials they can acquire at any given time.

Unlike with limited class levels, Influences are not acquired spontaneously, and are acquired throughout play; creating an active system which enables a character to re-train, gain new powers, or even improve upon old ones actively with their in-character actions. Training with a sword or exercising the use of an existing Potential allows a character to learn new techniques, empower his current abilities, or even grow his tolerance to pain, sustain damage, run faster, sleep less, and more. Influences play a vital role in developing more sophisticated interpersonal skills and ability to deal and establish diplomatic relations with all manner of strange and otherworldly creatures which you may encounter; in addition to learning more about the unnatural forces which no worldly knowledge could shed light upon. All unique skills are only able to be acquired via potentials, which are trained and worked towards acquiring via your pursuits, experiences, and by extension - your Influences.

Main Quest: The Fires of Willowbrook, Part 1 [Complete]
Long ago the Auspex had spoken of the four years which had come and gone from behind the bars of their cages. It was impossible to know just how long it had been since then, but if there was any lesson to be had in all of it, it was that 'time was meaningless'. Strength had begun to return to them. The future was their own to command if they could just wrest it free from the dead-hands of the hell named 'Willowbrook'. That was what they had to keep telling themselves. They said it over and over again until it became truth, the only truth that mattered. It had to be that way, because if they allowed themselves to slip, they would be faced with the terror of another reality too horrible to defeat. Then the 'nothing' which loomed above them like the executioner's axe, would fall. Then they too would join it; and this time, there would be no return.
Difficulty: Moderate | Status: On-going | Profit: Unknown | Time: Unknown
Primary Objective (1): Flee Sector 1B
Primary Objective (2): Escape Willowbrook Sanitarium

Side Quest: Restless, The Nightmare Below [Quest Lost]
Lord Matik recounts his battle with a horrid and powerful creature, a horror known as the Ember Beast. Whatever the secrets of its power, it has transformed the knight into something inhuman and unnatural. Something sleeps far below the asylum, a terror steeped in blood and fire. Perhaps the secrets to the infernal warrior's own cursed disposition lay somewhere buried in the deep, or perhaps there was only death. Only one thing was certain; the creature was too dangerous to be allowed to live. It had to be stopped.
Difficulty: Challenging | Status: On-going | Profit: Unknown | Time: Unknown
Primary Objective: Defeat the Ember Beast