Taara followed with Lana. She leaned over to her, placing her weight on her staff so as to not exacerbate the wounds on her feet. "About that thing you said about you turning into a horse... How does that work, exactly? How long can you do it? Is, um, riding the same as riding a horse that's a horse all the time? What happens if it wears off while I'm still riding? Can you choose every detail of what the horse looks like or is like? What happens to your clothes? Can you turn into anything else that's big enough to ride?" the questions poured out as she followed along, one after another, incongruously, but genuinely curious. "Um, I have actually never ridden a horse before. But I have seen it done. And the boy who brought the message of the plague rode a horse; the rest of the group stopped to burn it while I walked ahead and hitched a ride with a nice old man who told a lot of stories... Um, unrelated. I would enjoy riding horse-you. It sounds fun!"